
  • 网络special ability;special power;Abilities;Power;bias
  1. 它是教师教学的一种特殊能力。

    It is the teacher teaching a special ability .

  2. 你生还时可能被赋予了特殊能力。

    My guess is you walked out with some sort of special ability .

  3. 依据Spearman的两因素论,把体育教育专业大学生的能力分为一般能力(G因素)和特殊能力(S因素)。

    According to Spearman 's two factor theory , ability of colleague students major in physical education are divided into general factors ( G ) and special factors ( S ) .

  4. Elena说服Jeremy用他特殊能力帮她找到一种和Stefan取得联系的新方法,这也让Jeremy陷入了两难的抉择之中。

    Elena convinces Jeremy to use his connection to the other side to help her find a new way to reach Stefan , leading Jeremy to a terrible choice .

  5. Erard先生虽是个受过些许语言学训练的记者,但却并没有通晓超多种语言的特殊能力(他能说一点西班牙语和中文),不过他在处理论题时,即带着惊奇艳羡,又带着几许健康的怀疑态度。

    A journalist with some linguistics training , Mr Erard is not a hyperpolyglot himself ( he speaks some Spanish and Chinese ) , but he approaches his topic with both wonder and a healthy dash of scepticism .

  6. 拥有特殊能力的防具将在这里详述。

    Such items can also have the special abilities detailed here .

  7. 猫具有许多人们经常想具有的特殊能力。

    Cats have many special abilities that men have often wished for .

  8. 克伦用她的特殊能力去做了早晨天气预报员

    Karen used her special talents to do the morning weather announcements .

  9. 事实上,在现实生活中也存在有特殊能力的人。

    But people with amazing abilities actually do exist in real life ;

  10. 并且阻止莱克斯拿特殊能力的人做实验。

    And stop Lex from experimenting on people with abilities .

  11. 实现社会的控制(家庭有一种特殊能力去惩罚越轨行为和奖励规范模式),其社会意义远大于自然意义。

    Realizing the society control . So its society meaning is more outstanding .

  12. 那我们假设他回来的时候并没有特殊能力。

    So let 's say he didn 't come back with an ability .

  13. 她有辨识一个人的性格的特殊能力。

    She had an uncanny ability to read the character of a person .

  14. 运用系统分类的方法,建立了一般能力结构模式和特殊能力结构模式。

    By methods of systematic classification , G model and S model are founded .

  15. 通常,技能是通过培训和经验获得的特殊能力。

    Typically , skills are special abilities that are acquired through training and experience .

  16. 你可能并没有特殊能力。

    You may not have a special ability .

  17. 智能物品有特殊能力,有时会有非凡能力和特殊意图。

    Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes also extraordinary powers and special purposes .

  18. 他能同时学三种外语,许多人都羡慕他这中特殊能力。

    Many people admire his special ability , learning three languages at the same time .

  19. 写作是社会发展的需要,是现代人必备的一种特殊能力。

    Writing , essential to modern people , is a necessity to develop in society .

  20. 企业的竞争能力可以分为一般能力和特殊能力。

    Competitive ability of an enterprise can be divided into normal ability and special ability .

  21. 数学教学对学生特殊能力的培养

    Student 's special abilities training in math-teaching

  22. 研究认为学科创新能力是学科特殊能力与创造性思维能力的综合。

    The ability is combined and overlapped both discipline special ability and creativity thinking quality .

  23. 咸水蝇有特殊能力才能在这片湖泊生存

    The alkali fly has special abilities that enable it to live on this lake .

  24. 好了各位告诉我你们都有什么特殊能力

    All right , team , I 'm going to need to know your special powers

  25. 但是我也有特殊能力。

    But I am special too .

  26. 米歇尔·洛蒂从小就开始吃不寻常的东西,1966年,他开始公开表演自己的这种特殊能力。

    He began eating unusual material while a child and has been performing publicly since 1966 .

  27. 每一个人都是独特的个体,每一个人都有区别与他人的特殊能力。

    Everyone is unique individual , each people all have differences and others ' special abilities .

  28. 参议员雅各布·贾维茨似乎具有一种激怒尼克松的特殊能力。

    Senator Jacob Javits seemed to have a special ability to get under Nixon 's skin .

  29. 有特殊能力的武器必须至少有+1增强加值。

    A weapon with a special ability must have at least a + 1 enhancement bonus .

  30. 特殊能力是一个企业之所以成为这个企业而区别于其它企业并获得利润的根本所在。

    And special ability is the difference of one enterprise from others and root cause to obtain profit .