
lín shí shè shī
  • Temporary facilities;makeshift facilities
  1. 因此,当前需要一些临时设施。

    So , temporary accommodation of some sort is needed immediately .

  2. 浅谈基建工程临时设施费用的控制

    On the Cost Control of the Temperary Facilities in the Capital Construction

  3. 脚手架是建筑施工中极其重要的临时设施。

    Scaffold is very important temporary facility in construction .

  4. 北京奥运村北部地区临时设施投标方案

    The Bidding Plan for Temporary Facilities in the North Part of Olympic Village

  5. 塑料水中的纸鱼(实验性临时设施),泰国曼谷及意大利夸拉塔

    Paper fish in plastic water ( experimental temporary installation ), Bangkok , thailand quarrata , italy , 2001-2002

  6. 对李子沟特大桥主体结构施工时的临时设施进行抗风设计,增强临时设施的抗风性能;

    Wind resistance design was applied to the temporary structures of Lizigou Extra-large Bridge to increase its wind resistance .

  7. 沙尘暴过后,立即检查现场的临时设施的破坏情况,及时排除临时用电线路险情。

    The temporary facilities shall be inspected immediately after the sand storm and eliminate possible risks of temporary power lines .

  8. 在施工系统中,重大临时设施厂址选择常常涉及到大量的不确定性因素。

    There are a lot of uncertainty factors which affect the location choice of the important temporary facilities in construction system .

  9. 菲律宾宪法不允许设立外国永久军事基地,但是美国军队将在选定的菲律宾基地部署临时设施。

    The Philippine constitution does not allow permanent foreign bases but American troops will have temporary facilities at selected Philippines outpost .

  10. 但仍存在严重问题,一些临时设施,而且缺乏整体基础,也引起关注。

    But there were serious problems with some of the temporary facilities , and the lack of overall infrastructure also caused concerns .

  11. 双壁钢围堰是大中型桥梁深水主墩施工的大型临时设施。

    Double wall steel cofferdams are large temporary structures for building of main piers in deep water for large and medium size bridges .

  12. 监控施工场地的收尾,包括所有场地费用的支付、人员部署及临时设施的拆除。

    Monitor closeout of the construction site , including the payment of all field costs , deployment of personnel and dismantling of temporary facilities .

  13. 减少体育馆内的永久特许摊位,转而依赖建筑外的临时设施,这也能省下一些钱。

    Additional money was saved by putting fewer permanent concession stands inside the stadium and instead relying on temporary facilities just outside the building .

  14. 工程完工时,临时设施应拆除,并撤底清理,垃圾、杂物运到指定地点丢弃掩埋。

    As all works are completed , temporary facilities shall be dismantled and completely cleared up , all wastes and sundries shall be transported to the specified disposal filed for further action .

  15. 施工时应根据施工作业及人员安全需要自行在桥墩上预埋相应预埋件,并设置相应围护临时设施,施工完成后应拆除。

    During construction , relevant embedment shall be embedded voluntarily on piers according to construction and personnel requirements , and relevant temporary enveloping facilities shall be set , and demolished upon completion of construction .

  16. 灾后临时居住设施的规划与设计

    Layout and Design of Temporary Shelter after Disaster

  17. 土堤仓、露天垛是理想的临时储粮设施。

    Both of bunker and outdoor stack are ideal temporary facilities of stored grain .

  18. 这种救灾住所指的就是本文所要研究的灾后临时居住设施。

    This kind of rescue shelters is what the essay studies as temporary after-calamity rescue shelter .

  19. 他们没有电力,那些临时水电设施都已被冲得支离破碎。

    They had no power , as all their makeshift hydroelectric projects had been smashed to pieces .

  20. 他称任务安全因为裂缝而崩溃,因为建筑物被归类为临时居住设施。

    He says the mission security fell through the cracks because buildings had been categorized as temporary residential facilities .

  21. 临时通航设施是长江航道在三峡工程施工期维持通航的十分重要的航运工程。

    The temporary navigation facilities for the Three Gorges Project is very important for the navigation during the period of construction .

  22. 在等待永久安放地期间,骨灰停放在临时贮存设施的费用为每月80港元。

    While waiting for a permanent resting place , it costs HK $ 80 a month to keep ashes in temporary storage facilities .

  23. 额外的临时建筑设施已经运往圣诞岛,以缓解目前的住宿危机,并应对更多到来者。

    Additional temporary buildings are being shipped to the Christmas Island facility to alleviate the accommodation crisis and in anticipation of more arrivals .

  24. 如果没有这种临时存储设施就不会有连接的服务,因为在时间表的可行性范围内不可能实现这种直接的“点到点”运输。

    Without this temporary storage , there would have to be very few connecting services because straight'cross-docking'would be impossible to arrange within the practicalities of timetables and'slots ' .

  25. 建议国家对灾后临时居住设施出台统一标准图纸,在用材、结构、布局方面做出更详细的规定,对上述问题进行改善。

    The author also suggests that the state unveil the drawings in the uniform standard , and make more detailed provisions on the use of materials , structure and layout , making some improvements .

  26. 根据高速公路施工作业的特点,研究了作业区交通标志标线、护栏的设置、临时隔离设施及夜间施工安全设施等的设置。

    According to the characteristics of the highway operating , this paper studied the traffic signs , traffic marking , temporary isolation facilities , safety facilities , such as night-time construction of facilities setup in operating area .

  27. 开支包括用于运输、住宿、医疗服务和临时性基础设施方面的支出。

    Expenditures included spending on transport , accommodation , medical services and temporary event infrastructure .

  28. 在得到监理方的书面许可之前,承包商不应移除这些临时办公室及其设施。

    The Contractor shall not remove the temporary offices or any of its facilities and furnishings until given written approval to do so by the engineer .

  29. 研究的锚型和推荐的公式可用于浮码头、单点系泊系统等非临时性浮式设施的水下锚体设计。

    The formula can be applied in the design of non-temporary floating facility such as floating .

  30. 由于是临时性挡水设施,在水位升高时需要拆除设施。

    Because it is cofferdam , so when the water level rise we need to dismantle it .