
yán hǎi yùn shū
  • Coastal transportation;coastwise carriage;coastal traffic
  1. 沿海运输高速集装箱滚装船经济船型研究

    Economic Evaluation of High Speed Container Ro-Ro Ship in the Coastal Shipping

  2. 沿海运输中承运人的责任

    Elementary Analysis on the Liability of Carrier in Coastal Transportation

  3. 沿海运输船舶油污损害法律制度研究

    On the Legal System for Oil Pollution Damage by the Ships Engaged in Coastal Transportation

  4. 水上运输依托优越的自然条件,内河航运与沿海运输相结合,构成了相互交错、四面通达的水路交通网络。

    Relying on the advantageous natural conditions , river transport and coastal shipping together constituted a relatively well-developed water transportation network .

  5. 沿海运输投资主体的多元化,促进了沿海运输业的迅速发展,但也引起了运力供需失衡,船舶运力得不到充分发挥。集装箱航运市场运力供需与运价分析模型

    With the diversity of investors in coastal transport , water carrying have developed . Analysis model of supply , demand and price of container shipping market

  6. 基地分拨模式应该也将成为我国煤炭沿海运输未来的发展方向,而且在其他国内、国际大宗散货运输中有很好的应用价值和前景。

    The model proposed in this paper should be the trend of the domestic coastal coal shipment in the future . And it can also be used in other bulk cargos shipment .

  7. 文章针对电厂发电容量快速增加和电煤季节性波动需求给出了应对措施,并对电力煤炭沿海运输系统进一步改进提出了合理性建议。

    The Article gives response measures for the rapid increase in power generation capacity and seasonal fluctuations in coal demand and the power of coastal coal transportation system make reasonable suggestions for further transformation .

  8. 简化创办企业的手续;将针对大型投资的“快速通道”程序制定成法律;放开对公路运输部门的管制;取消沿海运输限制,开放封闭的职业。

    The start-up of businesses was simplified ; a " fast track " process for large investments was legislated ; the road haulage sector was liberalised ; cabotage was abolished ; closed professions were opened .

  9. 通过比较,发现ZC(83)对小船在某些方面不很适应,建议在我国也要因地制宜地制定一套小船规范,以促进沿海小船运输事业的发展。

    The paper considers that ZC ( 83 ) specifications are not practical to boats in some respects and suggests that in China specifications for boats be drawn up in line with actual conditions so as to promote maritime transportation by boats .

  10. 优选我国沿海煤炭运输系统特征元素的对策

    Strategies for Optimizing Characteristic Elements of Sea-transportation Systems of coal in China

  11. 文章的最后一章对我国沿海集装箱运输市场的前景进行了展望。

    The last part is the prospects of the coastal container shipping .

  12. 沿海煤炭运输系统评价模型

    An Evaluation Model for Coal Transportation System Along Chinese Coast

  13. 沿海煤炭运输港口船舶系统综合规划模型的研究与应用

    Study and Practice on the Synthetical Planning Model for Coasting Transport of Coal

  14. 沿海原油运输船队规划

    A Theoretical Study on the Planning of Chinese Coastal Crude Oil Carrier Fleet

  15. 船舶运行计划优化研究&沿海船舶运输模型

    On the Optimization of Ship Transportation Planning & A Model of China 's Coastal Ship Transportation

  16. 在文章的第四章中对我国沿海集装箱运输市场中存在的问题进行了分析和总结,在第五章中针对现存的问题提出了解决对策和建议;

    The following part is to summarize the questions existing and then gives out the solutions and suggestions .

  17. 为此,我们有必要对我国沿海煤炭运输市场的发展态势作一系统深入的分析,以便为企业长远的发展战略决策提供可靠的依据。

    For this , we are necessary to made a thorough analysis of the developing status of coal market in coastland .

  18. 关于国内沿海跨省运输油船化学品船运力调控政策的公告

    The Notice for Adjustment and Control of the Transport Force of the Oil Tankers and Chemical Tankers engaged in Trans-Provincial Transport Service

  19. 主要用于船舶修造企业、远洋运输、港口码头、沿海沿江运输、海洋工程等领域。

    They are mainly used in shipbuilding enterprise , ocean transportation , ports , coastal river transportation , marine engineering and other fields .

  20. 第四部分则对沿海货物运输迟延交付责任的赔偿范围进行了研究。

    The fourth part studied on the scope of compensation for the delay in delivery of the responsibility of coastal carriage of goods .

  21. 沿海货物运输的迟延交付是从事沿海货物运输的承运人在沿海货物运输过程中的一种法律行为。

    Delay in delivery in coastal carriage of goods by sea is a kind of legal act of the carrier engaged in coastal carriage of goods .

  22. 第三部分,对沿海货物运输迟延交付的免责问题进行了论述,分别从法定免责和约定免责的两个方面加以分析。

    The third part of this paper discussed the issue of exemption of coastal cargo transport delay in the delivery in two aspects : statutory exemption and agreed exemption .

  23. 随着长江、珠江航道浚深一期工程的相继竣工,我国沿海煤炭运输和其他大宗干散货运输对大吨位船舶需求迅速增长。

    Following with the continuing completion of first project for deeping chang jiang river and pearl river 's channel , our domestic coal and other homogeneous bulk cargo transportations have rapidly increased their demand for bigger tonnage carriers .

  24. 最后为验证构建模型的合理性与有效性,本文从理论上对模型进行了分析,并且以我国沿海集装箱运输为基础,设计了实验案例,对模型进行了检验。

    Finally for the confirmation constructed CROM is rationality and validity , paper theoretically has carried on the analysis to the model , and take our country coast containerized traffic as the foundation , has designed the experimental case , has carried on the examination to the model .

  25. 中国沿海高速船运输展望

    Prospects for high-speed vessel in China Coast

  26. 沿海内贸集装箱运输分析

    Analysis on Domestic Coastal Container Liner Shipping

  27. 国内沿海干散货运输市场与国际干散货运输市场之间的联系因此也越来越紧密。

    The connection between domestic coastal dry bulk transportation and international dry bulk transportation is also therefore tighter and tighter .

  28. 近年来,我国沿海内贸集装箱运输出现了喜人的发展势头,已成为我国航运业新的经济增长点。

    With the enormous development of our costal container shipping , it has become a new increasing spark of the shipping companies recently .

  29. 第三章对沿海干散货运输市场需求进行了定性预测,并在此基础上运用科学的预测方法对内贸干散货货运量进行了预测。

    Thirdly , forecast the quality of this market , and on this basis also forecast the quantity of dry bulk cargo by scientific forecasting method ;

  30. 我国沿海成品油运输企业也认识到合理的船队规划,对于提高企业的综合实力,保持船队的竞争力具有重要的意义。

    Have also become aware of the significance of reasonable fleet deployment for the improvement of the competition strength of fleet and keeping the advantage position of enterprise .