
  • 网络Difference management;Diversity Management
  1. 现代公司运行中的文化差异管理

    Managing the Cultural Differences in the Operation of Modern Companies

  2. 论跨文化差异管理模式与策略

    On Management Mode and Strategy of Cross-cultural Difference

  3. 管理心理学视阈下个性差异管理策略女性心理与性别差异

    A Strategy to Individual Differences in the view of Management Psychology ; Woman Psychology

  4. 文章从人格主权尊重、工作动机激励、个性差异管理、组织文化建设四方面对员工核心心理调适问题进行了探讨。

    The article makes an exploration of the problem by expounding respecting the personality of their personnel and workers , encouraging their motives for doing well , managing them in different ways according to their different personality and building enterprise culture .

  5. 本文探讨并分析了煤炭企业虚拟管理模式运行最重要的五维机制:激励机制、监督检查机制、文化差异管理、外包商评价指标体系管理、业务外包。

    This paper discusses and analyzes the virtual management of coal enterprises the most important mode of five-dimensional mechanism : incentive mechanism , supervision and inspection mechanisms , and cultural differences in management , outsourcing evaluation index system of management , business outsourcing .

  6. 论对员工个性差异的管理

    Discussion of the management on the difference of staff 's individuality

  7. 浅析商务环境中文化差异与管理

    An Analysis on the Cultural Difference and Management in Business Environment

  8. 基于差异化管理理论的房地产市场营销策略研究

    Research on Real Estate Marketing Strategy Based on Differentiation Management Theory

  9. 运用内部营销市场细分理念,实现人力资源差异化管理创新;

    IT and Innovation Innovation Achieving differentiation innovation of human resource management ;

  10. 差异化管理模式在薪酬政策中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Discrepant Management Model to the Compensation Policy

  11. 其次,根据客户特征从多维度细分客户,划分客户区隔,实现客户的差异化管理。

    Secondly , the differentiated management of customers is achieved through multi-dimensional customer segmentation according to customer characteristics .

  12. 人的差异对管理的影响环境影响差异分析报告

    Individual differences and its impacts on management Report analyzing the differences between the pre - and post-development activity environments

  13. 她解释说对这些差异应该管理,而不是用来作为分居、断绝关系乃至离婚的理由。

    She explained that such differences ought to be managed , instead of being grounds for separations , split-ups and divorce .

  14. 在此基础上对美国、日本和德国的文化差异、管理模式与文化冲突、文化融合简要进行了分析。

    On this basis the United States , Japan and Germany cultural differences , conflict management and cultural patterns , cultural integration briefly analysed .

  15. 文化差异对管理和组织行为产生的重大影响,越来越引起跨国经营企业管理者们的注意和重视。

    Therefore those managers pay more and more attention to the cultural conflict which because it will cause significant affection to the organization 's management and its conduct .

  16. 然而,我国大部分医院在文化建设的过程中并未考虑中西文化差异对管理的影响,而是照搬照抄。

    However , the majority of our hospitals consider the China and the West cultural difference by no means in the cultural reconstruction and copy their mode verbatim .

  17. 年龄、职位差异、管理年限、所学专业、学历、下属人数、企业属性等可控变量对素质要素的认同度有影响。

    Some controlled variables , such as age , years of management , specialty , educational level , number of underlings and enterprise property , have influence on factors approved .

  18. 前言:简要介绍了我国钢铁企业安全生产的特点及安全管理模式的发展历程,分析了钢铁企业安全生产的特点及管理模式,并在此基础上提出了“差异化管理”的管理模式。

    Based on the analysis of the characteristic of the safety management of Steel enterprise and the development of safety management , The paper put forword the distinguish management mode .

  19. 并在此基础上,从管理学及组织行为学角度对企业进行人员差异化管理进行探索,提出切实可行的建议,使企业营造良好的组织创新气氛有据可依。

    Then we use the management and organizational behavior theory to discuss the management of differentiation of staff , propose practical suggestions to enable enterprises to create a good OCI .

