
  • 网络Social occupation;Social job
  1. 技术经纪人是一种新的社会职业。

    Technology Broker is a kind of new social occupation .

  2. 二是构建社会职业诚信体系;

    The second , construct society professional trust system ;

  3. 在新社会职业有保障。

    In the new society jobs are secure .

  4. 社会职业发展趋势与大学生就业

    The Trend of the Development of the Social Professions and the Employment of College Students

  5. 作为社会职业的音乐教师

    The Music Teacher as a Social Occupation

  6. 作为一种重要的社会职业形态,档案职业已经有了悠久的历史。

    As an important form of social profession , archival profession has a very long history .

  7. 这是由专业设置的基本条件以及社会职业岗位状况所决定的。

    This fact is determined by the fundamental conditions for speciality offering and the social profession state .

  8. 辅导员是否是一项社会职业,在学术界的看法各不一致。

    Whether instructors is a social career , in academic circles in their opinions do not accord .

  9. 生物学相关职业是社会职业类群的一部分,也需要学生了解并为从事这些职业做好准备。

    Biology-related occupations are part of social occupations . It also requires students to prepare for these occupations .

  10. 所谓有用的阅读就是为了拿一个文凭,为了在社会职业中提升自己的阅读。

    The useful reading means that we read for a diploma , a good job in the society .

  11. 农村社会职业的分化和多样化,使农村职业道德建设面临诸多新课题和新要求。

    The differentiation and diversity of rural social occupationsconfront the construction of professional ethics with many new subjectsand requirements .

  12. 新技术的突飞猛进和市场的全球化极大地促进了当代社会职业技术教育的发展。

    The rapid development of new technology and market globalization promotes the contemporary social vocational and technical education development .

  13. 人格维度中的善良对社会职业压力灵活性,社会职业压力刻板性具有中介作用。

    Finally , kindness is a mediator of both social occupational stress on self-flexibility and social occupational stress on self-stiffness .

  14. 通过她们从事活动范围的不同、社会职业的多元化与服役情况,进一步揭示她们的阶级层次和真实的社会生活。

    As their different activities , social pluralism and service occupations reveal their different social class levels and the social reality .

  15. 作为一种社会职业,中国律师在整个社会生活中的定位问题并没有得到真正解决。

    As a social and professional , Chinese lawyers in the social life of the position and not really get solved .

  16. 作为从事竞技运动这一特殊社会职业的运动员,在其社会化过程中又有其特殊规律和要求。

    It embodies special rules and requests during the socialization when the athletes take part in athletics as a special social profession .

  17. 人格维度中的善良可以预测组织人事压力与社会职业压力。

    Using regression analysis , alternatively , kindness can serve as a significant predictor of both organizational-relational stress and social occupational stress .

  18. 由于他们的家庭出身、社会职业和人生经历的不同,造成他们在自传中关注的重点也各不相同。

    The difference of family background , social career and life experience give rise to the different focus of these autobiographies of each autobiographer .

  19. 新时期公务员精神既有社会职业的一般特性,也有公务员岗位的职业特殊性。

    During new period , public official 's spirit is provided with general attribution of social occupation in addition to professional peculiarities of public official .

  20. 在中国,律师职业虽然是一个比较年轻的社会职业,但己经在国家和社会中发挥着越来越重要的影响。

    In China , although lawyer has taken shape for a short time , it takes more and more important part in our country and society .

  21. 研究表明,这两种资本对城市新移民社会职业地位获得都具有显著性影响。

    The research indicated that , these two kinds of capitals both have the significance influence on the city new immigrants ' society professional status obtains .

  22. 专业不是某一级学科,而是处在学科体系与社会职业需求的交叉点上。

    Specialty is not at the level of a certain discipline , but at the crossing point of a discipline system and professional needs in the society .

  23. 本文认为科学家从一种有闲人的“业余爱好”变成一种专门的社会职业,是一个历史的过程。

    It is believed in this paper that scientist , from the " amateur " activity to a kind of social profession , is a historical process .

  24. 目的:探讨农村社区精神分裂症患者残疾功能恢复的方法及社会职业技能训练的效果。

    AIM : To investigate the methods for the functional recovery of rural community schizophrenic patients and the effects of social occupation technique exercises on their functional recovery .

  25. 首先,对《非诚勿扰》中女嘉宾的社会职业身份和女嘉宾的气质特征的呈现情况进行了内容分析。

    Firstly , the present situation of temperament on " if you are the one " in the female guest social occupation identity and female guests were content analysis .

  26. 社会职业有一条铁的规律:只有专业化,才有社会地位,才能受到社会的尊重。

    There is a permanent rule with all social occupations : Only when a social occupation has become specialized can it acquire good social status and be respected by society .

  27. 方法采用整群随机抽样法,从社会职业角色的社会文化、职业教育、人生观价值和自我调控能力4个方面,运用自制的调查表,对本院工作2年以上的聘用护士进行问卷调查。

    Methods Contracted nurses in our hospital for more than two years were investigated by questionnaire in such aspects as culture , professional education , philosophy , ability of self-control .

  28. 在社会职业流动加快、就业竞争加剧的今天,学生职业生涯设计已在国内高校起步,并引起了一定程度的关注。

    Mobile speeds up in the social occupation today , the employment competition intensifies ; the student career designing already starts in the domestic university , and arouses a certain degree of interest .

  29. 现代社会职业行为的新定位以及就业新观念,要求职技人才具有适应能力和创新能力,这一要求应由职教体系中的学历教育与非学历教育共同完成。

    New postion of professional behaviour and new employment idea set new demands on technical talents which should be fulfilled by both record of schooling education and non - record of schooling education .

  30. 结语从战时职业教育的发展历程及其成败中总结出经验教训,为我们当今社会职业教育的发展提供借鉴和启示。

    Conclusion sums up experiences and lessons for the development of vocational education in our society today from the development of vocational education in times of war and its success or failure in the course of the war .