
  • 网络credit scale
  1. 本部分建立了两个模型:研究资本监管和信贷规模的多元回归模型,研究资本监管和经济增长关系的VAR模型。

    This part of the establishment of the two models : study capital regulation and credit scale multivariate regression model to study the capital regulatory and economic growth relationship VAR model .

  2. 中国信贷规模与经济增长的协整分析

    The Cointegration Analysis of China 's Credit Scale and Economic Growth

  3. 接着说明利率和汇率目前都不能担当中介目标的角色,通货膨胀定标实施的条件也不成熟,广义货币M2的供应量仍可以作为中介目标,但应加强对信贷规模和通货膨胀率的监测;

    Then analyses the reasons that interest rate exchange rate and inflation rate can not replace money supply as the intermediate target ;

  4. 今年中国信贷规模与国内生产总值(GDP)之比超过了190%,而2010和2011年这个比例约为175%。

    The ratio of total credit-to-gross domestic product in China has risen this year to more than 190 per cent from roughly 175 per cent in 2010 and 2011 .

  5. 在1999-2005年这段时间内,信贷规模的扩大反而抑制了各个区域对FDI技术溢出的吸收,而金融市场效率的改进则起到促进作用。

    However , the regional empirical test shows that scale enlargement of credit market has restrained the absorption of FDI while financial market efficiency has exerted a significantly positive effect .

  6. 国际清算银行(BIS)在本月发布的年度报告中警告称,信贷规模快速增长通常是金融危机的先兆。

    Rapid credit growth often foreshadows a financial crisis , the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) warned in its annual report this month .

  7. 中国进出口银行将加大对中国出口商的信贷规模。

    China Exim Bank to expand credit loans to Chinese exporters .

  8. 上海城市居民消费信贷规模研究

    A Study on the Potential Consumer Credits Level of Shanghai 's Citizens

  9. 伴随其发展,信贷规模也加速扩张。

    With its development , the scale of credit also accelerated expansion .

  10. 3信贷规模对载货汽车需求市场的影响;

    The scale of credit influence lorry require with market ;

  11. 其他国家则普遍存在信贷规模激增现象。

    Elsewhere , though , the credit surge is in full flow .

  12. 诚然,想要控制信贷规模,对“影子贷款”进行专项打击肯定是有效的。

    To be sure , cracking down just on that lending would help .

  13. 当前信贷规模正在再度扩张,但速度已经不及四年以前。

    Credit is expanding again , but not at the rate of four years ago .

  14. 相反,我们要加倍努力,扩大这些领域的信贷规模。

    Instead , we need to make a special effort to expand credit in these areas .

  15. 中国迅速扩大了信贷规模。

    China has expanded credit rapidly .

  16. 不论是我国直接融资市场还是信贷规模的变化都对我国的地域二元经济有着显著的影响。

    Whether our direct financing market or loans changes to our region has a dual significant impact .

  17. 银行对私人信贷规模对经济增长促进作用显著。

    The scale of bank credit to private sector shows a significant effect in promoting economic growth .

  18. 农村信用社总体上信贷规模小,资金供给不足;

    In general , the credit scale is small and funds supply is insufficient in rural credit cooperatives ;

  19. 本文分析了利率对银行信贷规模的调节作用。

    In this paper , the scale of bank Credit funds regulated by the rate of interest has been discussed .

  20. 从1998年取消国有银行信贷规模限制以来,我国开始进入间接货币调控时期。

    The monetary policy began to enter indirect money adjusting period since 1998 , when the credit ceiling was abolished .

  21. 我国四大国有商业银行无论在资产规模、信贷规模上,还是在机构网点上,都在我国银行业占举足轻重的地位。

    The four biggest State-owned Commercial Banks in China hold the balance in assets , credits and networks in Chinese banking .

  22. 一般情况,存款准备金率的上调会对商业银行信贷规模产生重要的影响。

    In theory , raising the deposit reserve ratio had a significant effect to control the scale of commercial bank credit .

  23. 随着政府收紧信贷规模,遏制经济泡沫,物价开始下降。但衰退随之降临,房地产业首当其冲。

    Property has led the downturn as the government tightens credit to counter a bubble and prices have started to fall .

  24. 信贷规模快速增长通常与监管松懈以及房地产投机有关,而这可能带来不良贷款,并导致投资回报率低下。

    Rapid rises are often linked to lax controls and property speculation , which can lead to bad debts and unproductive investments .

  25. 在可用信贷规模改善之前,持续复苏的条件并不存在,复苏仍将是脆弱的。

    Until the volume of available credit improves , the conditions for a sustained revival are absent , and recovery will remain fragile .

  26. 声明称,对商业银行的信贷规模限制也被取消,以便为重点工程建设以及农村发展提供更多资金。

    Credit limits for commercial banks will also be removed to channel more lending to priority projects and rural development , it said .

  27. 货币政策中间目标由信贷规模转向货币供应量,操作目标转向基础货币。

    The intermediate target moved from credit ceiling into monetary supply , and the operational target moved from credit ceiling to base money .

  28. 促进经济发展,保障国民经济持续增长,需要扩大信贷规模。

    To keep the sustained growth and development of the national economy , it is in need of the enlarging scale of the bank loans .

  29. 由于资金吃紧,信贷规模出现萎缩,私营部门也变得更加谨慎,这导致经济走软,财政和金融偿付能力均遭到削弱。

    As funding comes under pressure , credit shrinks and the private sector becomes more cautious , weakening economies and undermining both fiscal and financial solvency .

  30. 在此背景下,我国商业银行信贷规模迅速扩张,资金的流向问题再一次成为关注的热点。

    In this context , the commercial bank of China rapid expansion their credit , the flow of funds become the focus of attention once again .