
  • 网络Rates
  1. 首次征收差饷通知书评税及缴纳税款通知书

    First Demand for Rates Notice of Assessment and Demand for Tax

  2. 宽免全年差饷,每户每季以1500元为上限。

    Waive rates for2010-11 , capped at $ 1,500 per quarter .

  3. Jewry是全体犹太人的统称征收差饷系统〔前称库务署发单系统〕

    Jewry is the collective name for all Jews Rates Billing System [ formerly known as Treasury Rates System ]

  4. 征收差饷系统〔前称库务署发单系统〕

    Rates Billing System [ formerly known as Treasury Rates System ]

  5. 物业及差饷估价委员会〔差饷物业估价署〕

    Valuation and Rating Committee [ Rating and Valuation Department ]

  6. 差饷由业主抑或租客缴纳?

    Is the owner or occupier responsible for paying rates ?

  7. 新界区估价事务科〔差饷物业估价署〕

    New Territories Division [ Rating and Valuation Department ]

  8. 租务管制科〔差饷物业估价署〕

    Rent Control Division [ Rating and Valuation Department ]

  9. 现居住地址证明,如电费单、差饷单、银行月结单;

    Proof of current residential address , e.g.electricity bill , rate bill , bank statement ;

  10. 缴交差饷的法律责任

    Liability for payment of rates

  11. 首次征收差饷通知书

    First Demand for Rates

  12. 应课差饷租值通知书

    Notice of Rateable Value

  13. 订定租金的其他考虑因素包括屋价值、通胀、差饷,维修及管理费。物业估价数据库〔差饷物业估价署〕

    Other factors taken into consideration include estate value , inflation , rates , and maintenance and management charges .

  14. 不过,审裁处没有裁定承建商基准是确定应课差饷租值的唯一基准。

    However , the Tribunal would not determine at this stage that the contractor 's test was the only test for ascertaining rateable value .

  15. 临时区域市政局财政独立,收入主要来自辖区所徵收的部分差饷。

    The council was financially autonomous . Its main source of revenue was a share of the rates collected in the area it served .

  16. 该条文应该理解为起码引伸至作为计算地租的应课差饷租值的方法。

    The expression must be understood as extending at least to the ways in which rateable value had been employed for Government rent purposes .

  17. 请确保在申请扣除差饷时,没有包括地租,以免填报不确。

    Please make sure not to include the amount of government rent in the claim for deduction of rates so as to avoid an incorrect claim .

  18. 特区政府会向市民退回一共38.8亿元的差饷,以此减轻市民的负担。

    The SAR government will launch a rates-return exercise that involves a total amount of hk $ 3.88 billion to ease the burden of Hong Kong people .

  19. 土地审裁处处理租务申索、差饷及物业估价上诉申请,以及政府收地或土地发展引致地值下跌所涉及的赔偿评估事宜。

    The lands tribunal handles tenancy claims , rating and valuation appeals and compensation assessments when land is resumed by the government or reduced in value by development .

  20. 该局82%的收入来自政府拨出的部分差饷,其余收入则来自各项收费、租金和银行利息。

    A share of the rates formed 82 per cent of the council 's income , with the balance coming from fees , charges , rentals and bank interest .

  21. 业主因差饷增加或开征须向租客发出的加租通知书或按最后所知之承租人通讯地址,将通知书邮寄承租人;

    Notice of Increase in Rent on account of increase in rates or imposition of rates or by sending it by post to the tenant at his last known postal address ;

  22. 今年的预算案,政府提出了数项措施,期望创造职位,以及透过退税、宽免差饷等令部分市民受惠,但我们无法从这些零散措施总结出一个有理念、具方向的扶贫政策。

    The Government plans to let a part of the population benefit from the Budget through creating jobs , giving tax rebates and waiving rates : but these are not pro-poor policy measures .

  23. 公屋租金现时将差饷、管理及维修开销也计算在内,平均约为估定市值租金(包括差饷)的39%。

    At present , public housing rents include rates and management and repair expenses . Public housing tenants pay , on average , 39 per cent of the assessed market rent ( inclusive of rates ) for the flats they live in .