
  • 网络vie;Variable interest entity
  1. 由于政府宣布这些协议违法,宝生钢铁不能再被认为是一个可变利益实体,也因此不能纳入合并报表范围。

    When the government said the agreements were illegal , Baosheng Steel can no longer be considered a VIE and cannot be consolidated in the financial statements .

  2. 但大体上,这些股份充其量不过是理论上的,是通过“可变利益实体”(variableinterestentities,VIE)持有的,这保证持股人从持有许可证的中国企业那里得到支付流,但并不保证对企业的所有权。

    But these stakes are largely theoretical at best and owned via " variable interest entities , " or VIEs , which guarantee a payment stream from , but not ownership of , the licence-holding vehicles in China .

  3. 这种所有制结构称为可变利益实体(VIE),在中国的互联网公司中很常见。

    The ownership structure known as the variable interest entity is common among Chinese Internet companies .

  4. 为规避对外国所有权的限制,中国公司使用所谓的可变利益实体(VIE)结构。

    To circumvent foreign-ownership restrictions , Chinese firms use the so-called variable-interest entity ( VIE ) structure .

  5. 律师们警告称,上述措辞的矛头直指所谓的可变利益实体(VIE)。过去10年里,此类结构被用来规避互联网行业的外资所有权限制。

    Lawyers have warned that this phrase targets so-called variable interest entities , structures used over the past decade to circumvent foreign ownership restrictions in the internet sector .

  6. 通过可变利益实体(VIE)这个奇怪的监管漏洞,外资企业得以绕开中国政府禁止外资拥有境内互联网资产的规定。

    A curious regulatory loophole known as a VIE , or variable interest entity , has allowed foreigners to get around Beijing 's prohibitions against foreign ownership of internet assets .

  7. 他更担心的是很多在海外上市的中国企业的可变利益实体(VIE)结构,在这种结构之下,投资者并不拥有经营业务的母公司的任何资产。

    Of even more concern , to him , is the variable interest entity structure of many overseas traded Chinese companies , under which investors do not own any assets in the parent company that operates the business .

  8. 高盛也有大量的资产负债表外非流动风险&可变利益实体。

    Goldman has large , illiquid off-balance-sheet exposures , too , known as Variable Interest Entities .

  9. 阿里巴巴中国业务的成长势头吸引了投资者,但这也正是该可变利益实体所属之地。

    Investors are attracted to Alibaba for its in-China growth , however & and that 's precisely where the variable interest entities reside .

  10. 文件中说,在让阿里巴巴拥有对可变利益实体的控制权方面,这种合同安排的效力可能不如直接的所有权。

    These contractual arrangements may not be as effective as direct ownership in providing us with control over our variable interest entities , ' it says .

  11. 股东们将要拥有的这家公司并不直接拥有阿里巴巴的资产和业务,这些业务通过创始人拥有的“可变利益实体”经营。

    The company that shareholders will own does not have direct ownership of Alibaba 's assets and business , which operates through " variable interest entities " owned by its founders .

  12. 因此,阿里巴巴的董事和该可变利益实体的高管,包括马云在内,必须出于善意按照对可变利益实体最有利的方法行事。

    Alibaba 's directors and executive officers of the variable interest entities , including Ma , must therefore act in good faith and in the best interests of the variable interest entities .

  13. 当然,和以往许多赴美上市的中国公司相比,阿里巴巴的可变利益实体在合并后财报中所占的比重要小得多:截至2013年12月31日,该实体占阿里巴巴总资产的17%,占此前9个月收入的11%。

    To be sure , Alibaba 's variable interest entities account for much less of its consolidated picture than many past Chinese firm IPOs : As of Dec. 31 , 2013 , they were 17 % of the total assets and 11 % of the nine months ' revenues .