
  • 网络Factory price;PPI;EXW
  1. 在f.o.b产地价格时,销售方确定同一的出厂价格。

    In f.o.b.origin pricing the seller charges the same price at its door .

  2. 今年3月,以工业品出厂价格指数(PPI)变化量衡量的通缩水平,已从去年9月的-1.29%扩大至-4.24%,变动幅度远超同期的降息幅度&后者为90个基点。

    Since September last year , deflation measured by the producer price index ( PPI ) has deepened from minus 1.29 per cent to minus 4.24 per cent in March this year , far outstripping the 90 basis points in interest rate cuts over the same period .

  3. 大成生化并非中国唯一面临利润率萎缩的企业,中国的工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI)已经连续42个月下跌。

    Global Bio-Chem is not alone in facing shrinking margins , as Chinese producer prices have fallen for 42 consecutive months .

  4. 本周一公布的统计数字展现了另外一种局面工业品出厂价格(ppi)通胀大幅上扬,进出口额强劲增长这说明经济活动依然强劲。

    Statistics released on Monday told a different picture of a sharp rise in factory gate inflation and strong increases in exports and imports , which suggested economic activity remains robust .

  5. 中金公司(cicc)经济学家哈继铭表示,2月份通胀率将为-1%,工业品出厂价格将下滑6.3%。

    Ha Jiming , economist at China International Capital Corporation , said inflation would be - 1 per cent in February and factory-gate prices would decline 6.3 per cent .

  6. 截至9月底,中国工业品出厂价格已经连续32个月处于通缩区间,这是当代中国生产者价格指数(PPI)下滑期延续最长的一次。

    By the end of September , Chinese factory gate prices had been in deflationary territory for 32 consecutive months , the longest period of producer price inflation in the country in the modern era .

  7. 中国国家统计局周五公布的数据显示,3月CPI较上月下降0.5%,而工业品出厂价格连续第25个月延续了通缩趋势。

    Consumer prices fell 0.5 per cent in March from the previous month , while producer prices remained mired in deflationary territory for a 25th-consecutive month , according to figures published by the national bureau of statistics on Friday .

  8. 8月份,中国的工业品出厂价格指数涨幅低于7月份。

    Factory gate inflation was lower last month than in July .

  9. 美国固体火箭发动机出厂价格的分析与估算

    The estimation on the U.S. solid rocket motor 's fly-away cost

  10. 这是中国工业品出厂价格指数连续第30个月下滑。

    It was the 30th consecutive month producer prices had declined .

  11. 每床毯子的出厂价格包括货盘。

    Price per fleece blanket ex factory with pallets .

  12. 托盘的出厂价格降低,使得利润降低了。

    Tray factory prices lower , the lower profits .

  13. 最低的出厂价格,以质量第一,服务第一为原则理念。

    The lowest prices , quality first , service first principle of the idea .

  14. 事实恰好相反:2月份,工业品出厂价格同比上涨5.4%。

    Far from it : in February , factory prices rose 5.4 per cent .

  15. 市场担心,由于工业品出厂价格攀升,消费者价格将加速上涨。

    There were worries that consumer inflation would accelerate due to rising factory gate prices .

  16. 以上价格是工厂出厂价格。

    Above price is ex-our works coimbatore .

  17. 主要工业产品的出厂价格指数

    Ex-factory Price Index of Major Industrial Products

  18. 统计数据显示,工业品出厂价格以1996年以来最快速度上涨,这使人们对通胀的担忧加深。

    Inflation worries worsened after data showed producer prices rising at their fastest rate since 1996 .

  19. 皂化渣材料本身的出厂价格几乎为零,主要是运输费用,故使用皂化渣有一个经济半径。

    The price of saponification slag is not high , which mainly rest with the transportation expenses .

  20. 工业品出厂价格较上年同月下降5.8%。

    Prices at the factory gate fell 5.8 per cent compared to the same month last year .

  21. 居民消费价格温和上涨,工业品出厂价格涨势趋稳。

    The consumer prices went up mildly and the increase of producer prices for manufactured goods became steady .

  22. 换言之,一旦计入货币升值因素,以人民币计价的出厂价格仍在继续下降。

    In other words , once currency appreciation is factored in , factory gate prices in renminbi continue to fall .

  23. 不过,出厂价格指数继续加速增长,从5.4%升至3月份的5.9%。

    However , factory-gate inflation continued to accelerate , increasing from 5.4 per cent to 5.9 per cent in March .

  24. 与此同时,已连续下降40个月的工业生产者出厂价格,同比下跌了4.8%。

    Producer prices , meanwhile , deflated for a 40th consecutive month , falling 4.8 per cent year on year .

  25. 随着7月工业生产者出厂价格同比下降2.4%,中国的工厂通货紧缩有所缓解。

    China 's factory deflation eased in July as the producer price index fell 2.4 percent from a year earlier .

  26. 成熟的厌氧颗粒污泥属于稀缺、生长慢、难培养、出厂价格高、运输费用大的商品。

    Mature granular sludge merchandise is scarce and expensive , grows slowly , involves difficult training , and has high transportation cost .

  27. 影响我国工业品出厂价格指数的主要因素分别是采掘业和农产品相关工业,以这两类行业为代表的因子可以解释整个部门体系价格变动近90%的信息。

    The major factors which affect China 's Producer 's Product Index are the mining industry and the industry related to agricultural products .

  28. 工业品出厂价格指数为99.4%,比上年下降了3.1个百分点;

    The index of ex-factory price of manufactured goods was 99.4 percent , a decrease of 3.1 percentage points from the previous year ;

  29. 受能源和大宗商品价格日益下跌影响,中国12月工业生产者出厂价格连续第34个月下跌。

    Prices at China 's factory gates fell for a 34th consecutive month in December , pushed down by falling energy and commodity prices .

  30. 国务院价格主管部门负责制定或调整食盐的出厂价格、批发价格;

    The department in charge of price under the State Council shall be responsible for fixing or adjusting the factory price and wholesale price of salt ;