
  • 网络Digital signal processing;DSP;ADSP;dps
  1. FFT的实现手段主要包括:通用计算机、通用数字信号处理芯片和FPGA。

    Main realization means of FFT include computer 、 DSP and FPGA .

  2. 它提供了专用的时钟管理功能和数字信号处理(DSP)应用及多种I/O标准。

    It supports the special clock management and application of DSP and the many I / O standards .

  3. 适应数字信号处理应用需求的DSP系统软件设计

    Design of DSP system software to fit digital signal processing need

  4. Windows环境下计算机与高速数字信号处理系统实时通信

    The Real-time Communication between Computer and Digital Signal Process System under Windows Environment

  5. 通信技术的发展使得实时多媒体通信称为可能,数字信号处理(Digitalsignalprocessing)技术在软、硬件方面的发展提供了更多更丰富的多媒体应用。

    The development of Communications and Digital Signal Processing technology in both software and hardware has provided more multimedia applications .

  6. 数字信号处理及DSP芯片的发展前景

    The prospect of digital signal processing and digital signal processors

  7. N阶色散媒质的FDTD法与数字信号处理技术

    FDTD and digital signal processing for the nth order dispersive media

  8. MATLAB在数字信号处理课程教学中的应用

    Application of MATLAB in Digital Signal Processing Teaching

  9. 数字信号处理(DSP)技术则为无线数字通信系统发展的核心。

    The digital signal processing technology has becoming the kernel of wireless digital trans-receiving system .

  10. 因此,与数字信号处理(DSP)技术的结合将使相干检测技术更加具有吸引力。

    Thus , the digital-signal-processing ( DSP ) technology will bring coherent detection more advantages .

  11. DSP(数字信号处理)在高频信号检测中的应用开发

    Exploitation and appliance of DSP ( digital signal processing ) for high frequency signal detecting system

  12. 星载SAR数字信号处理及运动补偿

    Spaceborne SAR Digital Signal Processing and Motion Compensation

  13. 数字信号处理CAI系统&采样定理与卷积

    CAI System of Digital Signal Processing & Part of Sampling Theorem and Convolution

  14. 在陀螺解调电路中采用FPGA进行数字信号处理,实现了两级反馈环路。

    Digital signal is processed by FPGA in the demodulation circuit . Two feedback loops are realized .

  15. 本论文研究了使用数字信号处理(DSP)技术在短波、超短波信道上实现高可靠性的数据传输。

    This paper mainly deals with DSP realization of data transmission of good reliability in HF and VHP communication system .

  16. 基于VB与MATLAB的数学与数字信号处理实验系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of the Mathematics and Digital Signal Processing Experiment System Based on VB and MATLAB

  17. 数字信号处理平台的信号处理核心也由单一的DSP芯片向多核心协同工作的方向发展,数字信号处理平台的功能也越来越丰富。

    Signal processing core of digital signal processing platform is changing from a single DSP core chip to multi-core chips cooperating .

  18. 而DSP在数字信号处理中能够胜任密集型运算和特殊处理,有着不可替代的作用,使其成为语音处理的首选技术。

    DSP is the first choice in the voice processing due to its unsurpassable capability of compression calculation and special processing .

  19. 低功率数字信号处理应用的VLSI设计

    Low Power VLSI Design for Digital Signal Processing Applications

  20. 实时数字信号处理与VLSI的计算结构

    Real-Time Digital Signal Processing and VLSI Computational Structures

  21. 傅立叶变换(DFT)作为其数字信号处理中的基本运算,发挥着重要作用。

    DFT plays an important part in digital signal processing as a basic calculation .

  22. 本文以实际工程为背景,完成了基于DSP的光纤陀螺捷联惯导数字信号处理系统的软硬件设计。

    Aimed at a practical engineering project , the paper completes the design and realization of FOG strapdown navigation system based on DSP .

  23. DSP芯片是具有特殊结构的微处理器,是专门为快速实现各种数字信号处理算法而设计的。

    And DSP , this kind of chip having a special architecture for some arithmetic , helps us to process some digital signals .

  24. 通过实践证明,FPGA在信道编解码方面有其独特的优势,在数字信号处理方面值得更深入地研究和应用。

    Practice proves that FPGA has superiority on channel encoding and decoding and deserves to be studied more deeply and applied to digital signal process .

  25. 随着DSP器件的不断发展,越来越多的数字信号处理技术与方法可以基于DSP器件应用于实践。

    With the development of digital signal processor , more and more digital signal processing technologies and methods can be applied to practice based on DSP devices .

  26. 该方案充分利用DSP芯片优越的数字信号处理功能和快速的运算速度,很好地实现了综合智能选线算法。

    The advantages of DSP , digital signal processing function and high calculating speed , make the synthetical intellective algorithm possible to be fast processed in time .

  27. 为证明该算法应用于微处理器的方便性,设计了一套基于数字信号处理(DSP)的谐波检测装置,并对该算法进行了验证。

    A harmonic detection device based on digital signal processing ( DSP ) was designed to prove that the algorithm is applied to the convenience of microprocessors .

  28. 近几年随着微电子技术和数字信号处理技术的飞速发展,DSP的性能价格比不断提高,受到业界越来越广泛的关注。

    With Lhc development of the microelectronics technology and digital signal process technology , the performance of DSP has been highly enhanced and the price has been reduced .

  29. DSP是现在主流的信号处理器件,具有强大的数字信号处理性能,利用C语言可以方便的实现系统中各种复杂的算法。

    DSP chips are mainstream signal processing devices now , they have powerful digital signal processing performance , by using C language it can easily realize complex algorithms in most systems .

  30. 目前,有两类实现软件无线电的方法,一种是以DSP和FPGA为核心,构成系统的数字信号处理部分;另外一种是以通用的PC工作站群来完成信号处理。

    ? There are two kinds of realization method : one is to depend on DSP and FPGA to conform the digital signals processing part of the system ;