
chǎn pǐn zé rèn bǎo xiǎn
  • product liability insurance
  1. 中国人民保险公司承担产品责任保险?

    Chinese People 's Insurance Company to assume product liability insurance ?

  2. 产品责任保险及相关法律问题研究

    The Research of Product Liability Insurance and Related Legal Problem

  3. 中外产品责任保险若干法律问题的研究

    Research on Certain Legal Matters Concerning Domestic and Liability Insurance

  4. 产品责任保险是产品责任发展到一定阶段的客观要求和必然结果。

    Product liability insurance product is the responsibility to stage an inevitable result .

  5. 产品责任保险法律制度研究

    Study on Legal System for Product Liability Insurance

  6. 你受产品责任保险的保吗?

    Are you covered by product liability insurance ?

  7. 必要性体现为:第一,产品责任保险是生产者、销售者转嫁产品质量风险必不可少的途径。

    First , it is an essential way for the producer to shift the risk .

  8. 在我国开展产品责任保险是十分必要的。

    It is very essential to develop the liability insurance of the products in our country .

  9. 本文对产品责任保险法律理论进行了较为系统的研究。

    This thesis makes a comparatively systematic research in the theory of product liability insurance law .

  10. 从理论及定量两个层面阐述了产品责任保险逆向选择问题。

    The problems of adverse selection in product liability insurance are expounded both in theory and quantitative level .

  11. 出口产品责任保险在分散出口产品责任风险方面起到极其重要的作用。

    Export product liability insurance ( EPL ) has been playing a vital role in the decentralization of risks in export product liability .

  12. 美国的产品责任保险业务量最大,赔款数量和索赔的金额也最大,其次是西欧和日本。

    The number and value the claim settling , indemnities are the most of the united states , the western Europe and Japan .

  13. 在我国,产品责任保险始于1980年但发展缓慢,而专门针对食品安全的责任保险才刚刚起步。

    In China , product liability insurance came out since 1980 , but developed slowly . Specific food safety liability insurance has just begun .

  14. 我国的《保险法》对责任保险略有涉及,但是对产品责任保险没有具体的规定。

    Insurance law of our country slightly involves the liability insurance , and it does not have concrete regulation to the liability insurance of the products .

  15. 我国的出口产品责任保险处于起步阶段,与欧美、日本等国家相比,有许多不完善的地方。

    EPL system in China is still at its initial stage along with many imperfections compared with that in Occident countries , Japan and other countries .

  16. 美国、西欧国家和日本的产品责任保险已成为其责任保险的重要组成部分,并形成了相对成熟的产品责任保险制度。

    The product liability insurance in United States , Western Europe and Japan has become an important component of liability insurance , and formed a relatively mature product liability insurance system .

  17. 第二部分是食品安全责任保险的概述。其中介绍了国外产品责任保险的产生和发展以及我国食品安全责任保险的现状及存在的问题。

    The second part is an overview of product safety liability insurance , which describes the generation and development of foreign products liability insurance and the status and problem of product liability insurance in China .

  18. 正因如此,如何完善我国产品责任保险法律制度、保护消费者权利以及如何分散产品生产者、销售者的经营风险,是目前我国经济建设及法制建设中所必须解决的重要课题。

    So , erecting and perfecting our country 's legal system of product liability insurance to protect customer 's rights and disperse the risk managements of producers and sellers are an essential question in our economic construction .

  19. 再加之企业购买产品责任保险一般是进口商的要求,宣传效果比补偿效应更大,产品责任保险补偿功能己被削弱到一定程度,而提高产品竞争力的间接影响作用却非常明显的。

    Enterprises to buy the product liability insurance motives are often the importer and the promotion and effect greater than compensation effects , product coverage for functions in a certain extent has weakened , and indirect product competitiveness .

  20. 以期抛砖引玉,引起相关人士的重视,来共同发展我国产品责任保险市场和完善我国产品责任保险法律制度。

    Through presentation of the subject topic , the thesis is intended to generate and call upon the attentions and enthusiasm of those concerned , committing them to develop our product liability insurance market and perfecting its legal system .

  21. 其次,鉴于国外单独的食品安全责任保险较少,而通常将食品安全责任保险涵盖与产品责任保险之中,因此本文在分析食品安全责任保险之前,先对产品责任保险进行了介绍。

    Second , the food safety alone in foreign liability insurance less , and will usually be food safety liability insurance covers and product liability insurance in , so based on the analysis of the food safety responsibility insurance , first for product liability insurance are introduced in this paper .

  22. 本文从产品责任法、保险法、侵权法以及合同法的角度对进行研究,并且以欧美的产品责任保险制度作为主要的研究参照。

    Author made a study of EPL from aspects of product liability law , insurance law , torts law and contract law , while euramerican product liability systems as one of main references of study .

  23. 本书旨在帮助出口型企业的法律顾问、企业风险控制人员、从事产品责任的律师、出口产品责任保险公司及咨询专家全面了解美国产品责任法的程序和规则;

    This book aims to explain the rules and procedures of United States Product Liability Law to corporate legal counsels , risk controllers , professional lawyers , insurance companies and consultants .

  24. 我国的产品责任法制建设起步较晚,产品责任保险制度存在很多缺陷和不足,致使我国产品责任保险的覆盖面小、发展相对滞后,在保护消费者权益以及分散生产者风险方面仍处于被动状态。

    Product liability legal system in China is relatively backward in the protection of the interests of consumers and producers spread risk is still in a passive state .

  25. 本厂产品由中国人民保险公司承担产品质量责任保险。

    Our products by the Chinese People 's Insurance Company to assume the quality of products liability insurance .

  26. 文中结合产品召回制度,对产品召回风险的可保性、产品召回保险与产品责任保险的关系以及保险范围进行探讨,并提出进一步完善的建议。

    This paper analyzes the legislation of product recall , insurability of product recall risk , insurance coverage and the relationship between product recall insurance and product liability insurance .

  27. 随着世界经济高速发展和消费者权利意识的提高,因产品责任引起的诉讼案件在逐日递增,作为一种风险转移制度,产品责任保险已经在世界范围内引起重视并获得迅速发展。

    With the aggressive development of world economy and the enhanced awareness of consumer rights , the number of product liability lawsuits is increasing quickly . As a risk transfer system , product liability insurance has attracted worldwide attention to it and it is undergoing a rapid development .