
bāo jīn
  • gild;rolled gold;cover with gold leaf
包金 [bāo jīn]
  • [cover with gold leaf] 用薄金叶包在铜银首饰的外面

  • 包金镯子

包金[bāo jīn]
  1. 那个个子矮小的女裁缝在花铺里买了一包金莲花种子

    The little dressmaker bought an envelope of nasturtium seeds at the florists .

  2. 用X射线荧光分析技术甄别金制品和镀、包金赝品粉末治金制品在解放牌汽车中的应用

    Distinguishing between gold samples and plated gold fake by X rays fluorescence analysis application of p / m products in liberation [ jie fang ] grade automobile

  3. 从理论上阐述了把X射线荧光分析和低能伽玛射线散射结合起来甄别金制品和镀、包金赝品的可行性,并在实验中进行了验证。

    A method of combining X ray fluorescence analysis with low energy γ rays scattering to distinguish between mix gold samples and plated gold or wrapped gold samples is described , and it is proved in experiment .

  4. 相比之下,起价349美元的AppleWatchSport和起价549美元的AppleWatch都不算特别贵,而购买一款包金裹银,起价1万美元的AppleWatchEdition也不算特别疯狂的举动。

    That means the Apple Watch Sport ( starting $ 349 ) and Apple Watch ( starting $ 549 ) are inexpensive by comparison , while the gold and silver Apple Watch Edition models that start at $ 10000 aren 't crazy purchases .

  5. 铁包金为鼠李科属矮小或藤状灌木。

    Tie Bao-Jin is Small or vines shrubs of Rhamnaceae .

  6. 这样的基因作用也决定了铁包金狗的金色部分的颜色深浅。

    These same genes work to determine the shade of tan on Black and Tan dogs .

  7. 通过铁包金抗肿瘤实验的研究,确定铁包金的抗肿瘤效果,并对其抗肿瘤的机制作出一定的研究。

    Through the Tie Bao-Jin anti-tumor research , determine the antitumor effect of Tie Bao-Jin , and its antitumor mechanism to make a research .

  8. 因植物铁包金的根栓毛呈褐色如铁,木质部颜色黄似金,故名铁包金。

    Call it Tie Bao-Jin because the root of plant bolt hair root brown such as iron , and its xylem color yellow like gold .

  9. 有金香炉,(炉或作坛)有包金的约柜,柜里有盛吗哪的金罐,和亚伦发过芽的杖,并两块约版。

    Which had the golden censer , and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold , wherein was the golden pot that had manna , and Aaron 's rod that budded , and the tables of the covenant ;