
  • registered capital
  1. 注册资金不得少于人民币20万元;

    Having the registered capital not less than RMB200 thousand Yuan ;

  2. 公司注册资金:壹亿元人民币。

    The company 's registered capital is RMB100 million yuan .

  3. 公司注册资金2500万元,现拥有聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)生产线三条。

    The Companies registered is more than 25 million yuan . The company has three polyacrylamide ( PAM ) production lines .

  4. 厦门KT信息技术有限公司创建于1999年。是一家注册资金2500万元,以3S(地理信息系统GIS、遥感RS、全球定位系统GPS)底层技术开发与集成应用为核心业务的民营IT企业。

    Xiamen KT Information Technology Co. , Ltd was founded in 1999 , registration capital 25 million RMB , is a private IT enterprise with " 3S " ( GIS , RS , GPS ) software technology development and integration application as its core business .

  5. 注册资金和各个投资者的出资数额;

    The amounts of registered funds and the contribution of each investor ;

  6. 注册资金担保质疑

    Questions about Two Judicial Interpretations by the Supreme Court on the Registered Capital Guarantee

  7. 除此之外,还有诸如一人公司的注册资金过高;

    Of course , such as the setting of the registered capital too high ;

  8. 中方企业现状:有限公司,注册资金1亿元。

    Gerneral Description of Chinese Sponsor : Limited company , registered capital of100 million yuan .

  9. 注册资金不实,法人人格始终不完整;

    The registered capital is not solid , the legal person personality is incomplete throughout .

  10. 该公司注册资金为人民币万元;

    The company registered capital is CNY ;

  11. 他们的注册资金也能说明有钱吗?

    Check whether you could find out other proofs , otherwise you explain it to VO .

  12. 物质因素主要由办公场所、服务设施和注册资金决定;

    Material factors mainly depend on whether the cooperative have office service facilities , and registered capital .

  13. 注册资金在公司完全成立之后3个月内从国外汇入。

    The registration capital should transfer from the foreign bank into china bank in3 months after WFOE company setup .

  14. 此外,私营企业注册资金投入呈大幅上升之势。

    Additionally , the input of registered capital of privately owned enterprises has shown a trend of substantial growth .

  15. 注册资金(资本)、投资总额、开户银行及帐号;

    Registered capital , total investment , name of bank where an account is held and bank account number ;

  16. 甲方不提供乙方输营业执照所需的注册资金及乙方生产经营所需的资金。

    Party A shall not provide Party B the registered capital as required by the business license and any funds for production and operation .

  17. 这家公司有1500万美元的注册资金,主营进出口和一系列的数码产品。

    This company has a registered capital of15 million US Dollars and specializes in importing and exporting and a great variety of digital products .

  18. 代表员工申请上海户口的用人单位,注册资金必须超过一百万元人民币。

    In order to apply for hukou on behalf of their employees , companies must have a registered capital of more than 1 million yuan .

  19. 在知识经济时代,勘察设计咨询企业的竞争已从固定资产和注册资金的较量,转向自主知识产权的竞争。

    In knowledge economic era , the competition of investigation design and consulting enterprise is transferred from the fixed asset and registered capital to independent knowledge property .

  20. 新修订的《中华人民共和国公司法》降低了公司的注册资金,这对经济犯罪侦查工作又产生重要的影响。

    The new version of the " PRC Company Law " reduced the company 's registered capital which had an important impact on the investigation of economic crime .

  21. 被调查的高技术企业创业者对杭州市现有的创业环境的总体评价介于一般与较好之间,不同成立年限、不同注册资金规模的企业,对创业环境现状的评价有所不同。

    The overall evaluation of entrepreneurial environment of Hangzhou is between common and comparatively good . There is some difference evaluation between entrepreneurs with different duration time and size of registered capital .

  22. 新成立的西门子中国公司,拥有1.5亿美元的注册资金,它的主要是为在西门子华的合资企业提供资金。

    The new company , Siemens ( China ), has US $ 150 million of registered capital and its primary task is to supply funds for Siemens ' joint ventures in China .

  23. 经过这些曲折,我辞去了在咨询公司向人们讲解如何有效地与政府沟通的工作,转而步入私营企业,用退休金经营了一个有100亿美元注册资金的公司。

    This wandering path led me into the private sector where I moved from advising companies on how to deal effectively with governments , to running a $ 10 billion business in superannuation .

  24. 登记主管机关在核准企业法人减少注册资金的申请时,应重新审核经营范围和经营方式。

    When the registration authority examines and approves the application of an enterprise as a legal person for reducing registered capital , it shall re-examine its scope of business and mode of operation .

  25. 湖北省政府和深圳一家投资公司也分别投资了25亿元和2.5亿元,将新机场的总体注册资金提高至50亿元。

    The provincial government and an investment company in Shenzhen also invested 2.45 billion yuan and 250 million yuan respectively , bringing the total registered capital of the new airport to 5 billion yuan .

  26. 上海慨诺加进出口有限公司是一家集生产销售于一体的专业贸易公司,成立于2002年,注册资金100万,坐落于上海。

    Shanghai Keynor Asia & I / E Co. , Ltd is a manufacturing and sales in one professional trading company , which is set up in2002.The register capital is RMB1 million , located in Shanghai .

  27. 随着近两年国内经济结构升级的推动,国内租赁行业突猛进地进行跨越式发展,租赁业公司个数和注册资金以翻倍式地增长。

    With the structure of the economy upgrade in recent years , the leasing industry of domestic have a sudden leaps and bounds , the number and the registered capital of the companies in a double-type grow .

  28. 在法律实务中人们通常把注册资金与注册资本加以混淆,殊不知,一字之差在经济生活中将导致巨大的差异,两者的适用对象是截然不同的。

    Registered capital and registered fund are often confused in legal practice . However , it is just the " one word " difference between them that will lead to great discrepancy in economic life because of their completely different applicable targets .

  29. 有限责任公司是我国公司组成的重要形式,其法定的注册资金较低,组织结构基于合伙和股份有限公司之间,具有人合性和资合性的双重特点,广受青睐。

    The limited liability company is an important form of our companies , lower its statutory registered capital , the organizational structure is based on partnership and joint stock with the dual characteristics of the people together and owned together , is widely popular .

  30. 注册资金是国家授予企业法人经营管理的财产或者企业法人自有财产的数额体现属于(记载地产产权,价值等供征税用的)土地清册记录或与之有关。

    The registered capital of an enterprise as a legal person represents the total value of the property the State entrusts to it for operation and management or that of the property owned by the enterprise itself . of or relating to the records of a cadastre .