
yán yòng
  • continue to use
沿用 [yán yòng]
  • [continue to use] 继续使用 [过去的方法、制度、法令等]

  • 沿用原来的老办法

沿用[yán yòng]
  1. 虽然LME于2001年引入了电子交易系统,交易员们仍继续沿用圈内交易机制。

    While the LME introduced electronic trading in 2001 , traders continue to use the ring as well .

  2. 此后,各朝均沿用此制,宋代也不例外。

    Thereafter , each face all continue to use this system , the Song Dynasty is no exception .

  3. 有位朋友戏谑地称它为“避难所”,然后这个名称就沿用了下来。

    A friend dubbed it ' The Sanctuary ' and the name stuck .

  4. 就在这个时候,他逐步形成了那种他一直沿用至今的工作方法。

    This was when he evolved the working method from which he has never departed .

  5. 到了现代,古丝绸之路仍在沿用,但现在通过这条路的都是火车,而不再是骆驼和马。

    In modern times , the old Silk Road routesare still used , but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses .

  6. 这些小道是从马车时代沿用下来的。

    These narrow roads are a leftover from the days of horse-drawn carriages .

  7. 已有的大多数主动队列管理算法沿用了随机早期探测(RED)算法首创的概率丢弃机制。

    Almost all the existing AQM schemes follow the probability dropping mechanism originated from Random Early Detection ( RED ) .

  8. feelthepinch这个短语从16世纪一直沿用至今。

    The expression , feel the pinch , has been used since the sixteenth century .

  9. 控制器的连接则可以沿用传统的IEEE串行接口。

    Control units can be connected to the computer by IEEE .

  10. 文中除给出两组导管螺旋桨的敞水特性曲线外,还给出了通常沿用的(1/2)Bp~δ设计图谱和相应于最佳状态的简易图谱。

    In addition to the open water characteristics of the above mentioned ducted propellers , the usual BP - δ charts and the charts corresponding to the optimum condition are also given .

  11. 在分析了国内外调度问题研究现状的基础上,提出沿用过程型MASS调度策略对可集成制造执行系统进行动态调度研究。

    The paper puts forward a new method that is in line with the process of MASS scheduling strategies for the study of the dynamic scheduling of integrated manufacturing execution systems ( IMES ) .

  12. 材料常规冲击试验的冲击韧性(αK)是工程上五大机械性能指标之一,已沿用多年,但一直没有明确的物理意义。

    The impact value , obtained from routine impact test is one of the five most important mechanical properties , but it is still lack of definite physical meaning .

  13. 采用SOA是一项大型工程,要求组织在沿用多年的不同数据集成解决方案的设计和实现方式方面做出重大改变。

    Adopting a SOA is a large undertaking , and it demands significant change for organizations in terms of how they have designed and implemented different data integration solutions for many years .

  14. 现在你也许会觉得,IBM创建SWT的理由是合理的而Swing应该沿用SWT采用的方式。

    Now you might think , the reason IBM did to create SWT was valid and Swing should follow the way SWT has been on .

  15. 该合成工艺用丙醇作溶剂取代国内外沿用N,N-二甲基甲酰胺有毒溶剂的SE合成方法,工艺简单,生产成本低,易于工业化生产。

    The synthesis technique of SE in toxic solvent N , N-dimethylformamide used at home and abroad was replaced by the aforementioned synthesis process which is simple , low-cost and easy for industrial production .

  16. 刚果已选择继续沿用IMF和世界银行推动经济发展的道路,同时寻求利用中国资金进行发展,他说。

    Congo has chosen to carry on with the IMF and World Bank economic route and at the same time to pursue development with Chinese money , he said .

  17. POSIX线程接口沿用相当一致的术语,所以称为“锁定”。

    Conveniently , the POSIX thread interface uses fairly consistent terminology , so " locking " it is .

  18. 法代尔随后将他在iPod上取得的经验融入到Nest的自动恒温器中,就连后者的编程界面也沿用了前者的那种环状控制器。

    Mr Fadell went on to embed his iPod lessons in Nest 's thermostat , right down to the wheel-like control for programming the unit .

  19. 工程上习惯沿用糙率系数n来表征管壁粗糙程度对水流的影响,而糙率取值的高低直接影响到工程规模的大小及工程投资。

    Roughness coefficient ( n-value ) is a simple and widely adopted approach to show the influence on water flow by roughness degree of the pip wall . However , it directly influences the scale and investment of engineering .

  20. 因此,我们这次将继续沿用终点线类比,来看一下参赛者和比赛在AmazonSimpleDB中是如何表示的。

    So we 'll stick with the finish-line analogy this time and see how runners and races are represented in Amazon 's SimpleDB .

  21. PRML(Partial-ResponseMaximumLikelihood,部分响应最大似然)通道读取技术凭借其优越的抗噪性能,一直沿用至今。

    The Partial-Response Maximum Likelihood ( PRML ) technology has been adopted up to the present by right of its predominant performance on anti-noise .

  22. 但是,大多数建筑物仍然沿用传统的照明控制方式,部分智能大厦采用楼宇自控(BA)系统来监控照明,但也只能实现简单的区域照明和定时开关功能。

    However , most buildings are still using the traditional lighting control methods . Some smart buildings use Building Automation ( BA ) systems to monitor lighting , but only simply regional lighting and timer switches .

  23. 但现有集群路由器中BGP协议的实现仍然沿用单进程或者单线程方式,没有真正实现软件意义上的可扩展性。

    However , in the current cluster router , the realization of BGP protocol is still achieved in single-process or single-thread , and there is no real sense of the software scalability .

  24. 使用Madu的搏斗风格一直沿用至今,被称为“maankombu”。

    The style of fighting with the madu is still practiced today .

  25. 按系古希腊运动会的名称(OLYMPIA),世界运动大会(即奥运会&编者注)仍沿用之。

    Games of ancient Greece by the name of ( OLYMPIA ), the World Sports Congress ( Editor 's Note-that is the Olympic Games ) is still used .

  26. 该方法在设备上沿用了普通TIG焊接设备,只改变了焊枪,生产成本低,有很好的发展前景。

    The equipment used by AA-TIG welding is the same with that of the ordinary TIG welding , the only change of which is the welding torch . The low production cost makes it a promising method of welding .

  27. 它是主要用于解决IPv6数据包的路由问题而提出的新版本路由协议,它的基本原理仍然沿用了OSPF的机制,如洪泛、DR选举、区域支持等都和OSPF相同中的相同。

    It is a new version of dynamic routing protocol , which is root in OSPF . Although the basic mechanism is same to OSPF , such as flooding 、 DR election 、 area support , and so on .

  28. 三星本周二发布了马上就要上市的N120netbook,这将是三星第三款10.1寸netbook产品。新的型号在机体和部分部件方面将沿用另一款新产品N110的设计。

    Samsung on Tuesday announced it will soon release the N120 netbook , which shares its body and many other components with the N110 spotted just yesterday .

  29. 尽管微机芯片迅速更新换代,但386体系结构的基本原理自1985年夏推出80386,到新世纪的P4仍在沿用。

    Despite the rapid upgrading of microcomputer chips , the fundamental principles of 386-system architecture are still in use from the 80386 launched in the summer of 1985 to the P4 in the new century .

  30. 罗比内特以新款Celta为例指出,新车型必须配置气囊,才能要满足巴西的监管要求,这就排除了沿用现行生产平台的可能性。

    The new Celta , for example , needs an airbag to meet Brazilian requirements , Robinet said , which precludes using the current platform .