
  • 网络Gap Theory;Discrepancy Theory;disconfirmation theory
  1. 差距理论在高职教育服务质量测评中的应用

    The Application of Gap Theory in the Service Quality Evaluation of Higher Vocational Education

  2. 基于差距理论构建的一个危机反应模式&以美国9.11危机反应为例

    An Emergency Response Model Based on the Gap Theory & With 9.11 Terrorist Attacks as Explanatory Case

  3. 本文的研究检验了服务质量差距理论模型和SERVQUAL评价模型的适应性,结果显示,这个模型也适用于海南旅游业的测评。

    The result shows that this model can be used to the evaluation of tourism in Hainan .

  4. 在此基础上,确定了本文的理论基础为服务质量差距理论和SERVQUAL评价模型,利用实证调查的方法对九寨沟核心景区的旅游服务质量评价及质量体系要素进行了研究。

    Through an empirical research , the author studied the quality system elements and evaluated the service quality of Jiuzhaigou core attraction zone .

  5. 同时,根据自我差距理论,缩小现实和理想的距离可以获得自信和积极的情感(Higgins,1987)。

    According to the theory of self-discrepancy , people can gain confidence and positive affect through narrowing the distance between actual-self and ideal-self ( Higgins , 1987 ) .

  6. 运用技术差距理论的Fagerberg经济增长模型确定了科技成果转化与经济增长关系表达式。

    Using Fagerberg economic growth model , the relational expression between technology transfer and economy is confirmed .

  7. 本论文是关于区域金融产业资本聚集差距理论与实证的研究。

    The study is about the problems and empirical research on regional financial industrial capital Agglomeration gap .

  8. 首先对金融发展理论和收入差距理论进行综述,为后续研究打下坚实的理论基础。

    At first , the paper summarizes the theory of financial development and the theory of income gap .

  9. 技术转移理论则主要引用了技术差距理论、技术生命周期理论和三重螺旋理论。

    The theory part of technology transfer mainly cited contents from the technology gap theory , technology life cycle theory and the " Triple Helix " theory .

  10. 根据国内外金融发展对收入差距理论研究的成果,实现金融发展对收入差距的效用影响大致可以分为三条途径:金融发展的门槛效应,金融发展的非均衡效应,金融发展的降贫效应。

    According to the home and abroad theories , financial development effecting income gap can be roughly divided into three roads : threshold effect , disequilibrium effect and poverty reduction effect .

  11. 针对这个问题,本文尝试借鉴价值工程理论、价值创新理论和质量差距理论的观点以及研究方法来分析顾客价值沉淀。

    Aiming at this question , this thesis use for reference the theories of value engineering 、 value innovation and quality gap and put them to the theory of customer value deposit .

  12. 从这些主要的理论中衍生出了四种理论:相对剥夺、资源动员、马克思的阶级理论和差距理论。

    Among the three core theories , structural theory focuses on overall social structure and condition , rational choice theory involves organized groups as main actor , and psychological theory points out the micro-foundations of actor behavior .

  13. 本文试图在借鉴国内外关于财政分权理论研究和城乡居民收入差距理论研究的基础上,重点研究中国式财政分权对我国城乡居民收入差距的影响。

    In this paper , we first learn the theoretical study on fiscal decentralization and urban-rural income gap at home and abroad , then , we focus on studying the impact of the Chinese-style fiscal decentralization on urban-rural income gap in China .

  14. 评价和研究城乡居民收入差距理论和劳动力流转理论,有助于做出实证分析以及形成缩小城乡居民收入差距和促进劳动力合理流转的调控政策。

    Evaluation and Research of the income gap between the urban and rural residents theory and the labor flow theory are contribute to the formation of the regulation and control policy of narrowing the income gap between the urban and rural areas residents and promoting the flow of labor .

  15. 第二章从基础理论、国外金融发展与收入差距相关性理论、中国学者相关成果三个方面进行研究综述。

    Chapter II reviews basic theories on financial development and income gap .

  16. 这与二元经济理论关于劳动力流动有利于缩小收入差距的理论是相悖的。

    It is contrary to the dual economy theory .

  17. 缩小收入分配差距经济理论与我国现实分析

    Economic Theories of Reducing Income Distribution Disparity and Analysis of the Reality in China

  18. 文章首先论述了缩小地区经济差距的理论基础及其必要性。

    First , the paper analyses the theory and necessity of reducing regional disparity .

  19. 二元税制影响城乡居民收入差距的理论与实证

    Theory and Empirical Analysis of Binary Tax System 's Impact on Urban-rural Income Gap

  20. 制度变迁、结构变迁与收入差距:理论与实证研究

    Relation between Institutional Changes , Structural Changes and Income Gap : Theoretical and Empirical Study

  21. 收入差距的理论分析&两种分配方式的机理与结果

    Theoretically Analyzing Income Gaps & Mechanism of two modes of income distribution and its result

  22. 这种严峻的现实呼唤着对缩小地区经济差距的理论和政策措施的研究。

    Moreover , this severe fact demands that we Chinese theory and policy research to reduce the disparity of our regional economy .

  23. 识字教学的相关理论研究和识字教材编写之间存在着一定的差距,理论研究的实践转换还有大量的工作未做。

    There is a gap between teaching theories and compilation of the textbook . There are lots of works to do for employing theories to practices .

  24. 第二、三、四章为理论分析部分。第二章考察了地区经济差距的理论基础:平衡发展理论和非平衡发展理论。

    The author presents theoretical analysis in charter II , III and IV. The second chapter reviews the theoretical basis of regional economic disparities : the balanced development theory and non-equilibrium development theory .

  25. 对城市化、技术创新与经济增长,经济增长、城市化与城乡收入差距之间理论机制的探讨采用规范研究的方法,对理论机制的检验和实际效应的测算则采用实证研究的方法。

    Normative methods are used to study the theoretic machenism among urbanization , technology innovation , economic growth and urban-rural income inequality . Positive methods are used to prove the theoretic machenism and analyze the actual effects .

  26. 贸易与工资差距变动的理论研究,已经形成了比较系统的理论体系,如李嘉图模型,SS定理,克鲁格曼贸易模型等,这些理论对我们深刻认识两岸贸易与两岸工资差距具有很大的参考价值。

    Theoretical studies of changes in trade and wage gap have already formed a relatively systematic theoretical system , such as Ricardo model , SS theorem , Krugman trade model , etc. These theories have great reference value to us to understand deeply the cross-strait trade and the wage gap .

  27. 第一部分介绍了收入差距的基本理论。

    In the first part the paper introduces the basic theories .

  28. 二元性与中国城乡居民收入差距演进:理论模型与计量检验

    Dualism and Evolution of China 's Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents : Theoretical Model and Empirical Tests

  29. 敌对占有取得所有权,与我国物权理论具有相当大的差距,涉及理论体系、司法实践、法律思维。

    Property right through adverse possession is very much different from our legal property theory , regarding systemic theory , judicatory practice , jurisprudent thinking .

  30. 本文首先论述了我国城乡居民收入分配差距调节的理论基础&马克思主义公平分配理论。

    Beginning with the theoretical basis of regulating the income distribution gap between the urban and the rural of China , it refers to fair distribution theory of Marxism .