
  • 网络insertion loss;INSERT LOSS
  1. 高温超导膜微波表面电阻Rs对微波滤波器插入损耗的贡献

    Contributions of the surface resistance of high-temperature superconducting films to the insertion loss of the microwave filters

  2. EMI电源滤波器中的插入损耗测试技术

    The Analysis of Test Technology for Insertion Loss in EMI Power Filter

  3. 基于开路阻抗参数的EMI电源滤波器插入损耗研究

    Insertion Loss Research of EMI Power-Line Filter Based on Open-Circuit Impedance Parameter

  4. EMI电源滤波器接地方法对共模插入损耗的影响

    The Influence of Grounding on EMI Power Filter 's Common-mode Insertion Loss

  5. 低插入损耗高隔离度SOI射频开关电路的研究

    Investigation into Low Insertion-Loss & High Isolation SOI RF Switch

  6. MEMS器件具有以下优点:1,MEMS器件具有很小的插入损耗,这样可以得到更高的品质印数;

    MEMS device has advantages as below : 1 , low insertion loss , and high Q parameter ;

  7. EMI滤波器插入损耗的理论计算与铁基纳米晶材料的应用

    Theoretical Calculation of Insertion Loss for EMI Filters and Fe-Base Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Material

  8. 介绍了EMI电源滤波器中的插入损耗性能指标的重要性;

    The importance of the insertion loss of performance index in EMI power filter is introduced .

  9. 波纹馈源喇叭具有低的插入损耗、高的束效率和在E、H平面高斯束分布的良好对称特性,且消除了旁办。

    The scalar feed horns have low insertion loss , high beam efficiencies and good symmetrical Gaussian beam patterns with negligible sidelobes in E and H plane .

  10. 提出了利用开路阻抗参数矩阵分析EMI电源滤波器插入损耗的方法。

    A method for insertion loss of EMI power-line filter by analyzing open-circuit impedance parameter is proposed .

  11. 由于SAW器件具有频率选择性及较高的插入损耗,使得它的输入必须为高脉冲且脉冲的频谱宽度能覆盖SAW抽头延迟线的中心频率。

    Due to the frequency selectivity and high insertion loss of SAW device , the input must be high pulse whose spectrum width can cover the center frequency of SAW tap delay line .

  12. 测试了不同体积含量MWCNTS/石英复合材料在8.2-12.4GHz(X波段)的电磁波衰减性能,即插入损耗。

    The microwave attenuation measurement ( insertion loss ) was carried out in 8.2 - 12.4 GHz ( X-band ) .

  13. 文章通过对几种RF射频开关设计的比较分析,提出了高隔离度和低插入损耗的RF开关的设计思路。

    After the compare and analysis , it give us a picture of how to design a RF switch which have high isolation and low insertion loss performance .

  14. RFMEMS开关具有尺寸小、插入损耗小、隔离度大、线性度好、较宽的工作频段、直流功率小等优点。

    RF MEMS switches have many advantages such as small size , low insertion loss , high isolation , excellent linearity , wide frequency and low power consumption .

  15. 3mm波段烟幕插入损耗测量

    Insertion Loss Measurement of Smoke Screen at 3 mm Band

  16. 由于利用了膜结构以及扭转臂和杠杆的原理,这种独特的MEMS微波开关激励电压比较低、隔离度较高、插入损耗比较低、稳定性好。

    As utilizing principle of torsion spring and leverage , the unique MEMS microwave switch has low actuation voltage , high isolation , low insertion loss and good stability .

  17. 但此全光纤Q开关装置与光纤熔接损耗小,从而克服了体光学调制器与光纤对接时插入损耗高的特点。

    The loss of all optic fibers Q-switch unit welding with optic fibers is small and thus overcomes the fault of high inserting loss when volume optical modulator joining with optic fibers .

  18. 用插入损耗法和伏安法得出偏磁状态下的铁氧体磁芯的H~μr和f~μr曲线。

    Use the volt - ampere method and measure the insertion loss of the coil inductance to obtain the curves of H ~ μ r and f ~ μ r of ferrite in bias magnetic field .

  19. 用一种简便方法分析研究了使用三角形铁氧体柱的H面Y结波导环行器,理论分析结果与实验结果吻合良好,所论环行器插入损耗低,频带却宽。

    An H-Plane waveguide U-junction circulator with a trangular ferrite post is analyzed using a simple method . The circulator exhibits a low insertion loss and a wide bandwidth . Experimental results were coincident with the theory .

  20. 在未来的研究中,可以采用高Q值、低损耗等新型材料作为其介质基板,从而降低其插入损耗。

    In future studies , new materials with the advantages of high Q , lower loss can be used as a dielectric substrate , thereby can reduce the insertion loss of the filter .

  21. 通过分析和实验验证了并联电容阻抗是负载阻抗的1/N或串联电感是负载阻抗的N倍时,插入损耗将提高N倍估算方法的正确性。

    Analysis and experiments validate that the insertion loss is improved by N times when the impedance of parallel capacitor is 1 / N of load impedance or the impedance of serial inductor is N times of load impedance .

  22. 在所建模型中,要求光生载流子层的等效深度要近似等于所加载Si片的厚度,以保证开关导通时较低的插入损耗。

    To insure the insertion loss of the switch at its on state , the effective penetration of the optical induced carrier layer should be equal to the thickness of the Si dice in the model .

  23. 最后对滤波器屏蔽体的电磁屏蔽效能仿真分析,并实际搭建了一个滤波器,测试结果显示,EMI信号线滤波器的插入损耗能够达到预期的目标。

    As well as the actual filter is set up , the test results show that the insertion loss of EMI signal line filter have achieved the expected goal .

  24. 研究了作为耦合长L的函数的理论耦合量和插入损耗。

    The theoretical coupling amount and insertion loss as functions of coupling length have been studied .

  25. 为设计出高品质的移动通信SAWF需要对带宽、插入损耗等性能不断进行优化来达到设计要求。

    In order to design the high-quality SAWF need to optimize the bandwidth , insertion loss properties .

  26. 利用初始透过率为70%的染料片调Q获得的脉冲最窄,但是其插入损耗大,抽运阈值高,输出也不稳定。

    The narrowest Q switched laser pulse could be obtained with a dye wafer with 70 % initial transmission . But because of its high insert loss , the threshold was high and the output was not stable .

  27. 从理论上看,这种光开关具有很小的插入损耗、很好的对比度,以及ps量级的开关速度,并有望在室温下工作,显示了极大的优越性。

    Theoretically , we can conclude that this switch has low insertion loss , good contrast ratio and fast switching speed in ps degree ; it can work at room temperature hopefully in ultrafast optical communication .

  28. 作为一应用实例,计算了一只Ka波段三节E面带通滤波器的频率响应特性,所得插入损耗的理论值与测量结果符合较好。

    As an example of their applications , the frequency responses of a three-resonator Ka-band E-plane band-pass filter have been calculated . Theoretical results of the insertion loss in passband are in agreement with the measured results .

  29. H-FRA的开关增益不仅与PCF在光纤链路中的位置有关,还与其插入损耗和泵浦方式有关;

    Whereas , the on-off gains are not only dependent on the position of the PCF in the span , but also related to the PCF loss and pump configuration .

  30. 与采用补偿电流注入大地方式的典型有源EMI滤波器相比,该有源EMI滤波器克服了补偿电流不足所带来的插入损耗变小的缺点。

    Compared to typical active filter , compensation current of which is directly injected into the earth , the proposed filter overcomes the shortcoming of small insert loss caused by deficiency of compensation current .