
xìn yònɡ dài kuǎn
  • credit;unsecured loan;loan on credit;loan without security
  1. 国家助学贷款属信用贷款,并且享受50%的财政贴息,但申请人必须符合所在学校享受国家助学贷款的条件。

    State educational loans belong to credit loans and enjoy a 50 % fiscal interest discount , and their applicants must meet the condition that the involved schools have access to state educational loans .

  2. 信用贷款不断增加而未受限制.减少贫穷促进增长信贷额度

    The use of credit continues / grows unchecked . Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility

  3. 他们正在发放农业信用贷款。

    They were issuing agricultural credits .

  4. 本部分首先运用SWOT分析法对农户小额信用贷款的市场化运作可行性进行了研究,然后通过实例对可持续性进行了分析。

    First I , with SWOT , made a study of its feasibility , then I , with the living examples , made an analysis of continuity .

  5. 第三步,通过构建基于VaR约束的个人信用贷款优化决策模型解决个人贷款组合的信用风险度量以及收益与风险之间平衡问题。

    Afterwards , the author construct a decision optimization model for individual credit loan portfolio on constrain of VaR to solve the problem of measuring the credit risk of individual credit loan portfolio and the balance of profit and risk .

  6. 目标与激励:两种小额信用贷款模式比较

    Objection and Stimulation : Comparison of Two Micro Credit Loan Modules

  7. 我们会将受损品的信用贷款寄给你们。

    We will send you a credit for the damaged goods .

  8. 银行已经答应向你们公司提供信用贷款。

    The bank has promised to extend your company credit .

  9. 在实际操作中,银行发放信用贷款是非常少的。

    In exercises , the quantity of credit loan is a few .

  10. 商业银行个人信用贷款风险管理策略研究

    Commercial Banks Personal Credit Loans Risk Management Strategies Study

  11. 农村小额信用贷款的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of Small - loan to Farmer

  12. 论大学生信用贷款的可能问题

    On the Probability of Credit Loaning for College Students

  13. 农户小额信用贷款信用评级探究

    Probe into the Credit Degree Appraisal of the Micro - Credit for Farmer

  14. 对资信良好的企业适当发放信用贷款,增加授信额度。

    Providing loans or credit to creditworthy enterprises and increasing the credit lines .

  15. 所有制、债权人保护与企业信用贷款

    Ownership , Creditor Protection and Firms ' Credit Loans

  16. 小额信用贷款与农村信用体系建设

    Rural Micro Lending and the Credit System Enhancement

  17. 第一部分是对农户小额信用贷款的制度性研究。

    Part I The study of its system .

  18. 抵押贷款与信用贷款是银行的两种基本贷款形式。

    Mortgage loan and credit loan are the two lending facilities of a bank .

  19. 学生信用贷款分析

    The Analysis of The Students ' Credit Loan

  20. 有几家银行放宽了信用贷款。

    Some banks loosened up on their credits .

  21. 会计学教授接吻是一种信用贷款,因为返还时有利润可图。

    Prof. of Accountancy : Kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned .

  22. 布鲁斯回答说:是的,这位信用贷款分析家对此没有异议。

    Bruce 's answer was " yes ", and the credit analyst did not dispute it .

  23. 为符合资格的客户提供信用贷款。

    Extend credit to qualified purchasers .

  24. 第二部分是对我国农户小额信用贷款的政策性进行研究。

    In my study , I drew the conclusion that the petty loan on credit is policy .

  25. 价格增长曾意味着房主可以从房屋净值贷款和信用贷款中取钱。

    Rising values meant that people could also take out home equity loans and lines of credit .

  26. 私立公司,提供消费者信用贷款和给授权的使用者提供信用调查,收取费用。

    A private firm that maintains consumer credit data files and provides credit information to authorized users for a fee .

  27. 只要偿还曾贷款项其贷款额可增加的信用贷款。

    A consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time .

  28. “我想申请些信用贷款。”蟹说,“这是我的信用证。”

    " I would like to apply for some credit ," said the crab . " Here are my credentials . "

  29. 从前,一条小溪的裂缝里住着一只蟹。一天蟹和他女儿一起爬到银行去申请信用贷款。

    Once upon a time , there was a crab who lived in a crack on the side of a creek .

  30. 规定信用贷款的最高限额,并延伸至满足公司员工所有公务旅行相关的费用。

    Line of credit that is extended to a corporation for travel related purposes to meet employee expenses for business travel .