
  • 网络data mart;Data Market;datamart
  1. RationalTeamConcert会筛选并格式化复杂的信息到数据集市,以一种更加方便的结构提供数据。

    Rational Team Concert filters and formats complex information into the data mart to provide that data in a more convenient structure .

  2. 基于OLAP查询的数据集市系统的研究

    Research on data mart system based on OLAP queries

  3. 我们开发了一个财务数据集市,然后展示了Finance如何发送逻辑指令,如何使用它们的数据元素进行财务分析。

    We developed a financial datamart , then showed Finance how to logically order and use their data elements for financial analysis .

  4. 在物业收费系统中构建面向OLAP的数据集市

    Establishing the Data Market System of Property Charge-management Used in OLAP Application

  5. 基于数据集市的多层OLAP应用模型

    Multilayer OLAP Application Model Based on Data Mart

  6. Informix一直有一个很大的数据集市和数据仓库服务器。

    Informix has always been a great datamart and data warehouse server .

  7. 在MIS报表系统中,本文从数据集市和OLAP报表两个部分分别展开论述。

    The article introduced the MIS Report System in two parts , the Data Mart and the Olap Reports .

  8. 数据集市作为一种支持DSS的底层技术,具有很好的优势,值得推广应用。

    Data mart as a support for the underlying technology , DSS has a good advantage , is worth popularizing .

  9. Meta集团,一家研究公司报告说,全部nt销售中25%是用于数据集市。

    Meta Group , a research firm , reports that 25 % of all NT sales are for data marts .

  10. 本文介绍了本次开发的数据集市及基于它创建的OLAP系统的开发全过程。

    This article introduces the whole developing process of building the data market and the OLAP system depends on it .

  11. 每个数据集市都可以处理可识别的业务问题或主题领域,从而可以计算ROI。

    Each data mart can tackle an identifiable business problem or subject area , making it possible to calculate ROI .

  12. 介绍了在物业收费管理系统中建立面向OLAP应用的数据集市;

    This paper discusses the development process of the data market of property charge-management system , and its use in OLAP .

  13. 同样,BIRT可以利用数据集市作为缓存的优势。

    Also , BIRT can take advantage of the data mart as a cache .

  14. 例如,RationalTeamConcert服务器记录了数据集市中对存储库所做变更的信息,例如每一天创建了多少的新工作项。

    For example , the Rational Team Concert server records information in the data mart about the changes to the repository , such as how many new work items are created each day .

  15. 如果在您向服务器上传报告模板时,您选中了SupportsDataCaching复选框,那么BIRT会只使用来自数据集市的数据。

    If you select the Supports Data Caching check box when you upload the report template to the server , BIRT uses only the data from the data mart .

  16. 本文通过构建针对股票行情分析这一主题的数据集市,详细介绍了如何利用OracleExpress工具组开发O-LAP应用,并着重研究了OLAP多维数据模型的设计和建立。

    This paper introduces in detail how to develop OLAP applications using the tools of Oracle Express , focusing on the design and implementation of the MDDB of OLAP .

  17. 基于所构建的数据集市,利用J2EE相关技术设计并实现了审计工作平台个银审计子系统。

    Furthermore , on the base of the well designed data mart , we have designed and implemented the individual bank business subsystem of the audit work platform with relational J2EE technology .

  18. 基于数据集市的DDSS的开发方法

    The Design Method for the DDSS Development Based on Data Marts

  19. 波士顿的Aberdeen集团将数据集市叫做数据仓库一种最佳的实践。

    Aberdeen Group in Boston called data marts " a kind of best practice of data warehousing " .

  20. 本论文以数据集市为基础,通过引入粗糙集理论和贪心算法,在研究生院局域网环境下完成了一个C/S模式的教务排课系统的分析、设计与实现。

    Based on the data market and through the theory of rough set and greed algorithm , this paper describes the analysis , designation and realization of a c / s mode scheduling system in the environment of a graduate school local loop .

  21. 注意:有可能会有多个数据集市,但是每个数据集市都有一个独特的TM1服务器要发布。

    Note : Multiple data marts are possible , however each data mart must have a unique TM1 server to publish too .

  22. 最后,第四个DataStageETL任务(TOMART)构建了一个数据集市(MART),供三个CognosBI报告使用。

    Finally , a fourth DataStage ETL job ( TO_MART ) builds out a data mart ( MART ) that three Cognos BI reports are then using .

  23. 根据JOLAPAPI规范,可以使用该APIresource包中的类连接到支持JOLAP的服务,例如商业智能服务器和数据集市。

    According to the JOLAP API specification , you would use the classes in the resource package of the API to connect to JOLAP-enabled services such as business intelligence servers and data marts .

  24. IBM数据集市模式针对数据集市工作负载所需的独特的I/O吞吐量进行了调节,IBM数据集市模式包含数据压缩功能和数据移动工具,所有这些功能和工具都旨在使用急需的信息帮助推动业务发展。

    Tuned for the unique I / O throughput required of data mart workloads , the IBM Data Mart Pattern includes data compression capabilities and data movement tools - all designed to help move the business forward with the information needed without delay .

  25. 最先建立的财务主题域是个数据集市,它的物理数据库采用了ORACLE关系数据库,而数据集市的数据表现是由POWERBUILDER开发的报表系统。

    The financial theme land that sets up at first is a data mart , its physics database has adopted ORACLE relation database . And it is systems of report form developed by POWERBUILDER that data display of .

  26. StockCheck是一个相当典型的数据集市填充作业,它使用ETL逻辑将数据从一个数据仓库转移和转换到更小的一些数据集市。

    StockCheck is a fairly typical data mart population job , using ETL logic to move and transform data from a data warehouse to smaller data marts .

  27. 本篇论文介绍了如何构建中医方剂数据集市,从而对中医药数据进行OLAP(联机分析处理),以及如何采用关联规则技术挖掘中医药数据,并取得了良好的实验效果。

    This paper mainly try to introduce how to build Data market of Chinese medical prescription to undertake the OLAP on the data of traditional Chinese pharmacology and try to indicate how to use association rules to analyse the data and achieve good experiment results .

  28. 这些是WORKITEMS快照的一些表格,它显示了来自数据集市工作项的信息

    These are some of the tables in the WORKITEMS snapshot that show historical information about the work items from the data mart

  29. 探讨了有关信用卡数据集市建设的问题。

    Research the problem of the credit card data mart establishment .

  30. 钢铁企业生产成本数据集市及数据挖掘研究

    Data mart and data mining of iron steel enterprise production cost