
  • 网络Negative Attitude
  1. 如果你不改变你对学习的消极态度,你就会遇到问题。

    If you don 't change your negative attitude towards studying , you 're going to have problems .

  2. 他们经常说一种积极或者消极态度都是会传染的。

    They also say that a positive or negative attitude can be contagious .

  3. 杰里米的消极态度令人费解。

    Jeremy 's passive attitude was hard to fathom .

  4. 失业会产生对工作的消极态度。

    Being unemployed produces negative attitudes to work

  5. 作为个体,我们对气候变化的消极态度可以通过和同龄人群体进行对比来加以纠正。

    The passive attitude we have to climate change as individuals can be altered by counting us in — and measuring us against — our peer group .

  6. 在新书《BeBeautiful,BeYou》中,这位23岁的大四学生分享了关于如此特别的她如何交友的经验,以及如何应对遇到的歧视和消极态度。

    In Be Beautiful , Be You the 23-year-old college senior shares advice on being unique , how to make and keep good friends and how to deal with bullying and negativity .

  7. 通过把对中国和巴基斯坦的负面评论发表在TOI上,你就是表达了消极态度。

    By putting negative comments on every China and Pak post on TOI you are contributing to the negative attitudes .

  8. Kitamura称,医生的不尽职也是日本对待女性妊娠期和产后性生活问题消极态度的部分原因。

    Kitamura said doctors may also be partly to blame for Japan 's negative attitudes toward sex during pregnancy or after giving birth .

  9. 他对自己的工作总是持消极态度。

    He has a negative attitude about his job .

  10. 失业会产生对工作的消极态度。个人风格;

    Being unemployed produces negative attitudes to work .

  11. 消极态度会惹恼别人,并质疑你的工作道德。

    Negativity gets on people 's nerves and calls your work ethic into question .

  12. 高中学校领导对待性教育的消极态度导致学校很少或者根本没有开展性教育教学工作。

    The leader of senior middle school don 't want to carry out sex education .

  13. 学生对大学英语语法学习的消极态度;

    Students'negative attitudes to College English learning ;

  14. 当然,当初吸引我的正是这种消极态度。

    Of course , it was precisely such attitudes that had originally caught my attention .

  15. 如果采取消极态度,就会妨碍内地工业的迅速发展。

    To adopt a negative attitude would be to hinder the latter 's speedy growth .

  16. 你会发现,调整消极态度的过程会给你带来更加幸福的明天。

    You will find the process of adjusting those negative attitudes will lead to a happier tomorrow .

  17. 然后暗中测试你的市场价值,而不是以消极态度抱怨你的不公处境。

    And then go test your market value quietly , rather than complaining passively about your martyr status .

  18. 这里释放出一个信号,那就是他与布什磨磨蹭蹭的消极态度截然不同,并且暗示着未来会有更大的举动。

    The move signalled a break with George Bush 's foot-dragging and hinted at grander things to come .

  19. 昨天跟猪爸又一次探讨了这个问题,莫名其妙地讨厌他隐忍、压抑、无奈的消极态度。

    I discussed this problem with Yue 's dad yesterday again . I unreasonably hated his negative and sad attitude .

  20. 专业人士对客户控制自残能力的认知也和消极态度有关。

    Negative attitudes were also linked to the health professionals'perceptions of the client 's ability to control their self harm .

  21. 尽管日本企业主总体仍对前景持消极态度,但也没有去年那么悲观。

    While business owners in Japan were still negative overall about the outlook , they were less pessimistic than last year .

  22. 这种有关中国的消极态度,误会就会很快消除.谢谢.

    This kind of misunderstanding about the , uh , pessimistic attitude of Chinese people will be eliminated very soon.Thank you .

  23. 最后,整理现有法律规范,总结出现行法律对土地承包经营权入股的消极态度。

    Finally , collect the existing legal norms , sum up the existing laws ' negative attitude on right to land contractual management .

  24. 但这不能解释为何现在许多人抱持消极态度,以及专家们几乎肯定地认为希腊不能成功。

    But this cannot explain the negative attitudes held today by many and the near-certainty of pundits that Greece will not make it .

  25. 即使你对你当前的工作感到不开心,你在谈到为什么你要离开时也总应该避免流露出消极态度。

    Even if youre unhappy in your current job , always avoid any negativity when you talk about why you want to leave .

  26. 在外显态度中,积极态度组和消极态度组差异显著,总体态度上呈现积极趋势。

    Among the explicit attitude , the positive attitude and negative attitude groups had significant different , the whole attitude shows the positive trends .

  27. 非英语专业学生的焦虑主要体现为口语焦虑和对英语课的消极态度;英语专业学生则对听力焦虑的感受最为强烈。

    While non-English majors ' anxiety is largely speech anxiety and negative attitudes towards the English class , English majors are most anxious about listening .

  28. 然而,市场一般会对现金支付作出比较积极的反应,对股票支付则持消极态度。

    However , empirical research consistently finds that the market reacts significantly more favorably to announcement of cash deals than to announcements of stock deals .

  29. 同时我们可以通过各种方法来改变居民娱乐休闲的消极态度,强化积极态度。

    At the same time , we may change residents ' negative attitude and strengthen the positive attitude towards recreation and leisure with various methods .

  30. 不安全感和消极态度不会给你带来裨益,因为你要不断屏住呼吸、等着事情失败。

    Insecurity and negativity won 't serve you well , because you 'll be constantly holding your breath , waiting for things to fall apart .