
  1. 第四章为信用出资的法律规制。

    The fourth chapter is about " the legal regulation of credit capital contribution " .

  2. 所以,与其限制信用出资,让他游离于法律体系之外,还不如将其纳入法律体系中,以便于有效的管理。

    Therefore , for effective management , it should be included , not be away from outside in the legal system .

  3. 作为公司法研究的一个课题,信用出资在学界有两种截然不同的观点,至今尚未达成统一意见,然而学者都认为在公司发展中信用的经营功能非一般财产所能比拟的。

    As a topic of Company Law , there are two different perspectives about credit as capital , but scholars believe that the other property cannot compare with the credit in the business function .

  4. 在破产之后,对于出资不实或未履行的信用出资应在注册资本范围内承担清偿责任,其他股东在信用出资的范围内承担连带责任。

    After the bankruptcy , the funders of the credit should bear the liability within the scope of the registered capital when their capital is untruth or unfulfilled , the other shareholders should bear joint liability in the scope of credit funded .

  5. 但是,由于学者对信用是否可以作为适格的出资形式有着不同的理解,从而导致信用出资问题未能形成一致意见。

    However , the scholars have a different understanding about the form of credit capital , which leads to the difficult points .