
  • 网络Inverse Passing off
  1. 商标反向假冒与相关立法的完善

    On Trademark 's Reverse and Counterfeit And Perfect of Relative Law

  2. 浅析商标反向假冒&我国商标立法缺失及对策

    Countermeasures to the Imperfectness of the Trademark Legislation in Our Country

  3. 初探我国商标反向假冒问题

    A Preliminary Inquiry into China 's Trademark Reverse Passing Off

  4. 第二部分为商标反向假冒理论的产生及发展。

    Second part is the production and development of theory of reverse passing-off .

  5. 商标反向假冒理论浅析

    Analysis on the Theory of Trademark Reverse Passing Off

  6. 我国商标反向假冒行为法律研究

    The Lawful Study on the Action of Trademark Reverse Passing off in China

  7. 试析商标反向假冒行为的性质及其侵权责任

    The Analysis of the Characteristics and the Tort Liability of Trademark Reverse Passing-off Acts

  8. 浅议商标反向假冒行为

    The Behaviour of Reverse Counterfeit Brand

  9. 从消费者权益的角度看,商标反向假冒行为是一种欺诈消费者的行为。

    The fourth part is the legal adoption of the behavior of reverse passing-off of trademark .

  10. 论商标反向假冒

    On Trademark Reverse Passing-Off

  11. 因此,研究商标反向假冒,仍然具有理论和实践意义。

    Consequently , to make a research of trademark reverse passing-off still has its theoretical and practical values .

  12. 第三部分商标反向假冒行为的定性及法律适用。

    The third part is about the nature of trademark reverse passing-off and the application of law to it .

  13. 论商标反向假冒的性质&兼论我国商标反向假冒立法的完善

    On the Nature of Trademark Reverse Passing Off & On Legislation Improvement about Trademark Reverse Passing Off in China

  14. 在刑法规制方面,要创设法条,引入商标反向假冒犯罪的条款,并对其设定严厉的法律责任。

    Regarding criminal regulation , new articles concerning reverse passing-off should be introduced and legal responsibilities should be strictly declared .

  15. 商标反向假冒问题普遍受到世界各国法律界的高度关注,成为商标法律规制领域非常重要的一部分。

    The issue of trademark reverse passing-off has received attention in many countries , which is also an important component of trademark protection regulation .

  16. 第一章商标反向假冒的概述,论述了反向假冒的概念、行为表现形式和构成要件,对反向假冒进行了基本地介绍和分析,是探讨商标反向假冒的基础。

    The first chapter is the summarization about reverse passing off of trademark , discussing the concept of reverse passing off 、 its forms and elements .

  17. 商标反向假冒行为妨碍了他人对自己商标的正常使用,扰乱了正常的市场秩序,欺骗了广大消费者和公众。

    The reverse counterfeits behavior of brand hinders other people using their own brand normally , upsets the normal market order and cheats the masses of consumers and masses .

  18. 本文从论述商标反向假冒的性质入手,对其危害性、责任的认定及其侵权责任进行了客观的分析。

    This thesis makes an objective analysis of the harmfulness , the identification of responsibility and the tort liability of trademark reverse passing-off from the prospective of its characteristics .

  19. 最后指出商标反向假冒行为的危害,这种行为侵犯了商标权人和消费者的权益,危及公平竞争秩序的建构,不利于我国企业的名牌战略,是一种具有社会危害性的行为。

    At last , it points out that trademark reverse passing-off infringes the rights and interests of trademark owner and consumer , does harm to the competitive atmosphere of marketplace .

  20. 然而,规制商标反向假冒行为的民商事法律规范除了商标法,还有应当包括有反不正当竞争法、消费者权益保护法、民法通则等诸多领域。

    However , civil law regulation of reverse passing-off should involve not only trademark law , but also general principles of civil law , anti-unfair competition law and consumer protection law .

  21. 我国自1994年出现了枫叶诉鳄鱼不正当竞争案以来,在经济学界、司法界引起了对商标反向假冒问题的广泛关注和激烈讨论。

    In 1994 it appeared that unfair competition case which the maple leaves sued the crocodile in our country . Later on it resulted in extensive attention and fierce discussion about reverse passing off of trademark in the fields of economics and justice .

  22. 商标反向假冒是指行为人合法购买商品后,擅自替换或者去除他人附贴在该商品上的商标,再将该商品投入市场,并向公众隐瞒商品的真正生产者对商品来源作虚假表述的行为。

    Trademark reverse passing-off means that the actor replace or remove and enclose others trademark which stuck on this goods without authorization after buys the goods legally , launch this goods into the market again , and conceal the real producers to the public .

  23. 从商标反向假冒的概念出发,分析了商标反向假冒行为的法律特征、并通过比较其与相关行为的异同对商标反向假冒行为进一步予以剖析。

    This part begins with the conception of trademark reverse passing-off , then introduces the legal characteristic of this kind of action , by comparing the similarities and differences between reverse passing-off and other actions related to it , further analyzes the action of trademark reverse passing-off .

  24. 商标反向假冒行为相对于正向假冒行为具有不同的特征:反向假冒的表现形式多样;可能存在双重侵权;行为人利用他人生产的产品;以替换或去除为方式;行为后果的多重性。

    Trademark reverse passing-off is different to the behavior of imitating in trade mark : the multiplicity of reverse passing-off behaves ; being double tort by any possibility ; using products of others ; as the way of replacing or removing ; the multiplicity of sequent of the behavior .

  25. 第四章:驰名商标的反向假冒。

    The fourth chapter : Reverse Passing of trademark .

  26. 国际货物买卖中的知识产权担保&浅析商标的反向假冒

    Intellectual Property Guarantees in International Trade of Cargo & Analysis on " Inverted Imitation " of Trademark

  27. 试论商标的反向假冒

    Reverse Passing-off of Trademark

  28. 论商标侵权中的反向假冒及其法律规制

    Trademark Reverse Passing-off and Its Legal Regulation

  29. 2001年12月1日实行的《商标法》将商标的反向假冒行为规定为商标侵权行为。国外的法律规定中或将之认定为不正当竞争行为,或视为商标侵权行为。

    The Reverse passing-off is prescribed in the newly amended Trademark law as trademark tort behavior , whereas , in foreign laws and regulations , it is regarded either as unfair competitive behavior or trademark tort behavior .

  30. 但是由于新《商标法》中有关商标反向假冒的规定仍有不完善之处,相关法律对商标反向假冒行为的规定也不健全,因此我国尚未建立一套较为完善的商标反向假冒制度。

    However , as the provisions on trademark reserve passing-off still need to be improved in the revised Trademark Law and in other relevant laws , thus a relatively complete system of trademark reserve passing-ff has not yet been established in China .