
  1. 加大差别化信贷、税收政策执行力度。

    We will intensify the implimentation of differentiated credit and tax policies .

  2. 要有效地调控住房价格,就必须调整住房建设项目贷款政策,用差别化的信贷政策引导住房需求,严格控制信贷投量,并强化信贷审查力度。

    In order to regulate house price effectively , it is necessary to adjust credit policy on house construction project , guide house demand by means of different credit policy , control credit amount strictly , and strengthen credit investigation .

  3. 因此,针对形成房地产信贷风险的各种因素,实施差别化的房地产信贷风险度量和风险控制,才能够保持中国房地产信贷的健康、持续发展。

    Therefore , in terms of the factors that create the risk of real estate credit , different kinds of risk measuring and hedging methods should be carried out so that we can maintain the healthy and sustainable development of real estate credit in China .