
  • 网络GAP analysis
  1. 差距分析针对的是UML符号在捕获XML模式所提供的全部功能时所显出的不足。

    The gap analysis points to the shortfalls of UML notation when capturing all of the functionalities provided by XML schemas .

  2. 根据高校整体竞争力评价指标体系,采用聚类R型分析法和差距分析法,测量了两校的绩效差距。

    Basing on the overall competitiveness system , the performance disparities between the two universities are calculated with the R-type Cluster Analysis and Gap Analysis method .

  3. 差距分析列出了一些方面,在这些方面中UML不能清晰地捕获您想在XML模式中获得的内容,并且还决定扩展UML概要文件以弥补差距。

    Gap analysis lists areas where UML was unable to clearly capture what you wanted in your XML schema and it was decided to extend the UML profile to fill the gap .

  4. 第四部分,应用PEST分析和SWOT分析对水产行业人力资源管理的内外部影响因素进行分析,并作出水产企业人力资源差距分析,探讨水产行业人力资源管理优化的必要性和迫切性。

    The fourth part is analyzing the internal and external influencing factors of HRM basing on the PEST and SWOT analysis . Do a gap analysis and discuss the necessity and urgency .

  5. 九运会艺术体操比赛与世界艺术体操锦标赛个人前8名运动员在4项A2加分的差距分析

    The Analysis on Difference in Gaining A2 Bonus Point of 4 Events between Top 8 of 9 ~ ( th ) National Games and World Championship in Rhythmic Gymnastics

  6. 本文主要运用服务质量差距分析、PDCA循环、6S方法、JIT理论,并在这个理论框架的指导下形成合理化解决方案。

    In this paper , we mainly use service quality model PDCA cycle , 6S method , JIT theory and develop a reasonable solution under this theoretical framework .

  7. 一是基于HR-CMM模型的三种师资管理评价方法:标准的HR-CMM评价方法、问卷调查法和差距分析法;

    One is the three types of teachers management assessment method based on HR-CMM : standard HR-CMM assessment method , questionnaire-based assessment and gap analysis ;

  8. 服务质量差距分析与对策研究

    A Research on the Analysis of Service Quality Gap and Countermeasures

  9. 吉林省地区间经济力差距分析

    An Analysis of Economic Gaps between Different Regions in Jilin Province

  10. 中国区域经济差距分析和政策建议

    Regional Economic Disparity in China , and Suggestions on Policy Making

  11. 共同富裕与贫富差距分析研究

    On Common Prosperity and Gap between the Rich and the Poor

  12. 中国区域收入差距分析及政策建议

    Analysis on Regional Income Gaps in China and Suggestion on Policy Making

  13. 中国足球与世界强队的技术差距分析

    Analysis on the skill disparity between Chinese football and world-level strong teams

  14. 第三部分为武汉城市竞争力的差距分析。

    The third part is the distance analysis of the urban competitiveness .

  15. 第三运用基尼系数进行经济差距分析。

    Third , it uses Gini Coefficient to analyze the economic gap .

  16. 大学生思想道德现状与就业需求差距分析和思考

    On the moral status of undergraduates and the employment requirement

  17. 为适合性/差距分析和解决方案制定详细的路线图

    Developing a detailed roadmap for conducting fit / gap analysis and solutions

  18. 天津港与世界强港的差距分析

    Disparity Analysis of Tianjin Port and the World Strong Port

  19. 因此,通过差距分析,我们建议使用行为和属性扩展。

    Therefore , the gap analysis would suggest behavioral or attribute extensions .

  20. 区域物流基础设施及其运输设施差距分析

    Basic Infrastructures for Regional Logistics and Transport Infrastructural Differences

  21. 农村公共服务的差距分析与体系建构&以福建为例

    Analyzing and System Constructing of Rural Public Service : a Case of Fujian

  22. 经济转型时期的个人收入差距分析

    An Analysis of the Personal Income Discrepancy in the Period of Economic Transition

  23. 中国制造业的差距分析

    Analysis of the Gaps in China 's Manufacturing Industry

  24. 本科实习护生与临床带教老师的心理差距分析及对策

    The psychological gap between undergraduate nurses and their clinical teachers and the countermeasures

  25. 我国社会各阶层收入差距分析

    Analysis on Income Gap of China 's Social Groups

  26. 运用服务质量差距分析模型提高图书馆信息服务质量

    Using Service Quality Gap Analysis Model to Improve Information Service Quality of Library

  27. 评审包括当前问题和未来需求之间的差距分析。

    The review included a gap analysis of current issues and future demands .

  28. 西部农村教育的差距分析及其对策

    Disparity Analyzing and Countermeasure of Western Countryside Education

  29. 我国区域间城镇居民收入差距分析

    An Analysis of the Income Disparity of Urban Residents in Different Regions in China

  30. 基于差距分析的绿色供应链标杆测评

    Green Supply Chain Benchmarking Based on Gap Analysis