
chǎn yè shuì
  • industry tax
  1. 此外,有些州还征收个人产业税,那是购买和每年保养汽车费用以外的额外负担。

    In addition , some states have a personal property tax that adds to both the initial price of the car and the cost of maintaining it each year .

  2. 这些计算结果还有助于他思考市场销售战略和其他财务问题:什么时候出售农产品才能卖得最好价钱,如何分配他这个家庭公司的股份,使老婆和七个孩子都可以交纳最少数量的产业税。

    His print-outs also help him ponder marketing strategy when should he time the sale of his crops to get the best price ? And financial problems how can he distribute the stock in his family Corporaton so that his wife and seven children pay the lowest estate taxes ?

  3. 增强高新技术产业增值税优惠政策的促进力度;

    Preferential Policy on Attracting Business and Investment enforcing value-added tax preference policy ;

  4. 是房地产投资和促进创造就业机会,从而支付房地产产业土地税。

    Is a real estate investment and spur economic growth by creating jobs , followed by the real estate industry from taxes and land payments .

  5. 卫生专家全力支持对烟草产业增税,称价格上涨将减少抽烟习惯,并减少因烟草所带来的医疗费用。

    A tax rise on the wholesale tobacco industry has been championed by health experts that say the price increase could reduce smoking habits and the medical costs associated with cigarettes .

  6. 入世后合理保护我国产业发展的流转税对策研究

    Research on policy of the circulation taxes : How to reasonably protect the development of China 's national industries after its entering the WTO