
tiě fàn wǎn
  • a secure job;"iron rice bowl" -- a permanent income they would never lose whether they work hard or not;"iron bowl" -- a stable, lifelong job;iron rice bowl-a secure job;unbreakable rice bowl
铁饭碗 [tiě fàn wǎn]
  • [iron rice bowl-a secure job;unbreakable rice bowl] 比喻稳固的永远不会失业的工作

  • 打破铁饭碗

铁饭碗[tiě fàn wǎn]
  1. 他端的是铁饭碗。

    He has a lifelong job .

  2. 此外,中国的“铁饭碗”CEO们也不会拿到八位数的薪酬。

    Besides , China 's " iron bowl " CEOs don 't get eight-digit pay packages , either .

  3. 固定的存贷利差给了银行一个铁饭碗。

    Fixed loan-deposit spreads have given banks an iron rice bowl .

  4. 打破了的铁饭碗:经济和社会公平

    The Broken Iron Rice Bowl : Economics and Social Justice

  5. 信息革命也消灭了大批以往被视为铁饭碗的工作岗位。

    The information revolution has also eliminated vast swaths of jobs previously deemed secure .

  6. 存在了30多年之后,备受人们喜爱的铁饭碗退出了历史舞台。

    And the cherished iron rice bowl was gone after more than 30 years .

  7. 另一些人认为应彻底打破铁饭碗。

    Other people feel that " the iron rice bowl " should be roughly smashed .

  8. 彻底摆脱铁饭碗观念困扰的意义与路径

    The Significance of and Approach to Getting Rid of the Confusion of " Iron Rice Bowl "

  9. 解释铁饭碗的含义和它变得无关紧要的原因。

    Explain the meaning of the iron rice bowl and the reasons why it has become irrelevant .

  10. 以前盛行所谓的铁饭碗,但今天的情况有很大的不同。

    The so-called iron rice bowl prevailed in the past , but things are quite different today .

  11. 现代法国的某些方面仍像凡尔赛时期一样:如今的贵族是那些有铁饭碗的人。

    Modern France still has some Versailles-like aspects : the aristocrats of today are those with secure jobs .

  12. 数以百万计的中国家庭不再能指望“铁饭碗”提供的终身社会福利保障。

    Millions of households can no longer count on the cradle-to-grave social welfare programmes of the iron rice bowl .

  13. 拥有一份“铁饭碗”工作是安逸的,为别人打工是省心的。

    It 's comfortable to work a " safe " job . It 's comfortable to work for someone else .

  14. 人们夸大了自己当老板的危险&特别是在一个没有任何工作是铁饭碗的时代。

    The dangers of becoming your own boss are exaggerated – especially in an era when no job is safe .

  15. 要帮助人才脱颖而出,就必须打破铁饭碗,实现企业与人才双向选择。

    To help talents to stand out , we must break the permanent-employment system and implement two-way choice between enterprises and labors .

  16. 不久之前,拿到法律学位绝对意味着手捧铁饭碗,肯定会找到一份高枕无忧、收入丰厚的工作。

    Not so long ago , a law degree was a surefire ticket to a secure , and often highly lucrative , career .

  17. 随着利率市场化进程加快,银行长期以来的利差铁饭碗已被打破。

    With the accelerated process of marketization of interest rates , the bank long-term spread " iron rice bowl " has been broken .

  18. 在新亚洲,一些旧有的大胆假设&像稳定的利率、铁饭碗、“包有”的租户等都必须稍作调整。

    The new Asia requires that the bold assumptions of old be tempered-stable interest rates ," guaranteed " employment ," guranteed tenants ", etc.

  19. 数千万人被迫下岗,所谓的“铁饭碗”被打破。

    Tens of millions of people were thrown out of work when the " iron rice bowl " of job security was shattered .

  20. 许多人都认为,公务员是铁饭碗,收入颇丰,相对轻松。

    Many people believe that a job in the civil service is stable , carries a number of benefits and is also comparatively easy .

  21. 家长们也希望他们的子女能够在政府里搞一个一官半职,铁饭碗嘛。

    Monica : All the parents hope their children to get a position in the government since it is a job once for good .

  22. 上周,他在准备考公务员。“我们仍须找个铁饭碗,”他表示。

    He spent last week preparing for the civil service exam . " We still have to find an iron rice bowl ," he said .

  23. 大学毕业后,他来到了一家国有企业工作,捧上了人人羡慕的铁饭碗。

    After graduation from the university , he entered a state-owned enterprise , which was a secure job regarded as iron bowl at that time .

  24. 她激怒了教师工会和那些端传统铁饭碗而她认为工作欠佳的人。

    She angered the teachers union and those traditionally protected in permanent jobs , but who she said were not doing a good enough job .

  25. 越来越多的科技人员正在放弃自己的铁饭碗,纷纷下海

    A growing number of scientific and technical personnel are risking their fortune in the world of Business , giving up otherwise stable , lifelong jobs

  26. 铁饭碗思想、人事代理人员与非人事代理人员各方面待遇的差异等因素阻碍着人事代理制度的推广。

    Rigid think and the difference of treatment about a person with personnel agency whether or not are the main obstacles in extending personnel agency system .

  27. 但你不能否认在农村地区打破铁饭碗给农民带来更多的收入和更好的生活。

    But you can 't deny that breaking the " iron rice-bowl " in the rural areas has brought farmers a bigger income and better life .

  28. 企业家往往是那些愿意把给别人打工的“铁饭碗”换做一个自己演的风险的机会。

    Entrepreneurs are often people who are willing to trade a sure thing working for someone else for even a risky chance at running their own show .

  29. 为了帮助大多数中国人摆脱聋哑英语的束缚,毅然辞掉“部队铁饭碗”工作并开始推广疯狂英语学习法。

    To help most Chinese speak good English , he gave up his great job as a military doctor and began to promote Crazy English Study Method .

  30. 报道还说,警察厅厅长应该让警察裁员成为削减预算的一部分,让他们结束对这个铁饭碗的幻想。

    Chief constables should be able to make any officer redundant as part of budget cuts , ending the prospect of a job for life , the report said .