  20. 然后,针对现状与问题进行剖析,从理念与实践两个层面分析忽视差异教学管理的深层原因,同时也从另一个侧面,提出个别化教学管理应秉持的理念。

    Then , it analyses the deep reasons for the teaching management to overlook individual differences of blind students and states appropriate concepts that should be taken in individualized teaching management .

  21. 跨文化管理是以跨文化组织为载体,以跨越不同文化区域为特征,以消除文化差异对管理的负面影响、提升管理效益为目标的管理样式。

    Only by regarding the structure of corporate culture as the main content and taking the modern management as the major pillar can the overall perfect results be achieved in transnational corporations .

  22. 第四章是提出差异教学管理的对策。主要从影响差异教学管理的领导决策、学校组织制度以及教师专业发展三方面,逐一探寻适应差异教学管理的对策。

    Mainly from the difference of teaching management leadership decision-making , organizational form of teaching and teacher professional development in three aspects , one by one seeks to differences in teaching management strategy .

  23. 处在不同阶段,企业的内部特征及其所面临的外部环境都会有所差异,管理者在制定经营战略与政策时只有考虑这些差异才能作出理性的决策。

    There are differences in both the internal and external of the firm during different phases of the business life cycle . To make rational decisions , managers should take these differences into consideration .

  24. 本文在对管理控制思想的源起与发展脉络、不同学派管理控制概念的比较与差异以及管理控制系统框架的比较与差异进行探讨的基础上,得出了未来管理控制理论研究的发展趋势。

    This paper first reviews the origins of management control thoughts and compares the differences in concepts and framework of management control between different schools and finally predicts the future tends of this research .

  25. 同时,互利共赢开放战略在实施过程中由于受到国家实力与地位差异、管理机制不完善、政策执行力度较弱等因素的干扰而不能达到预期的目标。

    Besides , the implement of mutual benefit and win-win strategy is affected by many factors , such as the nation strength and position differences , imperfection of management mechanism , insufficient of policy enforcement .

  26. 因此,非常想对合资企业跨文化管理中所产生的文化差异及管理问题加以研究,从而找到解决中外合资企业跨文化管理问题的方法,以便对更多的中外合资企业的发展有所借鉴和参考。

    Therefore , he is eager to do some research on cultural difference and problems arisen from joint-venture 's cross-cultural management so that it can provide some lessons and references for the development of Sino-Foreign joint-ventures .

  27. 客观上,现今我国水资源分布状况与社会经济发展布局不相匹配,这就要求实施水资源差异化管理。

    Nowadays , the distribution of the water resources can not match that of the social economy objectively in China , for which the differential strategy is necessary to be taken for the management of the water resources under this situation .

  28. 基于2005年的问卷调查数据,本文对新技术商业化过程中项目管理层级差异、管理团队的职业经验差异与项目绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    Based on the data from questionnaire in 2005 , this paper launches an empirical study of the impact of management level difference and career experience difference of management teams on the performance of project during the course of new technology commercialization .

  29. 大陆希望集团作为多元化的产业集团,各业务板块所处的发展期不同,管理水平不同,竞争环境不同,必然对集团企业差异化管理和精细化管理带来更高的要求。

    As a diversified industrial group , its different business tectonic plate locates different development period , its management level is different , its competition environment is different , which Inevitably brings a higher request to the group variation management and the fine refinement management .

  30. 因为差异化管理制度的“精髓”是每年至少一次(最好是两次)坦诚地评估员工表现的绩效考核方法,它包括考核员工的业绩在推进公司目标方面的表现以及他们在展示公司价值观方面的表现。

    Because the ' guts ' of the differentiation management system are performance appraisals that candidly evaluate employees at least once ( and preferably twice ) a year on how their results are advancing the company 's goals and how well they 're demonstrating its values .