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插画 [chā huà]
  • [artistic illustration] 作品中艺术性的插图

  1. 这类作品正在韩国形成一股逐渐崛起的文化力量,有超快速的网络和智能手机痴迷族做后盾,再有一小群年轻、有创意、懂技术的插画作家搞创作。

    The genre1 is a growing cultural force in South Korea , supported by an ultrafast Internet and smartphone-crazy populace , and fueled by a small army of young , creative , tech-savvy graphic2 artists .

  2. 当我还只有六岁的时候,在一本描写原始森林的名叫《真实的故事》的书中,看到了一副精彩的插画,画的是一条蟒蛇正在吞食一只大野兽。

    Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book , called True Stories from Nature , about the primeval forest . It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal .

  3. 还有雪帕德!Punch杂志最幽默的作者和最棒的插画师

    And Shepard ! Punch 's funniest writer and best illustrator .

  4. 来自伊利诺亚斯州Sheridon的SemanthaBrown说我为儿童书插画注解的时候拍的

    Semantha Brown in Sheridon lllinois , I was illustrating a scene for a children 's book ,

  5. CG插画现今已经涉足到了视觉传达设计的众多领域。

    The CG illustration nowadays already stepped in the visual transmission design numerous domains .

  6. 我已经有很多概念了,我喜欢用插画草图的方式创造生动的故事,同时开始收集相关的3D模型和图片。

    I have many dream projects . I 'd like to create a graphic novel , work as independant illustrator , start a3D model collection and work on an Artbook .

  7. CG插画的艺术特征在CG产业及现代视觉传达设计中较具有代表性。

    The feature of CG illustrations is representative in the CG industries and modern visual communication design .

  8. DaleEdwinMurray是一位自由插画师和设计师,来自伦敦东部。

    Dale Edwin Murray is a freelance illustrator and designer in east London .

  9. 现代CG插画特指用计算机创作完成的插画,它的核心是新科技、新技术所提供的数码具象化的视觉形式。

    Modern CG illustrations refer to illustrations created by computer , with a visual form of digital realization provided by new technology .

  10. 现在,我开始接触到更多的封面。然而,比起那些杰作和2D的插画来,3D还没有那么受欢迎。

    I 'm starting to get more contacts for covers of books , however , 3D is still not something that people are used to seeing in the same light as classic or digital2D illustrations .

  11. CG插画艺术以数字科技的发展和新媒体技术为基础,随着数字技术的日趋成熟,也将得到进一步的发展和普及。

    CG illustrator art digital technology and new media technology , as digital technology becomes more mature , will also be further developed and spread .

  12. 以便于更广泛地展开CG插画的新探索,以便于探究其创作能运用于社会商业文化策划设计中的可能性。

    Is advantageous widely launches the CG illustration the new exploration , is advantageous inquired into that its creation can utilize in the society commercial culture plan design the possibility .

  13. 另一个我最喜欢的插画设计师是CristobalSchmal,他很巧的是我的一个大学同学。

    Another illustration favorite is illustrator and designer Cristobal Schmal who also happens to be a colleague .

  14. 我想从一位插画作家开始,你们中一些人可能是看着他的书长大的,他就是Seuss博士。

    And I 'd like to start with an author illustrator whom some of you probably grew up reading : Dr. Seuss .

  15. 报道还配以一个卡通插画,画中的山姆大叔一手拿着一个汉堡和一个电影卷轴,另一手向前举着一张写着SAT思想政治的纸张。

    The report , which was distributed by Xinhua , was paired with a cartoon of Uncle Sam holding a hamburger and a movie reel on one side while , with another hand , thrusting forward a piece of paper that says , SAT ideology and politics .

  16. 18岁的罗茜·莱克目前正在温哥华的卡普兰大学学习平面设计及插画,她在Tumblr上发布了一张照片,照片题为“评判”。

    Rosea Lake , 18 , who is studying graphic design and illustration at Capilano University in Vancouver , posted a photograph titled Judgements to her Tumblr account .

  17. 有个名字不断出现——拉斐尔·波达洛·皮涅罗(RafaelBordaloPinheiro),他是19世纪著名的插画家和陶艺家,作品被大英博物馆收藏。

    One marquee name in stock is Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro , a celebrated 19th-century illustrator and ceramist whose work has been collected by the British Museum .

  18. 因此,探究CG插画艺术特征,对研究视觉传达设计的新特点有着重大意义,也对今后的创作和实践起到指导作用。

    Therefore , to explore the unique artistic CG illustrator art features , the study of visual communication design of the new features of great significance , but also on the future play a guiding role in the creation and practice .

  19. 评审员约翰·利思戈(JohnLithgow)称该书“魅力十足”。布莱科尔用墨水、水彩和黑莓汁绘制了温暖而精细的插画,展现了历史的跨越和亲情的延绵。

    Our reviewer , John Lithgow , called out the book 's " abundant charms . " Blackall 's warm , finely detailed illustrations - done in ink , watercolor and blackberry juice - capture the sweep of history and the constancy of family love .

  20. 上个月,他成为首位获得国际安徒生奖(HansChristianAndersenAward)的中国作家。他与德国插画家罗特劳特·苏珊·贝尔纳(RotrautSusanneBerner)分享了这一奖项。该奖被认为是最著名的国际儿童文学奖,每两年颁发一次。

    Last month , he became the first Chinese author to receive the Hans Christian Andersen Award , regarded as the most distinguished international honor for children 's literature . He shared the prize , handed out every other year , with the German illustrator Rotraut Susanne Berner .

  21. 一名建筑师,艺术家和美国宇航局前插画,美国艺术家科特温纳氏惊人的艺术品召唤详细的街道都巴洛克宗教壁画和救助人Daliesque超现实的图像。

    An architect , artist and former NASA illustrator , american artist Kurt Wenner 's amazingly detailed street artworks conjure images of both Baroque religious murals and a Salvor Daliesque surrealism .

  22. 我最近发明TatsuroKiuchi的插画,简洁明了,尤其那种黑与白体式格局,让我印象非常深刻。

    I also like many Japanese illustrators . I recently discovered Tatsuro Kiuchi and the simplicity in his drawings , especially those in black and white , I found to be very impressive .

  23. 你知道的,也就是放大细部的普通局部插画。

    You know , the usual section cut giving the magnification .

  24. 这些医学插画都会成为解剖学迷人的地方。

    these medical illustrations are what makes studying anatomy so intriguing .

  25. 也为儿童插画的发展做出了巨大贡献。

    Illustrations for children 's development and made great contributions .

  26. 维诺庭园中的无价之宝&美国国家插画博物馆

    Priceless Treasure in Vernon Court & The National Museum of American Illustration

  27. 他是罗马尼亚著名漫画家、插画家和美术编辑。

    He is a famous Romanian cartoonist , illustrator and art editor .

  28. 儿童插画属于插画的一种特有的表现方式。

    Children illustration is a specific manifestation mode of illustration .

  29. 对国内卡通形象商业插画产业链的研究

    Domestic Cartoon Image of the Commercial Illustration Industry Chain Research

  30. 这些插画是从一些珍奇的版画复制的。

    These illustrations have been reproduced from some rare prints .