
  • 网络waterfall;The waterfall model
  1. 系统的开发是一种组合模型:在瀑布模型基础上溶入4GT(4GenerationTechnology)、面向对象方法和数据库技术。

    The development of system is a kind of combining Model , which combines the Waterfall model , 4 Generation Technology , Database Technology and the Object - Oriented method .

  2. 基于数据库管理系统的MIS的分析与设计&对瀑布模型的改进

    Analysis and Design of MIS on Database Management System ── Improving of Waterfall Model

  3. 基于CMM对瀑布模型的改进和扩充

    Improvement and Extension of Waterfall Model Based on Capability Maturity Model

  4. XP模型与传统瀑布模型的比较

    The Comparison Between XP Model and Fall Model

  5. 在设计和实施过程中,遵照瀑布模型,按规范的需求分析和系统设计进行,使用UML图进行可视化建模。

    In the design and implementation of software , in accordance with the waterfall model , according to the specification requirements analysis and system design , using UML diagrams does the visual description of the semantics of the real world .

  6. 本文采用传统的瀑布模型为软件开发方法,以统一建模语言(UML)为分析设计描述语言,对电信计费帐务监控系统进行需求获取、需求分析和系统设计;

    Adopted the traditional waterfall model as the software developing method , The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) as the analysis design describing language , the paper carry though such work as requirement getting , requirement analysis and system design .

  7. LTE无线网管系统的开发中,传统的对前期计划要求较高、难以适应需求变化的瀑布模型开发逐渐被灵活自由、循序渐进的敏捷开发所取代。

    In development of LTE wireless network management system , the traditional waterfall development model which needs pre-plan requirements and has poor adaptability on fast changing requirements is gradually being replaced by Agile development .

  8. 80年代以来,随着面向对象技术的广泛应用和CASE工具的飞速发展,软件工程过程也由传统的瀑布模型发展到支持增量开发和功能迭代的USDP,RUP和XP。

    Since 80 's , with the widely use of object oriented technology and fast development of CASE tools , software engineering process had evolved from traditional waterfall model to USDP , RUP and XP that support incremental development .

  9. 他仔细地看了一下像WinstonRoyce这样人的想法如何被误解了,以及Royce后来是如何由于将瀑布模型强行用于产业界而受到了不公正的惩罚。

    He looked carefully at how the ideas of people like Winston Royce were misunderstood and how Royce was later unfairly chastised for foisting the waterfall model on the industry .

  10. 从示例项目实施ODC的实践经验中,一些心得体会也得到了总结,包括不同开发模型项目(瀑布模型和迭代模型)中ODC实施的特点,及实施过程中的若干注意点。

    Besides , summary to the experiential learning from ODC implementation in sample projects of different development models ( waterfall and iterative model ) is recorded , including traits and focus points .

  11. 论文首先介绍了跨行清算与Mainframe技术体系,分析选题的特点并根据其特点确定采用面向对象方法对系统进行分析建模,以及选用瀑布模型最为本系统的开发模型。

    Paper first describes the inter-bank clearing system and Mainframe technology , features and analysis of topics to determine according to their characteristics of object-oriented modeling approach to analyze the system and use the waterfall model is the most developed model of the system .

  12. 传统的软件工程一般使用瀑布模型进行软件开发。

    In traditional software engineering , waterfall model was used .

  13. 在本系统的开发中拟采用瀑布模型进行。

    We make use of the waterfall model this time .

  14. 本文系统分析了瀑布模型的特点,并对它作了改进,提出了新的模型&控制式瀑布模型。

    This paper has systematically analysed the characteristics of Waterfall Model and improved it .

  15. 事实上它的每一次迭代都是一个简化了的瀑布模型的开发过程。

    In fact , every circle of its process is a simplified waterfall model .

  16. 定时迭代可帮助流程客服传统瀑布模型的缺点。

    Time-boxed Iterations help the process overcome the disadvantages of the conventional waterfall model .

  17. 瀑布模型与结构化程序设计方法

    Waterfall Model and Design Method of Structured Program

  18. 使用瀑布模型,借助语言,开发出能够计算各种玻璃性质的计算软件。

    The program is developed with VC and waterfall model which can calculate glass properties .

  19. 瀑布模型的改进研究

    Study of Improving the Waterfall Model

  20. 本文分析了快速原型方法和面向对象技术相对于传统的瀑布模型的优势。

    This paper analyses fast prototype method and object-oriented technology 's advantage relative to traditional waterfall model .

  21. 一个单一化的螺旋模型可以被看作每个阶段前都带有风险分析的瀑布模型。

    A simplified spiral model is as a waterfall model with each phase preceded by risk analysis .

  22. 螺旋模型是在瀑布模型的每一个开发阶段之前,引入非常严格的风险识别、风险分析和风险控制。

    Spiral Model means that a kind of very strict risk distinction , analysis and control mechanism .

  23. 然后,通过软件工程的瀑布模型进行手机多功能播放器应用程序的开发。

    Second , using the waterfall model of software engineering developed the multi-media player application of mobile phones .

  24. 那意味着您在前面做完了所有的需求,正如瀑布模型。

    That means you 've done all of your requirements up front , just like in a waterfall model .

  25. 研究了概念设计过程的发展,归纳出瀑布模型、原型模型和喷泉模型三种模型,并提出了平面螺旋模型。

    Waterfall model , prototyping model and fountain modal were concluded based on current development of conceptual design process .

  26. 然而,很多挣值管理的实现都遵循瀑布模型:需求分析、设计、开发、测试和发布。

    However , many implementations of EVM follow waterfall models of requirements , design , development , test , release .

  27. 通常认为是它论证了瀑布模型,但它实际上刚好相反。

    This paper is often cited as if it validates the Waterfall model , but it actually does the opposite .

  28. 在技术层面上,采用C/S体系架构和瀑布模型设计该系统。

    At the technical level , use of C / S architecture and the waterfall model design the system . 4 .

  29. 如果您极端地追求重叠迭代技术,那么您会沿着瀑布模型。

    If you pursue the technique of overlapping iterations to the extreme , you will end up at the waterfall model .

  30. 然而,危害已经造成了,由于先入为主形成的习惯,瀑布模型思想已经根深蒂固、积习难改。

    However , the damage was done , and a strong mindset with a bias toward Waterfall development had become ingrained .