
  1. 增值税既是政府组织财政收入的重要形式,也是政府进行宏观调控、促进经济发展的重要手段。

    Value-added tax is an important way through which the government organizes financial revenue , makes macro control and promotes economic development .

  2. 在现代社会,税收作为政府财政收入的主要形式普遍存在。在所有影响企业财务决策的因素中,税收应当是最直接、也是最重要的因素。

    In modern society , taxation is the main way of government revenue , and the taxes is the most direct and important element affecting the corporate financial decisions .

  3. 税收是国家组织财政收入的主要形式和工具,在保证和实现财政收入方面起着重要的作用,也是国家调控经济的重要杠杆之一。

    Tax revenue the state organizations , the main form and tools to ensure and achieve financial income plays an important role , is also an important lever of state regulation of the economy .

  4. 税费作为国家财政收入的主要形式,是国家宏观调控和调节分配关系的重要经济手段,在市场经济条件下发挥着不可替代的作用。

    To be regarded as the main form of state fiscal levy , tax-fee is the significant economic means to state macro-control and relation of distribution , it also plays an irreplaceable role in the market economic condition .

  5. 税收是国家取得财政收入的主要形式,是国家实现其公共职能的重要保障和物质基础,税收对于国家和社会的重要性是不言而喻的。

    Tax revenue is the main form for the countries to obtain fiscal revenues and an important security as well as physical infrastructure to implement their public functions , so its importance to country and society shall be self-evident .