
bāo róng
  • Inclusion;tolerate;forgive;comprehend;pardon
包容 [bāo róng]
  • (1) [comprehend]∶容纳

  • 至于战士的深情,你小小的团泊洼怎能包容得下。--郭小川诗《团泊洼的秋天》

  • (2) [forgive]∶宽容

  • 大度包容

包容[bāo róng]
  1. 只有心胸宽广的人,才能理解他人,包容他人。

    Only a large-hearted man can understand others and pardon ( hold ) others .

  2. 20%的中学生对中学生性行为持包容态度。

    20 % of the responders could forgive sex behavior in middle / high school students .

  3. 他对其他宗教持非常包容的态度。

    He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions .

  4. 这次调查的结果进行了加权处理,以包容样本中的偏差。

    The results of the survey were weighted to allow for variations in the sample .

  5. 他是个喜欢抱怨的老头,但是她对他很包容。

    He 's an old grouch but she puts up with him .

  6. 说起种族间的包容,比利可真是宅心仁厚。

    Billy is on the side of the angels when it comes to racial tolerance .

  7. 与学校相比,非正式的学习环境对失败更加包容。

    Informal learning environments tolerate failure better than schools .

  8. 屈服于压力从而变得更“包容”一定意味着功能失调。

    Giving in to pressure to be more " inclusive " is a guarantee of dysfunction .

  9. 一些移民倡导者担心,由于经济困难使当地人更难保住工作,这些措施将降低包容度,而不是促进融合。

    Some immigrant advocates worry that as hard financial times make it more difficult for natives to keep jobs , such measures will become more a vehicle for intolerance than integration .

  10. 粗俗代沟(vulgaritygap)指两代人或两个不同的群体对于粗俗行为的不同包容度。

    Vulgarity gap is a disparity in the tolerance1 for vulgarity between generations or communities .

  11. 科伊尔说:“这是一个难得的机会,不仅能够让一个深受喜爱的角色活起来,还能够传播HelloKitty所代表的爱、友谊和包容。这个世界太需要她的欢乐和幸福了。”

    Coyle said " this is not only a rare chance to bring a beloved character to life , but also to spread the message of love , friendship and inclusivity that Hello Kitty stands for . The world so needs her brand of joy and happiness . "

  12. 大教堂或许就是包容的最终反映。

    Cathedrals are perhaps the ultimate reflection of this inclusiveness .

  13. 开放、包容、非歧视、透明和基于规则的多边贸易体系

    an open , inclusive , non-discriminatory , transparent and rule-based multilateral trading system

  14. 开放、包容和共赢的精神

    the spirit of openness , inclusiveness and win-win cooperation

  15. 从犯罪形态来看,“杀害被绑架人”的立法属于包容加重犯

    The criminal pattern kidnapping and killing the kidnapped person is contained and aggravated crime legislatively .

  16. 中国和中东欧国家都坚信开放创造机遇、包容成就多元,这也是中国-中东欧国家合作保持旺盛生命力的根本所在。

    China and CEE countries share the conviction that openness brings opportunities and inclusiveness ensures diversity .

  17. 世界的发展需要进入更加平等、包容、可持续的轨道,妇女事业是衡量的重要标尺。

    Global development needs to be placed on a course that is more equal , inclusive and sustainable , and women 's development is an important criterion to gauge its progress .

  18. 他强调,要深化亚太命运共同体意识,持续推进区域经济一体化,加快创新发展步伐,促进区域互联互通,实现包容和可持续发展。

    In the keynote speech delivered at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Dialogues via video link in Beijing , he said the region need to accelerate innovation-driven growth , enhance regional connectivity , and realize inclusive and sustainable development .

  19. 我们希望阿富汗塔利班同阿富汗各党派、各民族团结起来,建立符合阿富汗自身国情、广泛包容的政治架构,为阿富汗实现持久和平奠定基础。

    We hope the Afghan Taliban can form solidarity groups in Afghanistan , and build a broad-based and inclusive political structure suited to the national realities , so as to lay the foundation for achieving enduring peace in the country .

  20. name属性是一个单值包容引用。

    The name property is a single-valued containment reference .

  21. 髋关节包容关系的螺旋CT测量

    Spiral CT measurement of containment relationship of hip joint

  22. 三月底,金永吉在《金融时报》(FinancialTimes)言论版倡导创造一个具有包容精神的世行,但却对性别问题只字不提。

    On Wednesday , Kim called for an inclusive world bank in a Financial Times op-ed ; there was not one mention of gender .

  23. 一般地,一个场所(site)是一个中间对象,它位于容器对象与被包容对象之间。

    In general , a site is an intermediate object placed in the middle of the container and each contained object .

  24. VISUALBASIC客户程序测试表明:无论是包容还是聚合,客户程序均可由外部组件的缺省接口访问到内部组件接口。

    Visual Basic testing client has proved that inner component interface can be accessed via outer component default interface in both containment and aggregation .

  25. 新CEO可能更加包容,但时间是把双刃剑。

    A new CEO may be more receptive , but time is a double-edge sword .

  26. 上周,笔者撰文提出,在世界经济论坛(theWorldEconomicForum)年会的讨论中,应该包容发散性思维,以及有别于多数派的不同声音。

    Last week , I wrote about the need to include divergent and contrarian views in the conversations taking place at the world economic forum annual meeting .

  27. 不能仅通过非包容引用指向一个SDO。

    You cannot point to an SDO only with a noncontainment reference .

  28. 目的通过髋关节螺旋CT轴位及多平面重建(MPR)图像进行立体测量,建立正常髋关节包容关系定量评价标准。

    Objective To establish the normal quantitative assessment criteria of hip containment relationship through stereo-measurement in spiral CT axial and multi-planar reconstruction images of hip joint .

  29. 元素包含于元素之中,这一事实建模为从authorSDO的姓名属性到nameSDO的包容引用属性。

    The fact that the element is contained within the element is modeled as a containment reference property from the name property of the author SDO to the name SDO .

  30. 通过调用IOleObject提供的方法,容器对象使得被包容对象清楚地了解其HOST的环境。

    By calling methods on IOleObject , the container makes the object aware of its host environment .