
xiāo fèi jīnɡ jì xué
  • Consumption Economics;consumer economics
  1. 课程学习包括:服装的历史,着装与文化,色彩理论,消费经济学,纺织技术,服装社会心理学以及其他主题。

    Subjects of study include the history of dress , dress and culture , color theory , consumer economics , textile technology , sociopsychological aspects of clothing , and other topics .

  2. 其次,从消费经济学角度,根据保障对象对廉租住房保障的依赖程度不同,把他们的需求分为三大类,即完全依赖型、暂时依赖型和边缘型。

    Secondly , on the basis of Consumer Economics , vulnerable group dwelling in urban areas are divided into three types in the light of their dependence on Low-Rent Housing for security , totally dependent , temporary dependent and margin .

  3. 本文作者是GlobalInstituteforTomorrow创始人、首席执行官,著有《消费经济学》(Consumptionomics)一书

    The writer is founder and chief executive of the Global Institute for Tomorrow and author of ' Consumptionomics '

  4. 本文就消费经济学的内容、学习方法以及如何运用进行了解释与分析。

    This passage gives an explanation and analysis to studying and applying consumptive economics .

  5. 浅谈消费经济学的学习方法

    About the Method of Studying Consumptive Economics

  6. 消费经济学的内容十分丰富,并随着人们消费实践的发展而发展。

    Consumptive economics has an abound content . And it is increasingly developing with people 's consumptive behavior .

  7. 利用消费经济学研究框架,界定会计信息消费的涵义,提出了会计信息消费有效三因素,按照消费内容将会计信息消费体系分为会计信息消费水平、会计信息消费者结构和会计信息消费者行为。

    I explain this conception from accounting information consumption level , the component of accounting information consumer , the behavior of accounting information consumer .

  8. “消费经济学”的学科特点、学生需求和研究动态决定了引入研究性教学之必要,然而,研究性教学对趣味性、应用性和学术性的综合追求呼唤教育理念的创新。

    According to the characteristic of the subject , the requirement of the students and the dynamic of the research in consumption economics , it is necessary to introduce research teaching conception .

  9. 本文运用消费经济学与城市经济学的最新理论成果,采用定性分析与定量分析、规范分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法,分析了我国城乡居民消费对城市化率的影响。

    This paper uses the latest fruits of consumer economics and urban economics ; uses the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , standardized analysis and the demonstration analysis to analyze the impact of urban and rural residents ' consumption on urbanization in China .

  10. 个人高等教育消费的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Personal Higher Educational Consumption

  11. 环境质量消费的经济学分析

    Economical Analysis of Environmental Quality Consumption

  12. 炫耀性消费的经济学效用分析

    Economic analysis on conspicuous consumption

  13. 从经济学的角度分析了影响水果需求的主要因素,并对中国水果消费的经济学特征进行了考察。

    Existing problems of China 's fruit demand , its main influential factors are studied after comparing with those in developed countries .

  14. 本文从投资和消费的经济学角度,对读者的时间成本、制约因素和时间效益等问题进行了一定的比较分析与研究,从而提出了降低时间成本的有关途径和对策。

    The paper has analyzed the readers ' time costs and the time benefits comparatively at the point of investment and consumption of the economics , as a result , putting forward relevant means and countermeasures to reduce time costs .

  15. 影响河北消费需求的经济学伦理学分析

    Analysis of the Ethics in Economics Influencing Hebei Consumer Requirement

  16. 基于跨域消费与体育经济学的研究成果构建起跨域体育消费理论的基本模型。

    Based on cross-region consumption theory and sports economics , the basic model of cross-region sports consumption is set up .

  17. 而后追根溯源,阐释了消费信贷的经济学理论基础,即时间偏好理论、生命周期假说和持久性收入假说。

    Then , tracing to its source , explains the economics theoretical foundation of the consumer credit , that is , time-favor theory , life-cycle hypothesis and permanent-income theory .

  18. 从理论上看,消费理论是经济学理论的重要组成部分,凯恩斯宏观经济学的核心便是有效需求学说,对消费理论的研究可以不断丰富凯恩斯宏观经济学的内容。

    Consumption theory is an important component of economic theory , and the core of Keynesian macroeconomics is effective demand theory . To study consumption theory can enrich the Keynesian macroeconomics .

  19. 位置消费是消费经济学和福利经济学的前沿课题,是人类社会进步、经济发展、消费升级的具体体现。

    Positional consumption is a leading research field of the consumption economics and the wealth economics , and an embodiment of the advancement of the human society , the economic development , the consumption upgrading .

  20. 位置消费理论:福利经济学的前沿课题

    Positional Consumption Theory : the Frontiers Study of Welfare Economics

  21. 上瘾品消费外部性的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis on the Externality of Addictive Consumption

  22. 消费结构问题及其经济学分析

    The problems of Consumption Structure and Its Economics Analysis

  23. 内容提要消费函数是西方经济学理论体系中最重要的概念之一。

    The consumption function theory is a most important theory in the western economics .

  24. 奢侈消费辩证观:经济学、社会学双重视角评析

    A Dialectical Outlook For the Consumption of Luxuries : An Analysis Based On Dual Perspectives of Economics and Sociology

  25. 消费这个词源于经济学术语,如今被时代赋予更鲜明的社会意义。

    " Consumption " is the word from the economic terms , now is time to give a more distinct social significance .

  26. 分析了我国石油消费情况,运用经济学方法阐述了征收燃油税的必要性。

    This paper analyzed the situation of petroleum consumption and elucidated the necessity of imposing tax on fuel based on the economics method .

  27. 为此,消费问题一直是经济学界热议的问题,吸引了国内外大量学者对消费问题进行研究。

    To this end , the issue of consumer has become hot issues to attract a large number of domestic and foreign scholars to study on .

  28. 消费研究不仅受到经济学、管理学等传统研究领域的高度重视,而且也引起了其他人文、社会科学各分支的兴趣,社会学也不例外。

    Consumption is not only the subject matter of economics and management , but also causes the interests of other humanities and sociology sciences , and sociology is no exception .

  29. 在工业化初期阶段、发达工业化阶段和后工业社会,消费问题相继成为经济学、社会学和哲学研究的重要内容。

    In the early stages of industrialization , the advanced stage of industrialization and post-industrial society , consumer issues have become an important part of the study of economics , sociology and philosophy .

  30. 技术消费是技术哲学、传媒经济学和消费经济学边缘产生的概念。

    Technical consume is a concept extended from the edge of technology philosophy , media economics and consumption economy .