
kě bì miǎn chéng běn
  • avoidable cost
可避免成本[kě bì miǎn chéng běn]
  1. 一般价格低于企业的平均可避免成本,即可判定构成掠夺性定价。

    Generally , price below the average avoidable cost would constitute predatory pricing .

  2. 可避免成本:公司可采取某种办法而不是另一种办法即可避免的边际成本。

    Avoidable cost : Marginal cost that a corporation can avoid by adopting one solution rather than another .

  3. 价格高于平均可避免成本,如果被证明产生了排斥市场竞争的效果和具有掠夺性定价意图,那么也会构成掠夺性定价。

    Price higher than the average avoidable cost , if exclusive effects of market competition and predatory intention was founded , it would constitute predatory pricing .

  4. 该方案在可避免成本理论的基础上,综合考虑可靠性收费、提前通知时间等因素,使得可中断电价的模型更合理、完善。

    In this method , the avoidable cost theory is adopted , and both the reliability charge and the advanced notification time are taken into consideration , thus making the interruptible pricing model reasonable and perfect .

  5. 该冗余驱动接口模块刚度好,且其中各驱动单元间的力均衡误差小,可避免使用成本高、算法复杂的力反馈控制技术。

    The force unevenness between two driving units of the interface module is so small that force feedback control technique is not needed .

  6. 引进可避免固定成本和不可避免固定成本的概念,对传统本量利分析的数学模型进行了改进,使之更趋完善。

    In this essay , in order to perfect it , the model is improved by introducing the concept of avoidable fixed cost and un avoidable fixed cost .

  7. 可避免与不可避免成本

    Avoidable and unavoidable costs

  8. 如果卖方没有发出此通知,买方有权就产生的和如果接收到通知本可避免的额外成本进行索赔。

    If the Supplier fails to give such notice , the Purchaser shall be entitled to compensation for any additional costs which he incurs and which he could have avoided had he received such notice .