- 名Coastal transportation;coastwise carriage;coastal traffic

Economic Evaluation of High Speed Container Ro-Ro Ship in the Coastal Shipping
Elementary Analysis on the Liability of Carrier in Coastal Transportation
On the Legal System for Oil Pollution Damage by the Ships Engaged in Coastal Transportation
Relying on the advantageous natural conditions , river transport and coastal shipping together constituted a relatively well-developed water transportation network .
With the diversity of investors in coastal transport , water carrying have developed . Analysis model of supply , demand and price of container shipping market
The model proposed in this paper should be the trend of the domestic coastal coal shipment in the future . And it can also be used in other bulk cargos shipment .
The Article gives response measures for the rapid increase in power generation capacity and seasonal fluctuations in coal demand and the power of coastal coal transportation system make reasonable suggestions for further transformation .
The start-up of businesses was simplified ; a " fast track " process for large investments was legislated ; the road haulage sector was liberalised ; cabotage was abolished ; closed professions were opened .
The paper considers that ZC ( 83 ) specifications are not practical to boats in some respects and suggests that in China specifications for boats be drawn up in line with actual conditions so as to promote maritime transportation by boats .
Strategies for Optimizing Characteristic Elements of Sea-transportation Systems of coal in China
The last part is the prospects of the coastal container shipping .
An Evaluation Model for Coal Transportation System Along Chinese Coast
Study and Practice on the Synthetical Planning Model for Coasting Transport of Coal
A Theoretical Study on the Planning of Chinese Coastal Crude Oil Carrier Fleet
On the Optimization of Ship Transportation Planning & A Model of China 's Coastal Ship Transportation
The following part is to summarize the questions existing and then gives out the solutions and suggestions .
For this , we are necessary to made a thorough analysis of the developing status of coal market in coastland .
The Notice for Adjustment and Control of the Transport Force of the Oil Tankers and Chemical Tankers engaged in Trans-Provincial Transport Service
They are mainly used in shipbuilding enterprise , ocean transportation , ports , coastal river transportation , marine engineering and other fields .
The fourth part studied on the scope of compensation for the delay in delivery of the responsibility of coastal carriage of goods .
Delay in delivery in coastal carriage of goods by sea is a kind of legal act of the carrier engaged in coastal carriage of goods .
The third part of this paper discussed the issue of exemption of coastal cargo transport delay in the delivery in two aspects : statutory exemption and agreed exemption .
Following with the continuing completion of first project for deeping chang jiang river and pearl river 's channel , our domestic coal and other homogeneous bulk cargo transportations have rapidly increased their demand for bigger tonnage carriers .
Finally for the confirmation constructed CROM is rationality and validity , paper theoretically has carried on the analysis to the model , and take our country coast containerized traffic as the foundation , has designed the experimental case , has carried on the examination to the model .
Prospects for high-speed vessel in China Coast
Analysis on Domestic Coastal Container Liner Shipping
The connection between domestic coastal dry bulk transportation and international dry bulk transportation is also therefore tighter and tighter .
With the enormous development of our costal container shipping , it has become a new increasing spark of the shipping companies recently .
Thirdly , forecast the quality of this market , and on this basis also forecast the quantity of dry bulk cargo by scientific forecasting method ;
Have also become aware of the significance of reasonable fleet deployment for the improvement of the competition strength of fleet and keeping the advantage position of enterprise .