
  • 网络module
  1. 以数学建模工具分析靖江王府模数制规划

    Analysis on mathematics model of modulus design of Jingjiang Prince ′ s Palace

  2. 模数制渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮几何要素的测量

    Measurement of module involute spur gear geometrical data

  3. 重点介绍了径节制齿轮的测绘和将径节制齿轮改造为模数制齿轮的方法。

    This paper gives the approach of mapping English system gear and how to transform English gear into modulus gear .

  4. 康明斯起动机单向器为棘轮式单向器,其驱动齿轮被设计成双模数制齿轮。

    The starter clutch of CAMMIS is ratchet type one , the driving gear of which is designed to double module one .

  5. 归纳总结了形式美法则中,黄金比例及以其为基础所衍生的模数制在景观环境设计中的应用方法。

    Summarized principle of aesthetic art form , the golden ratio and its derived based the modulus for the methods of landscape design .

  6. 通过对历史街区里一个模数制多可能性居住体的探索,阐明居住应是城市形态·历史记忆·社会结构的综合产物。

    By exploring a modular housing system in a historical street , the author indicates that housing should be comprehensive products of the city form , historical memory and social structure .

  7. 本文介绍了直齿圆柱齿轮的测绘和参数计算方法,这些方法对以模数制或径节制为啮合制度的直齿圆柱齿轮均适用。

    This paper introduces the processes of measurement and mapping and the calculation methods of straight-teeth cylindrical gears , which are adaptable to the measurement and mapping of all the straight-teeth cylindrical gears in which either modulus system or pitch system is their engaging system .

  8. 增钙液态渣及低模数砂制备预拌混凝土的研究

    Ready-mixed concrete preparation by liquid slag by calcium and low modulus of sand

  9. 研究了不同硅溶胶、硅酸钾和烷氧基硅烷对高模数硅酸钾制备的影响;探讨了温度、时间和搅拌速度对高模数硅酸钾制备的影响;

    This article has discussed the influence of various silica sols , potassium silicate , and alkoxy silane , and reaction temperature , time and agitation speed on the preparation of high mole ratio potassium silicate .