
shù jù liú chénɡ tú
  • data flow diagram
  1. 本文借助用例图、数据流程图、业务处理流程图、IPO图以及程序流程逻辑图等图表对系统进行了总体设计以及各个模块的详细设计。

    With the help of use case diagrams , data flow diagram , business process flowcharts , IPO plans , and program flow chart logic diagram , etc. The system was design and detailed design of each module .

  2. 本文论述了从数据流程图(DFD)到模块结构图(MSC)自动转换的两个主要算法,提出了用于中间转换的有向控制图的概念。

    Two main algorithms for automatic transformation of a data flow diagram ( DFD ) into a modular structure chart ( MSC ) are described . The concept of directed control diagram is suggested for the intermediate transformation .

  3. 基于统一建模语言UML技术,论文给出了系统的组织用例图、结构图、系统业务流程图和数据流程图。

    Technology based on the Unified Modeling Language UML , the paper gives the organization the system use case diagram , structure diagram , flowchart and data flow systems business .

  4. 该文主要介绍了MES的开发平台、车间管理的数据流程图和能力需求计划程序流程图。

    This paper introduced the development background , the data flow chart of workshop control and the program flow chart of Capacity Requirements Planning .

  5. 之后分别对两个子系统进行了详细设计,主要使用数据流程图等方法讨论了数据采集处理子系统的数据抽取模块和数据加工模块运行方式,使用UML等方法讨论了数据展现子系统的详细设计。

    Then each of the two sub-systems is detailed designed . I use data flow chart to discuss the Data Acquisition and Processing subsystem and use UML to discuss the Data show subsystem .

  6. 同时,对该系统的需求分析,数据流程图,ER图。数据库设计,以及主要页面和模块的实现进行了介绍。

    At the same time , it conducted introduction to its system requirement analysis , data flow chart , the diagram of ER , the database designs , and the main page layout and realize its module .

  7. 在很多方面,活动图是结构化开发中流程图和数据流程图(DFD)的面向对象等同体。

    In many ways , activity diagrams are the object-oriented equivalent of flow charts and data-flow diagrams ( DFDs ) from structured development .

  8. 在行为级综合中,一般在调度与分配之前先将系统的描述转换成一个数据流程图(DFG)。

    In behavior synthesis , the behavior of the system is always transformed to a DFG before scheduling and allocation .

  9. 提出了BOM多视图的概念,介绍了BOM多视图映射技术,给出并分析了BOM多视图映射的数据流程图,实现了BOM多视图数据之间的数据映射。

    The concept of BOM multi-view is presented and the mapping technology of multi-view is introduced . The data flowchart of BOM multi-view mapping is given and analyzed . The data mapping between multi-views of BOM data is implemented .

  10. 数据流程图和数据字典是有用的工具。

    Date flow diagrams and data dictionaries are useful tools .

  11. 给出了数据流程图和系统功能模块图。

    The data flowchart and system functional diagram are presented .

  12. 数据流程图描述了逻辑系统。

    The data flow diagram describes the logical system .

  13. 图9.3展示了货单管理系统的初步的数据流程图。

    Figure 9.3 shows a preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system .

  14. 用于创建流程图(包括跨职能流程图和数据流程图)的解决方案。

    Solution for creating flowcharts , including cross-functional , and data flow diagrams .

  15. 模拟模型数据流程图干旱区资料稀缺流域日径流过程模拟

    Flow chart of data by simulation model Daily flow modeling in arid ungauged basin

  16. 同时设计数据流程图,用以程序开发参考。

    At the same time design data flow diagram for program development for reference .

  17. 数据流程图的设计方法

    The design method of data flow diagram

  18. 模拟模型数据流程图

    Flow chart of data by simulation model

  19. 一种新的调度算法&变换数据流程图法

    A New Scheduling Algorithm Transformed DFG

  20. 主要对成件包装货物以及集装箱货物的运作管理进行了研究,在分析作业流程的基础上针对不同业务类别分别绘制了业务流程图和数据流程图。

    Different kinds of operation flow are analyzed with drawing working process graphs and data process graphs .

  21. 数据流程图确定了系统的必须具有的功能,如何才能实现这些功能呢?

    The data flow diagram defines the system 's necessary functions ; how might they be implemented ?

  22. 本文也将介绍软件系统的组成,并提供软件的数据流程图与源程序。

    This paper will also introduce software system components , software and data flow chart with the source .

  23. 本文结合具体的开发实例,采用数据流程图的方式给出了与此相关的触发器的设计。

    Guided by set theory and topology , the assembling space warehouse information model and data flow diagram were established .

  24. 本文对软件系统的用户界面、数据库表、数据流程图和数据字典进行了设计。

    In this paper , the software system designed user interface , database tables , data flow diagrams and data dictionary .

  25. 系统的数据流程图描述了作者层与读者层两个工作层面之间相互切换以及它们同系统之间相互通讯的关系。

    The switching between author and reader levels and their intercommunication with the system may be described by a data flow graph .

  26. 对招生报名模块、招生管理员模块、考务管理员模块的业务流程及数据流程图进行了比较详细的分析。

    Enrolling modules for , enrollment administrator module , examination administrator module business processes , and data flow diagram for a more detailed analysis .

  27. 对于传统的建模技术,例如实体关系图或数据流程图,没有可用的特定测试技术会过时。

    For traditional modeling techniques , such as entity relationship diagram or data flow diagram , no specific test techniques are available to date .

  28. 第二章通过列图的方式介绍了该系统的结构、功能以及业务数据流程图,说明了系统服务器的规划。

    The system architecture and service data flow chart are illustrated in chapter 2 . Furthermore , the layout of the system server is depicted .

  29. 详细阐述了怎样产生分层数据流程图和数据词典以及如何由数据流程图导出结构良好的软件结构图。

    A generation method for leveled data flow diagrams , data dictionary , and structured chart by the data flow diagram is described in detail .

  30. 第四章对系统功能架构设计、系统数据流程图、各功能子系统的设计和实现进行了详细的阐述。

    Chapter IV detailed the design of the system function , the system data flow diagram , the design and realization of each functional subsystems .