
  1. 就目前的理论研究而言,数据库权利法律保护的范围、权利义务的内容、权利的期限、权利主体的产品责任等问题都没有形成统一的解决方案。

    Theoretical Study on the current , the database rights to the scope of legal protection , rights and obligations of the contents , the right period , the duty which provide inferior product to supplier do not form a unified solution .

  2. 浅析数据库特殊权利的法律保护

    A Study on the Law Protection of the Special Rights of Database

  3. 数据库特殊权利保护新进展:案例、问题和策略

    The New Development of Sui Generis Right Protection : The Cases , the Problems and the Policies

  4. 强调了建立数据库特殊权利保护机制的紧迫性,并提出了立法建议。

    This study has emphasized the mechanism for protecting the database special right , and provided the vote for legislation .

  5. 第四部分主要提出立足我国实际,借鉴国外经验,在我国建立数据库特权利制度的立法建议。

    The fourth part bases on our reality and foreign experience , and presents Special Protection System for database in China .

  6. 数据库特殊权利保护模式的出现仍然是法律维护正义公平的本质属性驱动的结果。

    Fundamentally speaking , the protection mode of database special rights is a result of the characteristics of safeguarding justice and equity of law to drive it .

  7. 在现有的法律框架内,著作权法(即版权法)、数据库特殊权利保护制度、反不正当竞争法,是数据库法律保护的主要依据。

    Copyright law , anti-unfair competition law and database special right protection system , are the chief legislations which can offer legal protection to database in the contemporary law system .

  8. 运用比较分析法,提出邻接权保护非独创性数据库比特别权利保护更适合,而不正当竞争法可作为法律最后的一个兜底保护手段。

    From comparing the unfair competition law and the neighboring right , this paper puts forward the view that the neighboring right is more suitable for protecting the unoriginal database .

  9. 您要写更多的代码来解决预料中的问题,但是您有访问数据库的所有权利,并且可以让它只做您想要它做的事。

    You ll write more code to solve expected problems , but you have full access to the database , and you can make it do just about whatever you want .

  10. 例如,可以将选择绑定到视图的某些描述的权利交给用户,而保留在幕后对服务器和数据库进行命名的权利。

    For example , you could just give the option of selecting certain descriptions that are tied to views to the user , and leave naming the server and database behind the scenes .

  11. 我国应该建立符合我国国情的数据库专门法律保护制度,欧盟的数据库特殊权利保护制度是可以借鉴的立法例。

    Our state should set up a special right system in database legal protection which is suitable to our country , and can learn from the right legal protection system in database of European Union .

  12. 不知道什么样数据库使用回合,暂以确保服务帐户具有对数据库足够的权利。

    Don 't know what kind of database ur using , pls make sure service account has sufficient rights on your database as well .

  13. 针对地理信息数据库是数据库的一种特殊形式,阐述了地理信息数据库获得著作权保护的法律依据以及世界部分国家数据库的法律保护及数据库特殊权利保护。

    In view of that the geographic information database ( GID ) is a special form of the database , the paper describes the law foundation for the protection of copyrights of GID and the special right protection of GID in various countries .