
  • 网络temporary works;temporary building
  1. 租赁期限超过临时建筑的使用期限,超过部分无效。

    If the lease term exceeds the service life of a temporary building , the excessive part shall be void .

  2. 并主要分析集装箱住宅用于震后临时建筑的适应性以及CSI住宅用于震后永久性建筑的适应性。

    Container housing is used to shock the adaptability of the temporary buildings and residential CSI for the adaptability of the permanent building after the earthquake .

  3. 许多难民和救援机构用它组装成了医院、接待室和其他临时建筑。

    Refugees and aid agencies are turning Better Shelter structures into hospitals , reception areas and more .

  4. 额外的临时建筑设施已经运往圣诞岛,以缓解目前的住宿危机,并应对更多到来者。

    Additional temporary buildings are being shipped to the Christmas Island facility to alleviate the accommodation crisis and in anticipation of more arrivals .

  5. 水、光、影与绿,「一即一切接待中心」临时建筑却表现出隽永的空间特质。

    " One is everything " is a temporary structure that provides a meaningful mixing of water , light , shade and greenery in space .

  6. 由于目前大部分的临时建筑仍然在施工,所以奥林匹克花园可能要保持目前的建筑和景观美化工程状态到奥运会开幕前。

    With huge temporary structures still being constructed , the Olympic Park retains the air of a building site and landscaping will be necessarily last minute .

  7. 奥托是在20世纪50年代最初为人们所知,当时他为德国的联邦园林展等活动设计了帐篷结构的临时建筑。

    Mr. Otto first became known for tent structures used as temporary pavilions at the Federal Garden Show in Germany and other events in the 1950s .

  8. 这位日本官员还说中国方面的要求细节不详,但是估计中国最缺帐篷和一些临时建筑用材料。

    The Japanese officials said the Chinese request had not been detailed , but China 's greatest need was presumed to be for tents and other emergency shelter materials .

  9. 奥托的作品轻巧、平民化、低成本,有时是临时建筑,这显然是对第三帝国时期布满重重圆柱的建筑风格的一种反拨。

    In a clear reaction to the heavy columned buildings commissioned under the Third Reich , Mr. Otto 's work was lightweight , democratic , low-cost and sometimes temporary .

  10. 这个难民机构说,机上运载的数千顶蚊帐、搭建临时建筑屋顶的塑料布、塑料滚筒以及两个大型便携式仓库等物资,将装上7辆卡车。

    The agency says the stock of thousands of mosquito nets , plastic sheets for emergency shelters , plastic rolls and two large portable warehouses it was carrying will be loaded onto seven trucks .

  11. 单霁翔还表示,故宫博物院将拆除紫禁城内逾1.48万平米的临时建筑和后建建筑,防止现代建筑物影响整体环境。

    Shan said the Palace Museum would dismantle the more than 14800 square meters of temporary buildings and the other later constructed buildings in the Forbidden City , to prevent modern architecture affecting the whole environment .

  12. 在评估附临时建筑或违章建筑的被拆迁不动产、附公共健身设施的不动产、高压线下土地的估价等要充分考虑不动产权益的完整性。

    Therefore , the integrity of rights and interests of real estate should be put into full consideration in evaluating temporary constructions , removed squatter house , the real estate with public body-building facilities and evaluation of land under high tension line .

  13. 总部位于北京的HHDFUN工作室为在上海举行的JNBY美国棉花服装展示会设计了一个临时的建筑,它可以转化为不同的形式。

    HHD_FUN architects , Beijing , presented a transformable temporary structure for the JNBY and COTTON USA fashion show , held in Shanghai , with an ability to take on numerous different forms .

  14. 中国现代临时性建筑围墙广告发展研究(1949-2006)

    The Development of Advertisement on Temporary Construction Fence in Modern China ( 1949-2006 );

  15. 所有的外国国家馆均为临时性建筑。

    All exhibition pavilions are temporary buildings .

  16. 面对灾难&赈灾临时庇护所建筑概念探讨和模型制作

    Face to Disaster-The discussion of the concept of the Temporary Shelter for victims in disaster and model making

  17. 可工厂规模化生产,安装迅速快捷周期短,适用于搭建临时性建筑。

    It can be produced by factory scale with quickly installation and short construction period , which is suitable for constructing temporary structure .

  18. 特别是深基坑支护结构,它虽然属于临时性建筑,但它直接关系到整个工程的安全、工期和费用。

    Especially for the deep foundation pit supporting structure , although it is a temporary building , it directly related to the whole project safety , schedule and cost .

  19. 对于2008年北京奥运会体育场馆和众多短期、临时性建筑而言,张拉整体桁架结构可以大显身手。

    We can foresee that the STRARCH will strut its stuff in the gymnasium and the short term and temporary buildings during the Olympic Game , which will be hold in Beijing in2008 .

  20. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署表示,该机构已经派出第一支联合国援助车队通过陆路进入缅甸,一架满载临时庇护所建筑设备的飞机也从迪拜起飞进入缅甸。

    The UN refugee agency ( UNHCR ) says it has sent the first UN convoy of aid overland into Burma , and a planeload of shelter supplies has been flown in from Dubai .

  21. 售楼处建筑的形式也由最初用后即拆的临时性建筑逐步转变为更加理性的,结合居住区会所、配套商业等功能设计的可持续利用建筑。

    The form of Sales office building is gradual transforming form the temporary building which is demolished after temporary use gradually transformed into a more rational and sustainable design which combine with the functions such as clubs and business buildings in the residential areas .

  22. 提出应该同时包括永久性与临时性的建筑,奥运会结束后,将会成为永久使用的公园。

    After the Olympic Game , it will become a park that can be used forever .

  23. 这种临时性的建筑量体是台湾设计的生命力,却也是大环境不乐观之下出现的短线游戏。

    A form of the " short-term games ", this type of provisional buildings represented the momentum in Taiwan 's design industry .

  24. 不论是商场、学校、住宅,还是工厂、医院,甚至是临时搭建的建筑中都能找到植物的身影。

    Not only in the shopping malls , schools , and residential buildings can we find the plants , but also in the temporary buildings .

  25. 一位开明的奥运官员曾抱怨在举办奥运会上出现的“过分开支”,并提醒我们“临时性的建筑就足够了”。

    One wise Olympic official complained of the " exaggerated expenses " incurred in staging them , reminding us that " temporary structures would fully suffice " .

  26. 在下滑中的建筑市场和国际金融危机导致的严重衰退中,没有理由让临时工人进入建筑行业。

    In a declining construction market and a serious downturn caused by the global financial crisis , there is no reason for temporary workers to be brought into the construction industry .

  27. 中心城是在伦敦城内可以容纳2000人的临时性两层建筑。

    City Central is a2000-person capacity temporary two-tier structure in the city of london .