
  1. 因此,本文主要以有限责任公司中的隐名出资为研究对象。

    Therefore , the paper mainly studies anonymous contribution of limited liability companies .

  2. 隐名出资有着自由、安全、公共利益的价值诉求。

    Anonymous investment has three kinds of value , including free 、 safety and public interest demands .

  3. 总而言之,各种角度都认定隐名出资时一种实际出资。

    In short , all sorts of angles are all that sort of an actual investment capital .

  4. 同时提出了应明确制定相关法律规则来规制规避法律隐名出资的建议。

    Besides , this paper also suggests enacting detailed rules to regulate evasion of law in dormant investment .

  5. 在此情形下,关于隐名出资者能否具有生存空间的问题理论界众说纷纭。

    In this case , theorists have different opinions with the problem about the living space of anonymous investors .

  6. 第二部分阐述了我国对隐名出资人股东资格认定的理论和实践。

    The second part states the theory and practice of the identification of the dormant contributors ' shareholder qualification .

  7. 最后,笔者提出对隐名出资人取得股东资格的诉讼性质是变更之诉,并对其条件以及证据规则进行了讨论。

    Finally , the anonymous investor qualification as a shareholder lawsuit nature , conditions and rules of evidence were discussed .

  8. 最后一部分是对隐名出资人股东资格认定问题的分析。

    The last part is the analysis of the problem which is about identifying the dormant contributors ' shareholder qualification .

  9. 但是因为隐名出资行为具有复杂性,几个条文并没有办法对其进行全面的阐释。

    But because of the complexity of dormant investment , only few articles have no way to carry on comprehensive explanation .

  10. 本文从这个角度出发,对隐名出资行为与公司人合性的冲突进行了研究。

    From this perspective , the article studies the conflict between anonymous contribution and people combination of the limited liability company .

  11. 因此,隐名出资纠纷的审理已经成为了理论界和实务界的一个难点和热点问题。

    Hence , the dispute of dormant investment has become a difficult and hot topic in both theory and practical realm .

  12. 对于股东资格的依据相冲突时的解决办法基本没有涉及,关于隐名出资的认定也值得进一步的探讨。

    Regarding the shareholder eligibility based conflict solution is not involved , about anonymous investment that is worth to be discussed further .

  13. 隐名出资问题的解决不仅在于出现纠纷后依靠完善的法条明确当事人的法律关系,更重要的是纠纷的预防与避免。

    Anonymous solution lies not only in the perfect articles , but also , more importantly , the prevention and avoiding of disputes .

  14. 多数学者从显名出资的对立面界定隐名出资,一般认为隐名出资是一种实际出资。

    Most scholars from his name to the definition of the expense of the hidden by the thought of funding is an actual investment .

  15. 优化隐名出资协议与引入信托协议进入隐名出资领域是预防纠纷的两条重要手段。

    The enhancement of investment agreements and the introduction of Trust into the anonymous investment is two important means to prevent disputes in the field .

  16. 本文对隐名出资与公司登记制度的冲突进行了分析研究,提出了隐名出资纠纷的处理原则。

    In this paper , the author studies the conflict between anonymous contribution and company registration system and explains the principles of handling anonymous contribution disputes .

  17. 在现实生活中,有限责任公司的隐名出资行为非常普遍,已经成为各大媒体报导的热点和学术界关注的焦点。

    In reality , limited liability companys ' dormant investment is very common , which has become hot spot of media and focus of academic circles .

  18. 至于隐名出资人的法律状态主要是其股东资格被否定后权利义务以及应承担的法律责任。

    The legal conditions of anonymous contributors mainly reflect in the rights and duty and the legal liability that should assumed after the shareholders qualification was denied .

  19. 在规避法律的隐名出资情况下,对公司而言,隐名出资人因违反法律而被否定股东资格。

    In the condition of circumvent the law anonymous contribution . To the company , the shareholders qualification of anonymous contributors was negatived because of violating the law .

  20. 对于隐名出资人与显名股东之间的关系,可以在具体的纠纷中,依双方真实意思表示来判断。

    For the relationship between the anonymous contributors and the significant shareholders , can according to the true meaning of the two sides to judge in specific dispute .

  21. 第五章分析了现阶段关于隐名出资的理论和实践,并提出在处理隐名出资问题时以第三人视角的认定标准。

    Chapter V analyzes the current the theory and practice of anonymous investment , and propose the standard to identify from third person perspective when dealing with anonymous investment .

  22. 但是对于隐名出资问题的研究不应就此停滞,因为上述规定的合理性还有待于理论和实践的进一步的检验。

    But the research on the study of dormant investment shall not reach a standstill here because the rationality of those rules above is still subject to further tests in the practice .

  23. 首先,介绍了隐名出资股东资格确认的学说以及对各种学说的评价,然后提出了笔者所支持双重标准说及其支持理由。

    The author introduces different theory that it can confirm who are shareholders and kinds of evaluation of the theory . And then , the author puts forward his reason that he support double standards .

  24. 在确立实际出资人法律责任时,我们要尊重私法领域的意思自治,优先适用公司章程和隐名出资协议中关于实际出资人责任的规定。

    In deciding the actual investors ' legal liability , we have to respect the party autonomy in private law , and apply the articles of association of the company and the anonymous contribution agreement first .

  25. 隐名出资是指虽然实际出资认购公司股份,但在公司章程、股东名册和工商登记中却记载为他人的出资方式。

    Anonymous investment is the kind of investment that although somebody actually subscribe for shares , but registration in the articles of association , stock ledger and the industrial and commercial administration has recorded for others to invest .

  26. 通过对以上理论以及立法的分析可以发现,虽然它们就隐名出资中具体某些问题有合理的解释或者规定,但就整体而言都存在一定的不足。

    Can be found , although they are purposes of anonymity funded specific reasonable explanation of some of the issues or requirements , but on the whole there is a certain lack of analysis of the above theory and legislation .

  27. 由于《公司法》未对隐名出资作相关规定,隐名股东是否具备法律地位是理论界争论多时的话题,同时也是司法实践面临的难题。

    Because of the Company Law without the relevant regulations about anonymous investment , whether dormant shareholders have legal status , is a subject of theoretical argument for a long time , and it is difficult to judicial practice faces .

  28. 从经济学的角度,隐名出资是一种非常态的投资方式,既然是投资,便是以获利作为最终目的,同时页承担投资风险,因而区别于明投资,实借贷的法律关系。

    Economically , of funding is a untypical investment , as investment , as the ultimate aim is to make a profit , but also take the investment risk , and therefore different from " the investment and lending " .

  29. 在第四章中,笔者逐条分析新颁布的《公司法司法解释(三)》的规定以及这些条款存在的缺陷,从而进一步提出相关的立法建议,完善我国隐名出资的立法。

    In the fourth chapter of the paper , the author item by item analyzes the newly issued Companies Act judicial interpretation ( 3 ), and this articles exist advantages and disadvantages , in order to put forward some legislative suggestions .

  30. 以往的研究多倾向于关注隐名出资自身的法律关系,如股东资格认定、隐名股东与显名股东的关系等,对于处分股权的效力认定则较少涉及。

    Previous studies tend to focus on the legal relationship between the anonymous investment itself , such as the shareholder qualification , relationship of anonymous shareholders and shareholders , the effectiveness of the disposal of the share that is less involved .