
  • 网络Credit term;credit period
  1. 说你们提供的信贷期限比清算银行时间要长?

    That you offer long , longer-term finance than a clearing bank ?

  2. 能为我延长信贷期限吗?

    Could you please extend the credit for me ?

  3. 就我国商业银行自身而言,在信贷期限结构、利率杠杆作用、利率风险控制、信贷业务种类、银行人员素质等方面存在各种各样的问题。

    They have various problems in such respects as term structure of credit , interest rate leverage , interest rate risk control , business variety and bank personnel quality .

  4. 沙特阿拉伯和其他主要中东产油国提供30天的信贷期限,德黑兰过去允许中国等进口国在60至90天内付款。

    Saudi Arabia and other leading Middle East oil producers extend 30 days of credit , and Tehran in the past has allowed importers such as China to pay in 60 to 90 days .

  5. 事实上,由于个人住房贷款是一种中长期消费信贷,具有贷款期限长、零售性和分期偿还的特点,其风险是逐渐积累和释放的。

    In fact , because personal residential mortgage is a long-term consumer credit loans with the character of long-term , retail and amortizations , the risk always accumulates and releases gradually and slowly .