
cái chǎn shuì
  • property tax;estate duty
  1. 他决定恢复征收财产税是正确的。

    His decision to return to a form of property tax is the right one .

  2. 代替财产税的年度付款。

    An annual payment in lieu of the property tax .

  3. 财产税影响住宅价格研究中的受益说、传统观点和新观点以及Yinger的税收资本化理论都说明了这一点。

    In this paper , we reviewed the " Benefit View ", the New and Classical Views , Yinger 's Theory of Capitalization , and examined the theoretical literature on the impact of property taxes on house prices .

  4. 我国财产税制度存在的缺陷及其改革构想

    Problems of China 's Property Tax System and Improvement Suggestions

  5. 在公民投票中,市民们都投票赞成削减财产税。

    The citizens voted yes in a referendum to cut property tax .

  6. 对于几乎所有的企业,财产税和租金都是间接成本。

    Property taxes and rent are indirect costs for almost all businesses .

  7. 财产税一般针对个人和公司的财产。

    Taxation on wealth typically involves personal and corporate taxes .

  8. 第五部分是中国财产税改革的取向。

    The fifth part is the direction for Chinese property tax reform .

  9. 内外统一重建我国财产税体系

    Integrating the Interior and Exterior Tax System to Reconstruct our Property Tax System

  10. 财产税是如何影响住宅价格的?

    How Does the Property Taxes Influence House Prices ?

  11. 机动车运输者财产税周期性的发生或者运动。

    Motor carrier property tax To occur in or pass through a cycle .

  12. 而财产税也往往不是很贵。

    And the property taxes are also often modest .

  13. 改革完善我国静态财产税制度的构想

    Conception About the Reform and Perfection of the Static Property System in China

  14. 加拿大的财产税是多个税收项目组成的复合税。

    The Canadian property tax is a compound tax composed of many tax items .

  15. 论低消费和高投资状况下我国财产税改革

    Property Tax Reform During the Situation of High Investment and Low Consumption in China

  16. 基于财产税征收的不动产价值评估&对北京市4个内城区的实证分析

    Real Estate Appraisal for Property Tax & Positive Analysis of 4 Districts in Beijing

  17. 财产税类的改革及其政策选择

    On Reforming Property Taxes and Its Policy Choices

  18. 从远期目标看,财产税应建设成为我国地方税的主体税种。

    Estate tax can be the main body of local taxation in the long-term .

  19. 所有物产都应支付财产税(近似的比率)。

    Property tax is payable on all properties ( and is akin to rates ) .

  20. 缴纳应计未付的财产税;

    Payment of accrued taxes on property ;

  21. 第四部分是财产税的国际经验及借鉴。

    The fourth part summaries the international experiences of the property tax in the world .

  22. 一种是应付的财产税,是缴付所有在澳门的物产的税务。

    The first is the Property Tax payable in respect of any property in Macau .

  23. 它已经削减了财产税,并且提供很慷慨的研发信贷。

    It has also cut property taxes and offers a generous R & D credit .

  24. 对财产税的令人振奋的支持。

    Galvanizing support for a wealth tax .

  25. 确立财产税在地方税中的主体地位初探

    Initial Exploration on Taking the property Tax for the Main Tax Of the Local Tax System

  26. (英)地方征收的财产税(通常用复数)。

    ( British ) a local tax on property ( usually used in the plural ) .

  27. 对商业库存无财产税;

    Property tax on business inventories ;

  28. 第三部分是中国财产税现状及存在问题剖析。

    The third part analyses the present situation and the problems of property tax in China .

  29. 其主要特点是属于财产税,区域性强和税源稳定可靠,具有不可替代性。

    Main characteristics of property tax is strongly regional , stable with reliable sources and irreplaceable .

  30. 公立学校所用经费来源于所属郡征收的财产税。

    The money to operate public schools is raised through property taxes collected by the country .