
zhù cè fǎ
  • registration law
  1. 今期的内容包罗更多可读性高的文章,有专案管理学,絰济,社会时事及土地注册法等题材。

    There are many more readable articles in this issue covering a wider range of topics , including project management , economics , land registration law and other topics of social and current affairs .

  2. 激光轮廓注册法在神经导航中的应用

    Application of the contour laser registration method in the neuronavigation

  3. 结论激光轮廓注册法用于微创的导航神经外科手术具有简便、快速、准确的优点。

    Conclusion The contour laser registration method is simple , fast , and accurate for minimally invasive neuronavigational operations .

  4. 针对以上问题不少专家学者提出了好几种位置追踪与消息转发方案,例如广播法、链状追踪法、基站法和集中注册法等。

    Many researchers have put forward some kind of solutions of agent location tracking , message storage and transfer for problems above , such as Broadcasting method , Link Tracing method , Home Proxy method Central Registration method , and etc.

  5. 二零零一年,共有38258家新公司注册成为法团。

    In 2001 , 38 258 new companies were incorporated .

  6. 一家私人有限公司于2000年2月在香港注册成为法团(下称香港公司)。

    A private limited company ( the HK Company ) was incorporated in Hong Kong in February 2000 .

  7. 第三部分主要概述了我国《药品注册管理法》中专利相关问题的规定,和现有制度与实际操作中的不足。

    The third part is an overview of the provisions of the patent related issues of the Administration of Drug Registration Act , and the existing system and the lack of actual operation .

  8. 商业实体如果需要使用一个特别的类别或标识分类法的话,他可以注册一个分类法并以未检验分类法的形式使用。

    Organizations that choose to make a particular taxonomy available for categorization or identification can register a taxonomy and use that taxonomy as unchecked .

  9. 在伊利诺伊州,一部新法律实施,允许公民在选举日当天在投票站注册投票,该法延长了提前投票时间,这为工薪人士和忙着带孩子的父母们提供了方便。

    Here in Illinois , a new law allows citizens to register and vote at the polls on Election Day . It also expands early voting , which makes it much easier for working folks and busy parents .

  10. 第一百三十六条证券公司注册资本低于本法规定的从事相应业务要求的,由国务院证券监督管理机构撤销对其有关业务范围的核定。

    Article 136 . Where a securities company 's registered capital is less than what is required for operating business in a given field as provided for under this law , the State Council securities regulatory body shall withdraw the approval of its right to operate business in that field .

  11. 截至二零零一年年底,向土地注册处注册的业主立案法团达6611个。

    At the end of the year , 6 611 Owners ' Corporations were registered with the Land Registry .

  12. 结果平均注册误差为(2.05±0.58)mm,准确性与传统的标记点注册法相仿。

    Results The mean marker registration error of the contour laser registration was ( 2.05 ± 0.58 ) mm , with the similar accuracy to the conventional fiducial marker registration .