
tè shū biāo zhì
  • special mark;special sign
  1. 越来越多的人开始承认“兄弟姐妹日”,它还拥有了美国专利和商标局的特殊标志。

    More and more people are accepting NSD and it now has a " Special Mark " from the US Patent and Trademark Office .

  2. 《无词歌》的出现,不仅是门德尔松有别于其它作曲家创作的特殊标志,也奠定了门德尔松在钢琴音乐发展史上的重要地位。

    The emergence of Songs without words not only was the special mark that Mendelssohn was different from other composers , but also established his important position in the piano music history .

  3. 因为pv无法计算出要传输的总字节数,它只能显示到目前为止的吞吐量、经过的时间和一个反映活动的特殊标志。

    Because pv cannot calculate the total number of bytes to expect in the transfer , it shows throughput so far , time elapsed , and a special indicator that reflects activity .

  4. 利用TCP头部6个1位标志字段,向目标主机端口发送带特殊标志字段的数据包,分析目标主机响应数据包TCP头部的6个1位标志字段的内容,得目标主机的端口状态。

    The data packet with special flag field was sent to the port of target host by 6-bit Flag field in TCP head , and the contents of 6-bit flag field of the response package from the target host was analyzed to get the status of port of target host .

  5. 根据S7-200PLC的特点,利用自由口通信方式和相关的特殊标志位,使得实时通信更加简单、快捷,并详细介绍了通信过程。

    According to the characteristic of S7-200 PLC , the free port communication mode and special marked bits related are used to make the communication more simple and faster . The process of communication is introduced in details .

  6. 第一部分对特殊标志做出概念性介绍。

    The special signs are conceptual introduced in the first part .

  7. 监狱是依附于国家的一个特殊标志物。

    Prison is a special symbol attached on the state .

  8. 一般动产不具有外观上可识别的特殊标志。

    General chattels have no special character through which it can be identified .

  9. 特殊标志在新闻视频故事单元检测中的应用

    Application of Special Sign In News Story Units Detection

  10. 特殊标志使用人应当同所有人签订书面使用合同。

    Users of special signs shall conclude a written licensing contract with the owners .

  11. 从左上方到右下方的斜线;作为私生子的特殊标志。

    Diagonal line from upper left to lower right ; a supposed mark of bastardy .

  12. 不整合面、溶蚀孔洞缝、岩溶地貌是其区别于其它储层的特殊标志。

    Unconformity surface , karst cave and karst landform are signs distinguishing from other reservoirs .

  13. 代表质量、型号、类型等的特殊标志或看得见的物体。

    Special design or visual object representing a quality , type , group , etc. .

  14. 彰:我一定要特殊标志韩国主办世界杯。

    Hwang : I 'll definitely to a special logo for Korea hosting the World Cup .

  15. 组合设备的特殊标志

    Special stamping of combination units

  16. 可以说在无形中特殊标志在社会生活中扮演了越来越重要的角色。

    And I can say special signs have played a more and more important role of our social life .

  17. 它不仅是钢琴音乐中永久不衰的珍品,而且是门德尔松有别于其他作曲家创作的特殊标志。

    It is not only a permanent piano music , but a special sign to differ Mendelssohn creation from others .

  18. 通过与商标特点的比较,突出特殊标志与传统知识产权的异同。

    Through the comparison with features of trademark , the differences and the same between special signs and traditional intellectual property are highlighted .

  19. 采用状态机的方式实现编帧和解帧,在编帧中插入帧头、特殊标志位,解帧过程去掉帧头和帧特殊标志位。

    It implements encapsulation and recovers the data from encapsulation in the deframer using state machine , inserting synchronization flags and special flags in the process of encapsulation .

  20. 特殊标志所有人变更地址,应当自变更之日起1个月内报国务院工商行政管理部门备案。

    Changes of addresses of the owners of special signs shall be reported to the administrative department for Industry and commerce under the State Council for record within one month from the date of the change .

  21. 根据常识,人类在寻找目标或旅游的过程中,并不需要准确定位自己的方位,而是通过环境中某种特殊标志物来达到粗略定位的目的。

    According to general knowledge , the process of searching target or travel for human beings , does not require accurate positioning . Human achieves the purpose of rough positioning by a particular marker in the environment .

  22. 在此情况下,特殊标志这一原本代表大型公益活动的标志被大范围地运用在商业领域,成为商家提升其商品、服务形象,证明其相应品质的途径。

    In this case , special signs which use to be used to present public events have been used in the business fields extensively and become the way companies to upgrade the image of their products and services .

  23. 因此,区别标志的所有人是否应该承担产品责任还需要结合特许经营、商标许可、商号许可、地理标志、特殊标志、个人姓名等区别标志使用的具体情况加以认定。

    Whether the owners of distinctive sign should undertake product liability or not will be determined according to the using of distinctive signs such as franchising , trademark licensing , trade name licensing , Geographical Indications , Special Sign and Personal Name .

  24. 特殊标志作为知识产权的保护客体之一,由于其本身相较于传统的知识产权客体而言带有更多的政府意志,使得特殊标志权也较其他传统的知识产权类型蕴含了更为强烈的公权力色彩。

    As one of the objects of intellectual property protection , special signs with more government wills than other objects of the traditional intellectual property , for that the special signs right contain more meaning of public power than any other traditional types of intellectual property .

  25. 商标本是依附于商品,便于商品识别的特殊标志,但商标一旦成为驰名商标便具有了识别和财产的双重价值,成为企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地的重要制胜手段。

    Trademarks are attached to goods , easy to identify the distinctive emblem of goods , but once they become well-known trademark , it will have double value of identification and property rights , it becomes an important invincible victory means for the enterprises in the fierce market competition .

  26. 也正因为如此,对于特殊标志的使用如果不运用法律手段进行有效的规制,必然会导致市场的混乱从而在损害特殊标志权人的利益的同时使广大公众的利益遭到更为严重的侵害。

    And this is the reason why we should use legal means to regulate the use of special signs , or it could lead to a confused market thus while harm the interests of the special signs owner , it will harm the interests of the public more as well .

  27. 如果select()调用返回错误,就把一个特殊的标志传递给解析函数,表示在输出中将使用错误格式。

    If the select () call returns an error , a special flag is passed to the parsing function to indicate that the error format will be used in the output .

  28. 用来加载新ROM镜像和设置特殊设备标志(例如R&D模式)的工具也可以通过下载获得了。

    The utility used to load new ROM images and set special device flags ( such as the R & D mode ) is available for download .

  29. 狗狗和主人的特殊通道标志。

    A sign directs dogs and owners .

  30. 肿瘤生长是肿瘤组织中极少量具有特殊表面标志的肿瘤干细胞增殖的结果。

    It was thought that the tumor growth resulted from the proliferation of some tumor stem cells with special surface markers .