
  • 网络Characteristic Industry
  1. 发展区域特色产业是西部大开发和加入WTO的必然要求。

    The development of regional characteristic industry is a necessity to both western development of China and China 's entry into WTO .

  2. 然后,利用SWOT分析法,分析总结了河北省农业特色产业发展中存在的优势和劣势,以及面临的机会与威胁,得出河北省农业特色产业应该选择的资本战略方案。

    Finally , analyze the advantages and disadvantages existed in the development of agricultural characteristic industry , as well as the opportunities and threats in detail by using SWOT analysis , and obtain the strategy plan of agricultural characteristic industry of Hebei .

  3. 发展特色产业是地方做实做强做优实体经济的一大实招,要结合自身条件和优势,推动高质量发展。

    The development of local signature industries is a major practical move to make the local real economy stronger .

  4. SWOT模型在县域特色产业战略规划中的应用

    Application of the improved SWOT model to the development planning of county 's characteristic industries

  5. 但是目前在发展特色产业的过程中,存在许多问题。

    But problems arise in the present development of characteristic economy .

  6. 通过计算区位商等指标,分析了京郊乡镇企业发展的特色产业;

    By computing regional quotient , their characteristic industries are analyzed .

  7. 地区特色产业的评价与选择方法研究

    The Methods of Evaluation and Selection of the Regional Characteristic Industries

  8. 加强政策引导,做大特色产业规模

    Enhance policy guidance and enlarge the scale of industry with characteristics

  9. 高新技术特色产业基地的评价问题研究

    Study on the Appraisal of New and High Technology Special Industry Base

  10. 一些地方的乡村旅游正成为当地经济的特色产业。

    The rural tourism becomes special industry in some parts of countryside .

  11. 宁波市特色产业数字图书馆服务评价

    Service Evaluation of Digital Library of Ningbo Characteristic Industry Database

  12. 基于社会网络的特色产业群发展能力研究

    Social Net work and the Development Capacity of Industrial Districts

  13. 食用菌是福建省的特色产业。

    Edible Fungi is the characteristics industry of Fujian Province .

  14. 沪甬经济合作与宁波区域工业特色产业发展

    Shanghai Ningbo Economic Cooperation and Development of Special Industry in Ningbo Zone

  15. 浙江的特色产业有着独特的发展思路和发展模式;

    Zhejiang 's specialized industry has specialized idea and model in development .

  16. 运用现代农业理念提升农业特色产业实践

    Use Modern Agricultural Idea , Promote Agricultural Characteristic Industry

  17. 论农民增收与农村特色产业发展研究

    On the Farmer Income and Rural Characteristic Industry Development

  18. 河北省县域特色产业集群发展初探

    A Primary Discussion on the Development of County Characteristic Industrial Clusters in Hebei

  19. 比较优势与农业产业结构提升新疆农业优势特色产业选择研究

    On Choices of Agricultural Characteristic Advantage Industry of Xinjiang

  20. 黑龙江省医药特色产业基地发展对策研究

    The Countermeasures of Medical Industrial Base in Heilongjiang Province

  21. 基于特色产业发展的新疆城镇化研究

    A Study on Urbanization in Sinkiang Based on the Development of Characteristic Industry

  22. 首先,界定了特色产业的概念并阐述了其特征;

    Firstly , it gives the concept and the features of characteristic industries .

  23. 新疆优势资源、特色产业与对外贸易发展

    On Advantageous Resources , Characteristic Industry and Development of Foreign Trade in Xinjiang

  24. 宁夏优势特色产业集群的城市功能定位及产业设计

    Urban Functional Position and Industrial Design for Superiority Characteristic Industrial Cluster in Ningxia

  25. 河西走廊特色产业发展战略及创新探研

    Study on the Development Strategy and Innovation of Characteristic Industry in Hexi Corridor

  26. 陕北荒漠化地区农业资源优势与特色产业建设

    Utilizing the advantage of agricultural resources and establishing leading industries with local characteristics

  27. 落户普陀推进纸质包装特色产业的发展

    Push on the Characteristic Industry of Paper Package Developing

  28. 在制定战略时,提出了特色产业声誉的理念。

    The opinion of characteristic industral reputation is put forth to constitute measures .

  29. 满城县的特色产业突出,环境优美。

    Mancheng County to highlight the characteristics of industry and a beautiful environment .

  30. 发挥本地优势与特色产业促进县域经济发展

    Bring local advantages and characteristic industry into play , improve county area economy develop