
  • 网络sustainable building;SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE;Sustainable Construction
  1. 可持续建筑包涵输入端、循环端、输出端三个方面,并符合减量化、再利用、资源化的3R原则。

    Sustainable building , which conforms to the " 3R " principle of reducing , reusing and recycling , includes three terminals of input , circulation and output .

  2. 济宁市可持续建筑及其环境法律制度研究

    Study on Sustainable Building and Its Environmental Legal System in Jining City

  3. LOFT改造是建筑更新设计和再利用的一种有效形式,是可持续建筑观和城市观长期发展的一种高级产物。

    Loft reconstruction is an effectual form of architectural update-design and recycles . It is an advanced product of secular development of continuable architecture concept and city concept .

  4. 为了促进区域和全球范围内可持续建筑的发展,Holcim基金会于2006年举办首届全球可持续建筑大奖赛,并提出可持续建筑的五条评价标准。

    Holcim Foundation held the first cycle Holcim awards for sustainable construction in 2006 , and defined five criteria of sustainable construction to promote and develop sustainable construction in areas and around the world .

  5. 西部环境资源条件与可持续建筑

    Conditions of environmental resources in the Western Region and sustainable architecture

  6. 太阳能光电板在可持续建筑立面整合设计中的美学表达

    Aesthetics Expression of Photovoltaic Panels in Sustainable Architectural Facade Integrated Design

  7. 中国可持续建筑领域教育的分析与改革

    Analysis of Current Situation and Reform of Sustainable Architecture and the Education

  8. 基于可持续建筑社会评价的农民工发展指数研究

    A Migrant Workers Development Index Study Based on Social Evaluation of Sustainable Construction

  9. 可持续建筑建设项目构建供应链模式研究

    Study on the Mode of Establishing Supply Chain in Sustainable Architecture Construction Project

  10. 从可持续建筑理念分析节能建筑的发展

    Analysis on Development of Energy-Saving Construction from the angle of Sustainable Construction Concept

  11. 一栋生态与可持续建筑的实用设计

    A practical Design for Ecological and Sustainable Building

  12. 国外可持续建筑的实践分野

    Demarcation of sustainable architecture practice in foreign countries

  13. 可持续建筑与设计方法探讨

    Study on sustainable architecture and its design method

  14. 基于可持续建筑的全面造价管理系统

    A comprehensive cost management based on sustainable building

  15. 可持性城市与可持续建筑:价值工程在发展中的探讨与运用

    Sustainable City and Sustainable Buildings : Research and Application of Value Engineering in Development

  16. 可持续建筑实践&南方绿色建筑与节能技术研究展示中心设计

    Sustainable Architecture Practice : Design of Exhibition Center of Southern Green Building and Energy-saving Technology

  17. 可持续建筑评价体系比较

    Making Compare Sustainable Evaluation Buildings Systems

  18. 参数化设计和可持续建筑是当前建筑领域的热门话题。

    Currently , Parametric Design and Sustainable Buildings are hot topics in the field of Architecture .

  19. 可持续建筑和荷兰的经验

    Sustainable Building and the Dutch Experiences

  20. 可持续建筑是人们在可持续发展观念指导下对建筑设计的理念、原则进行深刻审思后的理性选择。

    Sustainable architecture is the best building design choice under the direction of sustainable development ideology .

  21. 对可持续建筑内涵的剖析&基于建筑与人、自然、社会相和谐的视角

    Study on the Connotation of Sustainable Architecture & Architecture in Harmony with People , Nature and Society

  22. 建筑致力于在非洲推广现代可持续建筑技术。

    The deep motivation of the architect in his projects is to promote modern and sustainable architecture in Africa .

  23. 发展可持续建筑,推进建筑节能是我国建设节约型社会的关键环节。

    The development of sustainable buildings , to promote energy-efficient construction is the key to build a conservation-minded society in our country .

  24. 施瓦兹希望能通过杜兰大学颁发可持续建筑开发硕士学位,以便更好地宣传这一理念。

    Schwartz intends to spread this message even further by offering a master 's degree in sustainable real estate development at Tulane .

  25. 可持续建筑(绿色建筑)的不断发展对整个建筑业提出了新的要求和机遇。

    The development of sustainable buildings ( green buildings ) proposes new requirement and provides new opportunities for the whole building industry .

  26. 随着世界范围内资源枯竭与环境恶化,可持续建筑理念日益深入人心。

    With the resource exhaustion and environment deterioration around the world , the concern of sustainable design is growing day by day .

  27. 例如,我们也许能利用奥运会这个机会,发展可持续建筑技术,然后与各酒店集团分享。

    For instance , we might be able to take the Olympic blueprint for sustainable building techniques and share that with hotel groups .

  28. 不单各门学科,而且各项法律制度内部也存在互相影响,不同法律制度对于可持续建筑的作用机理不同。

    Not only various disciplines , and the laws , policies also affect each other . Different policies affect sustainable building in different mechanism .

  29. 可持续建筑设计试图尝试新的建筑设计、建造和维护,最小化建筑所带来的环境影响。

    Sustainable Architecture is an attempt of building design 、 construction and maintenance , so the environmental consequences by architecture are minimized in some extent .

  30. 立足于综合环境效益的提高,研究可持续建筑及其环境的设计方法和原则。

    Building construction and building use or maintain . The sustainable building and its environmental design methods and principles are studied from improving synthetical environment efficiency .