
chū zī zhènɡ mínɡ shū
  • Capital Contribution Certificate;investment certificate
  1. 发给出资证明书的年、月、日。

    And the year , month and day on which the relevant investment certificate was issued .

  2. 然后合营公司据此发给甲、乙各方出资证明书,确认种自的出资日期及金额。

    Thereafter the joint venture company shall issue an investment certificate to confirm the date and amount of the contribution .

  3. 出资证明书的编号和核发日期。

    Number and issuance date of such certificate .

  4. 出资证明书应当由公司法定代表人签名并由公司盖章。

    The certificate shall bear the legal representative 's signature and the company seal .

  5. 出资证明书编号。

    Serial number of capital-contribution certificate .

  6. 出资证明书载明下列事项:合营企业名称;

    Such investment certificates shall clearly set forth the following items : the name of the joint venture ;

  7. 在公司成立后或签订股权转让合同后取得公司签发的出资证明书;

    Had been established after the company or signs the stockholder 's rights transfer contract to obtain the investment certificate which the company signs and issues ;

  8. 出资证明书应当抄送审查批准机关及工商行政管理机关。

    Copies of the investment certificates shall be put on the record of the examination and approval authorities , and administrative authorities for industry and commerce .

  9. 无论是出资证明书、公司内部股东名册变更登记还是公司登记机关登记,都不是股权归属的认定标准。

    None of the investment certificate , the shareholder list in the corporation or the registration in the relative authority is the certification standards of shareholdings .

  10. 合作公司将根据验资证明向双方签发出资证明书,证明双方在合作公司中拥有的股权利益。

    The CJV shall issue an investment certificate to each of the Parties based on the capital verification certificate , certifying the Parties'equity interests in the CJV .

  11. 遗嘱检验,委托书,传召令,程序文件传达及执业证书组出资证明书载明下列事项:合营企业名称;

    Probate ; Power of Attorney / Subpoena ; Service of Processes & Practicing Certificates Such investment certificates shall clearly set forth the following items : the name of the joint venture ;

  12. 出资证明书是股东出资的凭证,是一种证权性凭证,仅能知道出资人有出资行为,但是否具有股东资格需另当别论。

    The investment certificate is the certificate of shareholders ' capital contribution is a card the right credentials , the only investors have invested behavior , but whether the shareholders eligible to need a different matter .

  13. 股东资格认定有关的证据,主要有出资行为、公司章程的记载和签署、工商注册确认、股东名册的记载以及出资证明书和股票等。

    Shareholder qualification has a few of relevant evidences : investment behavior , the record and the subscription of company regulations , enrollment and affirmation , shareholder record , investment proof and stock .