
  • 网络financial revenue scale
  1. 财政收入规模与体系的修构

    Revision and Construction of Financial Revenue Scale and System

  2. 在整个民国时期,土默特旗财政收入规模日益缩减。

    The financial revenue scale of Tumed Banner reduces gradually in the entire Republic of China .

  3. 我国财政收入规模的现状与最优取值分析

    Analysis on the Current and Optimal Level of Fiscal Revenue Scale

  4. 最优财政收入规模理论与实证

    The Theoretical and Practical Research on Optimal Scale of Fiscal Revenue

  5. 论我国财政收入规模与结构的科学化及实现途径

    On Popularizing Science and approaches of Chinese financial Scale Income and Structure

  6. 贵阳市财政收入规模和结构的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of the Scale and Composition of the Government Revenue in Guiyang

  7. 财政收入规模与结构的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Gross and the Composition of Government Revenue On Revenue Designing

  8. 本文用经济计量方法对我国财政收入规模与结构进行了实证分析。

    We empirically analyze the gross and the composition of government revenue with econometrical method .

  9. 论福利经济学分析最优财政收入规模的科学性与局限性

    On Scientific Nature and Limits of Best Financial Income Scale from the Perspective of Welfare Economics

  10. 如果财政收入规模过小,将难以满足政府各项职能及事业的发展;

    A too small FIS will be inadequate to support functions and public causes of the government ;

  11. 创建了宏观税负模型表,给出了不同经济发展水平下最优财政收入规模的选择区间;

    (ⅴ) Presenting the macro tax burden model and the selective areas of the scale under different economic development level .

  12. 然而,当前我国财政收入规模与日渐增加的政府职能所需要的财力相比仍显不足,政府职能的履行勉为其难。

    But with the finance of the increasing government function , the scale of our country finance is not enough .

  13. 家庭规模结构与住宅市场财政收入规模与结构的实证分析

    THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SCAL AND STRUCTURE OF FAMILY AND THE RESIDENTIAL MARKET Empirical Analysis of the Gross and the Composition of Government Revenue

  14. 近年来,随着宏观经济的慢慢复苏,各级政府的财政收入规模也在不断的增长。

    In recent years , with the macro economy recovering slowly , the size of government revenue at all levels is also constantly growing .

  15. 因此,适度的财政收入规模是市场经济发展的客观要求,也是社会经济健康发展的重要保证。

    So , rational financial revenue scale is not only objective demand of market economy but also important insurance of social economy healthily development .

  16. 通过对我国财政收入规模和结构的实证分析,可得到财政收入规模的合理区间范围;

    Passing really certificate analysis to Chinese scale income and structure of Chinese finance , we may get the reasonable interval scope of financial scale income .

  17. 如何评价现在的财政收入规模,是仍处于合理阶段,抑或已经造成了对经济发展的阻碍,各方学者也是各执一词。

    How to assess the scale of revenue now , which is still in a reasonable period , or has caused obstacles to economic development , all scholars were uncompromising .

  18. 就科技推动财税发展这个方面,分别从财税管理的效率,财政收入规模与结构以及公共供给的作用三个方面进行探讨。

    Concerning the aspect of science-technology pushing finance-taxation forward , we probe into it from three angles including the efficiency of finance-taxation management , the scale and composition of finance-taxation revenue and the effect of public offering .

  19. 如果财政收入规模过大又将会引起企业、居民收入分配的缩小,从而导致非政府部门投资和消费需求的不足以及企业经济效率的降低。

    On the contrary , a too large one will lead to income reduce of the enterprises and individuals , accordingly , result in the insufficiency of the investment of microeconomic main bodies and that of the consumption demand .

  20. 近年来,随着财政收入规模的逐步增大和公共财政框架的确立,我国财政管理已进入以支出管理为重点的新阶段。

    In recent years , due to the enlargement of the financial revenue scale and the establishment of the public finance system , the financial management in China has reached a new phase which mainly focuses on the expenditure management .

  21. 最优财政收入规模是政府与市场配置资源合理比例关系的数量体现,是政府制定宏观经济政策、财政体制和财政预算的前提和依据。

    The optimal scale of fiscal revenue is the quantitative reflection on the rational ratio between the government and market allocation of resources as well as the premise and accordance for the government to make macroeconomic policy , fiscal system and fiscal budget .

  22. 尽管如此,人口老龄化以及劳动力人口流动等因素,带来家庭养老的保障能力弱化,而经济的快速增长和财政收入规模的持续增加也为城乡社会养老保险均等化提供着经济支撑。

    Nevertheless , the aging population and labor migration are weakening the protection ability of family pension , while the rapid economic growth and the continued increase in the size of fiscal revenues provide economic support for the equalization of urban-rural public pension system .

  23. 财政收入规模的大小对社会经济发展具有重要影响,特别是在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,财政收入规模无论是过大还是过小,都会影响社会经济及财政自身的发展。

    Financial revenue scale exerts an important influence on the development of social economy , especially under the socialist market economy of china , they will all influence the development of social economy and finance itself if financial revenue scale is too big or too small .

  24. 我国财政收入适度规模问题研究

    Study of Financial Revenue Rational Scale of China

  25. 税收流失不仅严重影响到国家财政收入的规模,而且在税收流失的过程中产生的一系列不良的经济效应,会逐渐渗透到经济发展的各方面。

    The loss of the tax revenue not only influences the scale of the national fiscal revenues , but also produces a series of bad economic effects , will gradually permeate through the different fields of economic development .

  26. 乡镇财政面临着收入规模小、压缩开支难、债务负担重、偿还能力差、调整余地小等主要困难。

    Finance of small towns is faced with the difficulty of small income scale , compressed expense , heavy burden of debt , poor ability to pay back and little room of adjustment .

  27. 财政收入的移置和规模扩大效应

    Displacement and scale effects

  28. 对政府财政能力的理解不应当仅仅停留在财政收入规模大小上,而应当具有更广阔的视野。

    The understanding of government financial capacity should not be merely on the size of the revenue , but should have a broader perspective .

  29. 通过对一些国家财政收入状况及历史变动的考察,揭示财政收入规模变动的内在规律和最优化趋势,提出最优财政收入存在的假设。

    Demonstrating intrinsic laws and maximizing trend and presenting hypothesis under which the optimal scale exists based on the extensive researches on the fiscal revenue status and changes in some countries .

  30. 改革开放特别是1994年实行分税制财政体制改革以来,我国国民经济始终保持快速稳定发展,财政收入规模迅速增加。

    From reform and opening up , our national economy keeps fast yet steady development , especially after the implementation of Tax Sharing System in 1994 . The state revenue increases rapidly .