
  • 网络credit asset
  1. 国有商业银行信贷资产状况一直是社会关注的热门话题,尤其是加入WTO后,外资银行的进入加剧了竞争。

    The situation of state-owned commercial banks ' credit assets is a hot topic of public concern , especially after accession to WTO and enter of foreign banks as a result competition is becoming more and more tough .

  2. 由于其抵押关联证券等信贷资产价值缩水,这支siv去年秋天进入破产管理程序。

    The SIV went into receivership last autumn when the value of its credit assets , such as mortgage-linked securities , plunged .

  3. 第二部分为本课题研究对象Z县农村信用社信贷资产质量状况及评价。

    Part 2 is the status and evaluation of the credit asset quality of the research object & " Z county Rural Credit Union " .

  4. IRB法下信贷资产组合的风险因子度量研究

    On Measuring Risk Factors of Loan Portfolio with IRB Approaches

  5. 标普因此将HSBCFinance的AA信用前景评级从此前的“正面”下调到了“稳定”,以此反映该行信贷资产质量出现下降的状况。

    S & P revised the outlook on HSBC Holdings'double-A credit rating to stable from positive , to reflect the lower quality of the unit 's lending portfolio .

  6. 随着我国加入WTO和改革开放的不断深化,商业银行之间的竞争越来越剧烈,因此,信贷资产风险管理的问题便成为商业银行业务是否能够健康发展的一个关键性问题。

    With the entrance to WTO and the deepening of our reform , the competition among commercial banks becomes more and more severe . Loans risks management becomes the key of the healthy development of commercial banks business .

  7. 提出了信用风险的承担者主要有投资者、SPV和发起人银行的观点,并且根据证券类型分析了其承担的风险大小。第三部分主要针对银行信贷资产证券化中资产的信用风险进行论述。

    It advances the point of view that there are three kinds of credit risk undertakers in the bank 's asset securitization .

  8. 然后构建了度量中国金融发展的两个指标,一个以信贷资产(全部金融机构贷款)在GDP中的比率度量,另一个以银行业市场竞争程度来度量。

    Then we construct two indicators to measure the financial development . The first indicator is the ratio of credit of all financial institutions to GDP and the second one is the degree of competition in banking market .

  9. 面对加入WTO后国内外激烈的竞争态势,如何健全商业银行信贷资产风险管理体系已是摆在我们面前迫切需要解决的一个重大课题,文章对此作了初步的探讨。

    When facing with the fierce competitin at home and abroad after joining the WTO , we are pressed to solve the big problem of improving the credit asset risk management system for commercial bank This article thus makes a discussion this question .

  10. 通过构建最优的多银行中小企业贷款池,运用合成CDO等结构化融资方式为化解中小企业信贷资产风险、缓解中小企业融资困境提供了新思路。

    Synthetic CDOs based on Multi-bank Loan Pool are designed and employed to diversify the credit risk of SME loans , and relieve the dilemma of SME financing .

  11. 以安全性为首要经营目标的现代商业银行,便将COSO理论充分的运用在信贷资产安全防范上。

    For the primary business goal in the safety of modern commercial bank , we will make full use of the COSO theory in the credit assets safe guard .

  12. 以信贷资产支持证券为例探讨资产证券化的特有风险&违约风险,并运用KMV模型测度个案违约风险,在此基础上提出一些控制违约风险的策略。

    In case of credit assets backed securities , the paper explores the special risks of asset securitization-default risk , and the default risks with KMV model . The paper puts forwards some measures of avoiding default risks .

  13. 由于其他国家或地区在农村金融证券化方面走在前列,经验的借鉴和吸收十分必要,基于此,本研究解析了不同国家信贷资产证券化SPV的法律制度。

    As the other countries or regions ' experience which are in the forefront of the rural financial securitization is worth drawing on and absorbing , borrow and absorb is necessary , so , the research have analysis the SPV legal system in different countries SPV legal system .

  14. 加强贷款管理,提高信贷资产质量;

    Strengthen the credit management and improve the credit capital quality ;

  15. 信息不对称下银行信贷资产证券化博弈分析

    The Research on Banks ' Credit Asset Securitization under Asymmetric Information

  16. 第六章为信息不对称与商业银行信贷资产安全性分析。

    Chapter 6 is commercial credit assets security and information asymmetric .

  17. 国有商业银行信贷资产流失的现状、成因与对策

    Drain of Credit Funds of State-owed Commercial Banks and Its Solutions

  18. 基于贷款交易业务模式创新的信贷资产组合管理研究

    Credit Portfolio Management Based on Mechanism Innovation of Loan Trade Business

  19. 银行不良信贷资产风险的形成与防范

    Formation and Avoidance of Bank ` s Improper Credit Assets Risk

  20. 第二,防范恶意重组行为,有效减少信贷资产的损失。

    Second , taking precaution against the maliciously structure behavior effectively .

  21. 信贷资产证券化在我国实施的制度障碍分析

    An Analysis of System Obstacles for Implementing Chinese Credit Asset Securitization

  22. 论银行信贷资产非安全性生成的一般机理

    On the General Mechanism Formation of the Security in Bank Loans

  23. 银行信贷资产价值的会计计量

    On the Accounting of the Value of Banks ' Credit Assets

  24. 商业银行的信贷资产风险又是诱发金融危机的重要原因。

    Commercial bank credit assets risk is evoked financial crisis important reasons .

  25. 我国农村信贷资产质量状况的实证研究

    Studies on the Credit Asset Quality of Rural Credit Union

  26. 释放银行信贷资产的风险资本金与流动性

    Liquidity & Releasing Risk Capital of Banks ' Credit Asset

  27. 第五章为影响我国商业银行信贷资产安全性的特殊因素分析。

    Chapter 5 is the forming mechanism of commercial credit assets security .

  28. 信贷资产风险损失分类与评估

    The Classification and Evaluation of the Loss of the Credit Assets Risk

  29. 论当前银行信贷资产风险的成因及对策

    Talk About The Cause and Countermeasure of The Bank Assets risk Today

  30. 信贷资产转让业务异化及其对金融监管的启示

    Credit Assets Transferring Transaction Alienation & Enlightenments for Financial Regulation