
chū kǒu xìn dài
  • export credit;buyer's credit;supplier's credit
  1. 第三,世界银行(worldbank)和区域性发展银行,连同各出口信贷机构,必须扩大贸易融资的信用额度。

    Third , the world bank and regional development banks , with export credit agencies , must offer expanded lines for trade financing .

  2. 美国气候变化特使托德•斯特恩(ToddStern)这周向记者表示,富裕国家已经在通过地区发展银行和出口信贷机构,将数十亿美元资金用于应对气候变化。

    Wealthy countries are already channelling billions of dollars for climate change work through regional development banks and export credit agencies , Todd Stern , the chief US climate envoy , told reporters this week .

  3. 这些分包商的融资又来自中国进出口银行(ChinaEx-ImBank)等中资政策银行提供的出口信贷和优惠贷款,从而很容易受到中国融资冻结的影响。

    These sub-contractors are in turn financed by export credits and concessional loans from Chinese policy lenders such as the China Ex-Im Bank – thus creating the vulnerability to a freeze in Chinese finance .

  4. 周二,美国和中国同意就制定出口信贷融资的指导原则举行磋商,此举有望使中国向经合组织(OECD)成员国所使用的规则靠拢。

    On Tuesday , the US and China agreed to begin talks on setting guidelines for export-credit financing which could bring Beijing within rules used by OECD member countries .

  5. 英国出口信贷担保署(ECGD)作为发达国家官方支持的出口信用保险机构已有80余年的历史。

    ECGD as the official guarantee institution for a developed country has been in existence for over 80 years .

  6. 出口信贷机构已经被要求提供额外的保险。

    The ECAs have been asked to stump up additional cover .

  7. 施工企业如何利用出口信贷发展海外市场

    How to Win Overseas Market by Export Credit for Building Enterprises

  8. 第6条政府支持、出口信贷和航空器营销

    Article 6 Government Support , Export Credits , and Aircraft Marketing

  9. 不管怎样,这是否可能是出口信贷机构的荣光时刻呢?

    Nevertheless , could this be the public ECAs'moment in the sun ?

  10. 出口信贷担保设施问题政府间专家组

    Intergovernmental Group of Experts on an Export Credit Guarantee Facility

  11. 浅谈出口信贷及担保在机队融资中的应用

    A Brief Discussion on the Use of Export Credit Guarantee in Fleet Financing

  12. 我们将成为唯一一个没有出口信贷机构的主要经济体。

    We would be the only major economy without an export credit agency .

  13. 要鼓励金融机构开展出口信贷业务。

    Encourage financial institutions to lend export credit .

  14. 浅谈出口信贷项下的福费廷业务

    Study on Forfaiting Business under Export Loan

  15. 中外银行逐鹿出口信贷市场

    The Chinese and foreign banks try to win the champion to the export lending market

  16. 研究和探讨了核电项目的融资条件和方法、出口信贷、供货方式等问题。

    Issues studied and discussed include financing conditions and methods , export credit and supply .

  17. ⑵探讨几个有代表性的发达国家的出口信贷体系,重点分析了各国出口信贷机构与本国政府和商业金融机构的关系。

    Then , it introduces the current export credit systems of three typical developed countries .

  18. 对西方国家出口信贷政策调整的分析和思考

    Analysis and Thoughts of the Readjustment of the Export Credit Policy of the Western Countries

  19. 《补贴与反补贴措施协议》对出口信贷的法律规制研究

    Study on the Legal Regulation of Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures on Export Credit

  20. 和咖啡一样,出口信贷体制也适用于铁矿石。

    The system of export credits applies to iron ore as it does to coffee .

  21. 该计划将通过出口信贷机构、投资机构和开发银行得到执行。

    It will be delivered through export credit agencies , investment agencies and development banks .

  22. 美国专营以债务人人寿保险为担保的小额贷款和消费信贷的银行扩大出口信贷和信用保险,加大对出口的支持。

    Morris plan bank We will expand export credit insurance and provide more support for export .

  23. 银行还扩大出口信贷保险业务,给美国出口商承担风险保险。

    The bank also extends export credit insurance facilities to cover risks undertaken by US exporters .

  24. 该项目正由一个由商业银行和出口信贷机构组成的大型财团提供融资。

    It is being financed by a large consortium of commercial banks and export credit agencies .

  25. 马来西亚出口信贷保险委员会

    Malaysia Export Credit Insurance Board

  26. 出口信贷和保险资金

    Export Credit and Insurance Facility

  27. 区域出口信贷保证计划

    Regional Export Credit Guarantee Scheme

  28. 目前,发达国家的出口信贷业务种类丰富、操作灵活、覆盖面广,并形成了完善的出口信贷体系,出口信贷已经成为其对外贸易支持体系的核心内容。

    At present , the export credit businesses of developed countries have been mature and formed consummate systems .

  29. 信用证只要求投保综合海运险。出口信贷保险;出口信用保险;输出信用保险

    In the letter of credit only coverage for " all marine risks " was requested . export credit insurance

  30. 欧盟一直在敦促中国限制用来推动本国产业海外销售的出口信贷。

    The EU has been pushing China to limit the export credits it uses to promote its industries overseas .