
  • 网络Wealth Tax;property tax;ISF
  1. 皮凯蒂认为,需要通过在全球范围内征收财富税来缩小贫富差距。对此,来自美国企业研究所(AmericanEnterpriseInstitute)的凯文o哈西特提出了最有意思的反驳意见。

    The most interesting argument against Piketty 's idea that a global wealth tax is needed to combat inequality comes from Kevin Hassett of the American Enterprise Institute .

  2. 要将债务占GDP比例削减至90%,需要征收4500亿欧元的财富税,占到GDP的30%。

    To reduce the debt ratio to 90 per cent of GDP , a wealth tax would need to raise € 450bn , or 30 per cent of GDP .

  3. 他想要通过扩大基数来降低法国的财富税。

    He wants to lower France 's wealth tax by broadening its base .

  4. 征收全球财富税需要国际合作。

    A global wealth tax would require international co-operation .

  5. 对超级富豪征收适量的财富税。

    Impose a modest wealth tax on the mega-rich .

  6. 他的解决方案是征收全球财富税。

    His solution is a global wealth tax .

  7. 其目标是议会反对党早已采纳的财富税计划。

    Its goal , already adopted by the opposition parties in parliament , is a wealth tax .

  8. 皮凯蒂建议在全球征收财富税,不过向富人征税并不一定能够解决问题。

    Piketty suggests levying a global wealth tax , but taxing the rich isn 't necessarily the answer .

  9. 意大利一些显要人物建议,征收“财富税”同样可以削减公共债务。

    Influential figures in Italy have suggested a wealth tax could achieve the same reduction in public debt .

  10. 他的主要竞选主题是开征财富税,打击逃税、洗钱,以及支持同性恋权利。

    His main campaign themes are a wealth tax , the fight against tax evasion , money laundering and gay rights .

  11. 盈利较好的公司将重点被征收:所得税和财富税阈值将被冻结,并更多地征收投资收益。

    The better-off will be particularly squeezed : income-tax and wealth-tax thresholds will be frozen , and investment income taxed more heavily .

  12. 对于更青睐法治和国际经济秩序的国家,全球财富税是更好的措施。

    For countries that prefer the rule of law and an international economic order , a global wealth tax is a better bet .

  13. 如果上述削减债务负担的努力无法奏效,那么还应当考虑征收一次性的财富税,或者选择出售一些国有资产。

    If these efforts to cut the debt burden fail , a one-off wealth tax or the sale of selected state-owned assets should also be contemplated .

  14. 财富税在任何地方都让人束手无策,不是因为对财富征税不对,而是因为在现代社会,财富的定义和辨别有着巨大的实际困难。

    Wealth taxes are everywhere hopeless , not because it is wrong to tax wealth , but because the practical problems of defining and identifying wealth in a modern society are so great .

  15. 尽管皮凯蒂承认自己建议的全球财富税是一个“乌托邦式的”梦想,但他还说,对超过100万美元的收入课以80%以上的没收性税率将是可行的。

    Though Piketty concedes that the global wealth tax he recommends is a " utopian " dream , he also says a confiscatory tax rate of more than 80 per cent on earnings exceeding $ 1m would work .

  16. 请记住,如果市场上的不确定性一扫而空,股票和资产的估值将会大幅提高按我的预测,增长值会超过全球性财富税的一次性成本,让富人更富。

    Bear in mind that if the uncertainty in the markets cleared , equity and asset valuations would rise significantly in my view , by more than the one-off cost of a global wealth tax , making the rich even richer .

  17. 这就是为什么我们不得不忍受无休止的有关出台财富税的辩论(我要提醒你,印花税和非通胀挂钩的资本利得税意味着,英国已有两项财富税);

    This is why we have to put up with the interminable arguments about the introduction of wealth taxes here ( I would remind you that in stamp duty and non index linked capital gains tax , we already have two wealth taxes ) ;

  18. 哈西特指出,过去二、三十年来,全球贫富差距缩小的幅度和富裕国家贫富差距拉大的幅度相仿,如果在全球范围内研究这个问题,那么在贫富差距缩小的情况下似乎没有必要征收财富税。

    He points out that the rise in inequality in the wealthy world over the past generation has been matched by similarly striking reductions in global inequality , and if we are studying this issue on a global scale , this reduction in inequality makes the need for a global wealth tax seem unnecessary .