
xìn yònɡ jiè kuǎn
  • credit loan;debt of honor
  1. 你和他玩牌输的钱是一笔信用借款,你一定要付这笔钱。

    The money you lost playing at cards with him is a debt of honor and you must certainly pay it .

  2. 1936年《德华信用借款合同》签订的作用与影响

    The Effect of Germany-China Credit Contract Of 1936

  3. 您可以利用牡丹卡的信用借款功能获取一定的透支便利,以解燃眉之急。

    B : You are relieved on the spot by using the credit borrowing functions of the Pony Card and obtain certain overdrafts .

  4. 他说:大部分按揭都使用了大量现金,那些基于信用借款的按揭,首付比率在25-50%之间。

    Most mortgages use significant cash and those based on credit borrowing have a 25 to 50 per cent down payment rate , he says .

  5. 本文以中国A股上市公司为研究对象,分析了企业盈余质量与总借款债务成本,长期借款债务成本和信用借款债务成本之间的关系,以检验我国银行是否能够识别借款企业的盈余质量。

    We examine the relation of earnings quality and cost of debt in Chinese A-share stock markets in order to test whether banks in China can see through firms'earnings quality .

  6. 此外,在贷款类型上,信用借款对财务状况的敏感性比较强,而担保借款类(保证、抵押借款)则与财务状况的相关性并不十分显著。

    In addition , on the loan type , credit borrowing stronger sensitivity to the financial situation , and guarantee the borrowing class ( guarantee , mortgage loans ) and financial situation is not very significant correlation .

  7. 他积欠了数千元的信用卡借款。

    He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars .

  8. 首先,信用卡借款者每月实际偿还的金额不断减少。

    First , card borrowers are starting to pay back less of their outstanding balances each month .

  9. 银行过去两年的大量信用卡借款被勾销,当在高失业率下顾客未能支付时。

    Banks wrote off record amounts of credit card debt in the past two years as customers failed to make payments amid high unemployment .

  10. 2月份的信用卡借款增幅为5.9%,而汽车贷款和其他类别的非循环借款增幅却跌至0.4%。

    Credit-card borrowing rose at a5.9 % pace in February , but demand for auto loans and other kinds of nonrevolving debt slowed to a0.4 % rate .

  11. 不过他每月都会结清信用卡借款,而且尽量不驾驶自己的汽车,尽可能经常地骑自行车上下班。

    But he pays off his credit-card balance every month and he tries to avoid using his car by commuting to work on his bike as often as he can .

  12. 台湾的40多本土银行也将目标瞄准了财富管理。它们之中有许多在去年的现金和信用卡借款危机中蒙受了损失。

    The island 's more than 40 domestic banks are also targeting wealth management after many of them got burned in a crisis in cash and credit card lending last year .

  13. 所以,我们要促进有责任的信用卡借款行为。但是,对于那些希望信用卡来帮助自己完成学业的孩子来说,将更加困难。

    So the idea here is to promote responsible borrowing of credit card , but for -- I will say that for some young people who need a credit card to help them through school and all those expenses , it 's going to be more difficult .

  14. 但在目前,赤字国家已经找不到既有意愿、又有可靠信用的私人借款者了。

    Yet today , the deficit countries have run out of willing and creditworthy private borrowers .

  15. 商业信用与银行借款的替代关系及其反周期性:1998-2006年

    Substitution between Trade Credit and Bank Borrowing and Its Counter Cyclical Phenomenon : From 1998 to 2006

  16. 随着资本市场发展和完善,我国上市公司财务资源的取得涵盖了商业信用、短期借款、长期借款、发行债券和股权融资(包括配股、增发)等全面的融资方式。

    With the development of capital market , companies can finance with commercial credit , short-term loan , long-term loan , bonds and stock equity .

  17. 论文通过对学生、教师、银行,以及社会公众的调研发现,学生偿还能力、还款意愿和社会信用制度对借款学生的违约行为有重要影响,而偿还能力是其中最为关键性的因素。

    Based on the survey data from the students , faculty members , banks and the general public , this research found that the students ' repayment abilities , repayment willingness and social credit system have great influence on the default behavior of the students .

  18. 在安徽农村私人借贷的方式主要有信用借贷、抵押借款、预卖和赊借。

    In Anhui the way of rural private lending basically had credit lending , mortgages , pre-selling and borrowing .

  19. 但对于信用良好的大规模借款者(其中很多已经拥有充裕资金)而言,利率目前已较低。

    But these are already low for creditworthy large borrowers ( many of which are flush with funds , in any case ) .

  20. 这已引发一种危险的自我增强式螺旋下降:随着银行彼此间停止提供信用额度,隔夜借款利率已开始飙升,从而使银行更加紧张。

    And that has triggered a dangerously self-reinforcing downward spiral : as banks stop extending credit lines to one another , overnight borrowing rates have shot up making banks even more nervous .

  21. 美联储的信用报告覆盖信用卡借款,汽车贷款和其他不涉及担保的不动产贷款。

    The Fed 's credit report covers credit card debt , auto loans and other debt not secured by real estate .

  22. 任何法律规则或衡平法,若授予妻子权限,使其能作为其丈夫的必要代理人而以其丈夫的信用作担保或以其信用借款者,现均予以撤销。

    Any rule of law or equity conferring on a wife authority , as agent of necessity of her husband , to pledge his credit or to borrow money on his credit is hereby abrogated .

  23. 两个平台上的大多数借款人都拥有高信用评分(平均分为710-715),希望将信用卡借款、汽车贷款和其他类似的贷款进行整合。

    Most of the borrowers on both platforms are people with high credit scores the average is 710-715 who plan to consolidate debt from credit cards , car loans and the like .