
  1. 侵犯注册商标权犯罪问题研究

    Research in the Crime of Infringing upon Registered Trademark

  2. 第四部分,假冒注册商标权罪的刑罚适用。

    The fourth section is the penalty to the counterfeiting registered trademark rights crime .

  3. 否则,视为自动解除对该注册商标权的财产保全。

    Otherwise , the rights in the registered trademark shall be deemed to have been automatically released from the property preservation measures .

  4. 购买商品销售打出商标文字不构成商标侵权&兼谈保护注册商标权的有关理论和法律制度

    Printing Words in Trademarks on Product for Sale Does Not Constitute Trademark Tort & also on related theories and legal systems with the protection of registered trademark rights

  5. 侵犯注册商标权犯罪是当前实践中比较突出的一个问题,随着互联网的发展,侵犯商标权犯罪出现了新的态势。

    Infringing registered trademark is a comparatively outstanding problem in contemporary practice . In the wake of the internet development , fresh criminal situation of infringing trademark rights has arised .

  6. 侵犯注册商标权犯罪是一种侵犯他人的商标专用权及国家商标管理制度的犯罪,具有严重的社会危害性。

    The crime of infringing registered trademark rights is a crime violating the owners'exclusive right of the trademarks and the national brand management system , which harms the society seriously .

  7. 该制度设置的意义在于督促注册商标权人积极使用注册商标,减少注册商标的囤积现象,确保商标的识别机能得到有效的发挥。

    The significance of this regulation is to urge people to actively use the registered trademark , to reduce the hoarding phenomenon of registered trademarks and to ensure the identification function to be played effectively .

  8. 我国商标法并未从正面直接保护未注册商标权人的商誉,其对在先权利的保护实际上是对商标权注册取得主义进行的修正。

    Trademark Law of China has not directly from the front to protect the goodwill of the owner of the trademark is not registered , their prior rights protection is actually a registered trademark correction doctrine .

  9. 注册商标权人有权要求在先使用人附加区别性标记,在先使用人有权扩大自己的营业范围,但是不得有不正当竞争行为。

    The owner of a registered trademark are entitled to demand the prior right user to add the differentiate marks and the prior right user are entitled to expand his business scope , but cannot exercise the anti-competition acts .

  10. 对未注册商标使用权法律保护的深层思考

    On the Legal Protection of the Right to Use Non-registered Trademarks

  11. 乡镇企业注册商标专用权的国际保护

    International Protection to Registered Trademark for Town and Township EnterPrises

  12. 注册商标专用权的保护

    Protection of the Exclusive Rights to Use Registered Trademarks

  13. 销售侵犯注册商标专用权的商品的;

    Selling the commodities that infringe upon the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark ;

  14. 假冒商标行为是侵犯注册商标专用权最为严重的行为之一。

    Trademark counterfeiting is the most serious crime in infringing the right-holder 's rights of registered trademarks .

  15. 对驰名商标的特殊保护,主要是将淡化行为判定为侵犯注册商标专用权的行为。

    Special protection for famous trademarks mainly judge " the desalination behavior " as the infringement registered trademark right of sole use behavior .

  16. 国家工商行政管理总局商标局负责办理注册商标专用权质权登记。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall be responsible for handling the registration of pledge of exclusive rights to registered trademarks .

  17. 商标侵权行为是指侵犯他人的注册商标专用权,给他人商标权益造成损害的行为。

    Trademark infringement refers to acts infringing upon the exclusive right to use registered trademark , and causing damages to the rights and interests of the trademark owners .

  18. 通过论述未注册商标使用权的权利性质,指出未注册商标使用权是一项合法的民事权利。

    By stating the nature of the right to use non-registered trademarks , this paper points out that the right to use non-registered trademarks is a lawful civil right .

  19. 显然销售商的主观过错对其侵权责任的承担并不影响,只要其从事了销售侵犯注册商标专用权的商品,即构成侵犯商标专用权的行为。

    Obviously , the subjective fault of the seller does not affect that the seller take the law liability , as long as they sell the goods which have infringed ownership of trademark .

  20. 对于本罪的客体,笔者采用通说的观点,认为其是复杂客体,既包括国家的商标管理制度,又包括商标权利人的注册商标专用权。

    Taking the criminal object for example , the writer considers it as the complex criminal object , which includes both national trademarks management system and the registered trademark holders ' exclusive rights .

  21. 商标侵权的判定是商标权制度的核心,正确把握商标侵权的判定是合理保护注册商标专用权人的利益和社会大众利益的平衡点。

    Determination of trademark infringement is the core of system of trademark right , Correctly grasp the determination of trademark infringement is reasonably protect the interests of registered trademark rights and balance of interests of the community .

  22. 第56条第3款之规定,销售不知道是侵犯注册商标专用权的商品,能证明该商品是自己合法取得的并说明提供者的,不承担赔偿责任。

    According to Article 56 paragraph 3 , provisions , sales do not know infringement of registered trademark goods , to prove that the goods are legally acquired and that their provider is not liable for damages .

  23. 工商行政管理部门对同一侵犯注册商标专用权行为已经给予行政处罚的,人民法院不再予以民事制裁。

    For the same infringement upon the exclusive right to a registered trademark to which the administrative punishments have been given by the competent administrative department for Industry and commerce , the people 's court shall impose no further civil sanction .

  24. 此次行动的目的是“保护商标权利人注册商标专用权,维护消费者合法权益,促进形成公平竞争的市场环境,维护我国保护知识产权的国际形象,”工商总局说,并表示,此次行动已于上月开始。

    The objective was to " safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers , promote a market environment of fair competition and uphold China 's international image in protecting intellectual property rights , " the agency said . The push started last month , it added .

  25. 假《白雪公主》(SnowWhite)娃娃或假《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)背包的生产者和商贩已接到中国国家工商行政管理总局的通知,工商总局承诺将用一年的时间,“在全国开展保护迪士尼注册商标专用权专项行动。”

    Producers and peddlers of fake Snow White dolls or " Frozen " backpacks were put on notice by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , which pledged in a statement to carry out a special one-year " crackdown on infringement of Disney 's registered trademarks . "

  26. 涉外OEM,主要指在国外拥有商标注册权(商标权)或使用权(拥有注册商标使用权)的人,委托国内企业进行贴牌加工,产品全部回销国外的情形。

    Foreign OEM , mainly referring to the people who have rights of trademark registration in the foreign ( trademark ) or the rights to use ( it has its registered trademark rights ), commissioned by the domestic enterprises OEM , all products sold abroad .

  27. 通用雪茄公司在美国注册了这个商标权。

    General Cigar registered the rights to the name in the United States .

  28. 在实践中,商标权人往往将自己的注册商标的专用权理解为绝对的私权而阻碍公众对公有领域知识的合理使用。

    In practice , People of trademark right usually realize that the exclusive right is an absolute private right , and prevent the public from fair use public knowledge .

  29. 商标所有人的权利不仅包括注册商标的专用权,也包括未注册商标的商标使用人就其使用所享有的权利。

    The rights of trademark owner includes not only the exclusive right to use registered trademarks , but also the rights to use unregistered trademarks to prevent from unfair competing .

  30. 另一方面,《商标法》还应对商标的在先使用利益给予充分的保护,构建未注册商标先使用权制度。

    On the other hand , the Trademark Law also should protect the benefit of prior use of trademark and build the system of prior usage right of unregistered trademark .