
mó nǐ xìn hào
  • analog signal
  1. PLC对模拟信号进行复杂滤波的软件方法

    The Software Method of Filtering Complicatedly to Analog Signal Based on PLC

  2. 用CCD实现快进、慢出高速模拟信号采样

    Employing Charge Coupled Devices to Fast-in 、 Slow-out High Speed Analog Signal Captured

  3. 采自该录像带的模拟信号被转换成数字代码。

    The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code .

  4. 科学级CCD并联过采样低噪声模拟信号通道

    Parallel analog channels for oversampling scientific CCD camera signal

  5. ACT器件的发明,产生了一种新型、高速的信号处理器,它可以直接用于RF领域,是一种完全可编程的模拟信号处理器,不需要A/D和D/A变换器。

    The development of new high speed signal processors using ACT devices which are capable of handling RF signal is presented .

  6. HFC网数字和模拟信号兼容传输问题

    Compatible Transmission of Digital and Analog Signals over HFC Network

  7. 同时设计了硬件电路把其转换成PWM式模拟信号以实现D/A转换,并在抗干扰方面做了一定的工作。

    Simultaneously , designing the hardware circuit to convert PWM signal to analog signal to realize D / A conversion .

  8. 本文提出一种运用PWM(脉冲调宽)原理设计低价格、低漂移、高线性模拟信号光电耦合隔离电路的方案。

    This paper provides a scheme of PWM analog signal photocouplcr isolation circuit with a low cost , low drift and high linearity .

  9. 随着单片机的发展,对模拟信号遥测系统设计提出了新的要求。文章对ASK无线数,从可调电压源、信号放大、A/D转换、信号发送与接收进行系统设计。

    This paper , from adjustable power supplier , signal amplification , A / D inversion and signal sending and receiving , puts forward a systematic design for ASK system .

  10. DAC是由数字信号到模拟信号的转换器,它联系着数字和模拟世界。

    DAC is a digital-to-analog signal converter , which links the digital and analog world .

  11. 实现了非线性PID的悬浮控制算法;设计四象限斩波器及其驱动保护电路、模拟信号预处理电路;

    The non-linear PID algorithm is implemented , the quadru-quadrant PWM amplifier and its driving and protection circuits are designed , the analog signals preprocessing circuits are designed .

  12. 仿真结果证明相对于经过PWM调制后的D/A转换结果,模拟信号中的纹波得到了明显地削弱。

    Result of the simulation proves that the ripple in analog signal has been attenuated , and relative to D / A conversion after PWM modulation .

  13. 本次设计是利用FPGA完成一个DDS系统并利用该系统实现模拟信号的数字化调频。

    The system realized this time which is achieved by FPGA is a DDS system that has the function of digitized frequency modulation of analog signals .

  14. 利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。灰尘在孤独的实验室在被隔离的模拟器上堆积。

    Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal , with steps between specified levels . Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab.

  15. 采用ISP可编程模拟器件对接收到的正弦信号进行放大、滤波,通过A/D转换器将模拟信号转换为数字信号以及MCU控制处理,通过串行口送至PC机进行人机交互。

    It achieves magnifier and filter function by ISP chip . A / D switcher transfer analog signal into digital signal with MCU control .

  16. 本文详细的给出了系统的硬件电路和控制软件的设计:硬件电路包括主控制板、数字I/O板以及模拟信号LED数码显示板;

    The paper presents the detailed design of the hardware circuits and control software . The hardware circuits include the main control board , the digital I / O board and the LED display board .

  17. 模拟信号采样的TSR程序实现

    TSR Program Performance of Simulated Signal Sampling

  18. 设计了一种新颖的基于嵌入式单片机的线阵CCD驱动电路、CCD输出模拟信号采集为一体的溶液质量分数检测系统。

    A novel linear CCD drive circuit based on embeded MCU is proposed , and liquid quality fraction detection system is elaborated , which is composed of CCD analog output signal acquisition .

  19. 为此,我们设计了系统硬件平台,音频信号从话筒输入后经AD转换送至DSP,DSP既可以完成编码,也可以完成解码工作,解码以后的信号经DA还原为模拟信号后通过听筒输出。

    We built up a hardware system : the analog speech is inputted by AD and sent to DSP , which code and decode it and then revert to analog speech by DA .

  20. 在硬件设计中采用视频编码器和视频解码器分别实现对输入模拟信号的解码和输出数字信号的编码,并以SRAM作为输入畸变图像和输出校正图像的存储器。

    In hardware design , video decoder is utilized to decode input analog signals and video encoder to encode output digital signals .

  21. 模拟信号(包括单点目标和多点目标)经过R-D算法成像处理系统处理后,得到了较好的成像图。

    Imaging pictures of simulative signal including single target and multi-target are gained by the system .

  22. 由于FPGA平台只能处理数字信号,而AIS基带调制解调中存在部分模拟信号,所以要针对FPGA的硬件平台,进一步研究改进的AIS基带调制解调算法。

    As FPGA platform can only handle digital signals , modulate and demodulate algorithm of part of analog signal need a further study to adapt whit FPGA hardware platform .

  23. 利用该器件设计了一种模拟信号与DSP隔离与检测的硬件电路,较好地解决了将AGC信号采集到DSP过程中测量范围小、线性度低的问题。

    An applied hardware circuit for checking analog signal isolated with DSP is designed , which can resolve the problem of narrow measuring scope and low linearity when collects AGC into DSP .

  24. 高速模/数转换器(ADC)实现了模拟信号向数字信号转换,是HDTV等视频系统的重要模块。

    As one of the crucial modules in video system like HDTV , analog-to-digital converter ( ADC ) realizes the signal conversion from analog to digital .

  25. 模数转换器(ADC)是把模拟信号转换成为数字信号的专用器件,广泛地应用于各种数据采集系统中。

    Analog to Digital Converter is special equipment which can convert the analog signal to the digital signal , and widely applied in kinds of digital acquisition systems .

  26. 本文对模拟信号的激光耦合调制在不同条件下的调制方式进行了分析,得出了可以近似表示为振幅调制(AM)和强度调制(IM)的条件。

    This paper analyses the mode of modulation for the laser coupling modulation of analog signal under different conditions and obtains conditions similar to amplitude modulation and intensity modulation respectively .

  27. 近年来发展的离散事件系统(DES)为数模混合电路中数字信号和模拟信号提供了一种统一的测试方法,而求取电路的最小测试集一直是该研究领域的重点和难点。

    Discrete Event System ( DES ) theory provides a uniform , systemic and efficient method for testing the digital and analog signals in the mixed-signal circuits .

  28. 现今,CCⅡ在诸如有源滤波器、模拟信号处理、A/D和D/A转换器等方面已逐渐取代了传统的电压运放。

    Today they replace the conventional OPAMP in so many applications such as active filters , analog signal processing , and A / D , D / A converters .

  29. HART协议是现场总线的一种过渡性协议,可使数字与模拟信号同时传送且互不干扰,实现双向通讯。

    HART protocol which is the transitional protocol of field-bus allows transferring both digital signal and analog signal simultaneously in order to actualize bidirectional communication .

  30. 通过基于DSP(数字信号处理器)芯片的测速定位系统,对安装在车辆上的测速传感器的模拟信号进行处理以获得列车运行的实时速度、位移和时间。

    In this paper , software development of the system based on DSP is introduced . Through processing with analog signals of transducer on vehicles , we present an approach to measure the real-time speed and position of vehicles .